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Everything posted by funjumper101

  1. Why do the so called "pro-lifers" hate women so much? Do they not believe that women should have control over their own bodies? I trust women to make their own decisions. They don't need a MAN (state government) to tell them how to conduct their lives. These are the same assholes who rail about "government intrusion into private lives" while doing EXACTLY THAT with bullshit laws like this one. These are the same assholes who don't give a rats ass about the "sanctity of life" once the kid is delivered. They are death penalty advocates. They'll vote down health care, welfare, child care assistance for single mothers, etc, etc, while claiming to be "family oriented". Hypocritical scumbags, aren't they? I would MUCH rather have my federal tax dollars pay for abortions than for welfare, or prisons and incarceration for the unwanted kids that grow up to be dirtbags.
  2. Let's hope that they can write off all of their debts like a business can. Thanks to the rescumlican rewrite of the bankruptcy laws, people, as in, individual human beings, have LESS rights in a bankruptcy proceeding than businesses do. Thanks to the same rewrite, corporate officers are MORE protected from accountability for debts. The same old rescum story - fuck over the common folks for the benefit of big business. And normal everyday working folks are tricked into supporting the rescums. Voting against their own best interests consistently. Very odd...
  3. No kidding. Grossly ignorant of facts and the US Constitution, loud and proud of their ignorance, and extremely racist. Your kind of people all right.
  4. Lies are lies, no matter how many times they are repeated, or how LOUD your voice is when you say the lies. Begin quoted text >>> Glenn Beck and other far right multi-millionaires are claiming that the US is hot on the path toward socialism. Part of their claim is that the US is much more generous and supportive of our working and poor people than other countries. People may wish it was so, but it is not. As Sen. Patrick Moynihan used to say "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But everyone is not entitled to their own facts." The fact is that the US is not really all that generous to our working and poor people compared to other countries. Consider the US in comparison to the rest of the 30 countries that join the US in making up the OECD - the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. These 30 countries include Canada and most comparable European countries, but also include some struggling countries like Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic and Turkey. When you look at how the US compares to these 30 countries, the hot air myths about the US government going all out toward socialism sort of disappear into thin air. Here are some examples of myths that do not hold up. Myth No. 1: The US Government Is Involved in Class Warfare, Attacking the Rich to Lift Up the Poor. There is a class war going on all right. But it is the rich against the rest of us and the rich are winning. The gap between the rich and everyone else is wider in the US than any of the 30 other countries surveyed. In fact, the top 10 percent in the US have a higher annual income than any other country. And the poorest 10 percent in the US are below the average of the other OECD countries. The rich in the US have been rapidly leaving the middle class and poor behind since the 1980s. Myth No. 2: The US Already Has the Greatest Health Care System in the World. Infant mortality in the US is fourth worst among OECD countries - better only than Mexico, Turkey and the Slovak Republic. Myth No. 3: There Is Less Poverty in the US Than Anywhere. Child poverty in the US, at over 20 percent or one out of every five kids, is double the average of the 30 OECD countries. Myth No. 4: The US Is Generous in Its Treatment of Families With Children. The US ranks in the bottom half of countries in terms of financial benefits for families with children. Over half of the 30 OECD countries pay families with children cash benefits regardless of the income of the family. Some among those countries (e.g. Austria, France and Germany) pay additional benefits if the family is low income or one of the parents is unemployed. Myth No. 5: The US Is Very Supportive of Its Workers. The US gives no paid leave for working mothers having children. Every single one of the other 30 OECD countries has some form of paid leave. The US ranks dead last in this. Over two-thirds of the countries give some form of paid paternity leave. The US also gives no paid leave for fathers. In fact, it is only workers in the US who have no guaranteed days of paid leave at all. Korea is the next lowest to the US and it has a minimum of eight paid annual days of leave. Most of the other 30 countries require a minimum of 20 days of annual paid leave for their workers. Myth No. 6: Poor People Have More Chance of Becoming Rich in the US Than Anywhere Else. Social mobility (how children move up or down the economic ladder in comparison with their parents) in earnings, wages and education tends to be easier in Australia, Canada and Nordic countries like Denmark, Norway and Finland, than in the US. That means more of the rich stay rich and more of the poor stay poor here in the US. Myth No. 7: The US Spends Generously on Public Education. In terms of spending for public education, the US is just about average among the 30 countries of the OECD. Educational achievement of US children, however, is seventh worst in the OECD. On public spending for childcare and early education, the US is in the bottom third. Myth No. 8: The US Government Is Redistributing Income From the Rich to the Poor. There is little redistribution of income by government in the US in part because spending on social benefits like unemployment and family benefits is so low. Of the 30 countries in the OECD, only in Korea is the impact of governmental spending lower. Myth No. 9: The US Generously Gives Foreign Aid to Countries Across the World. The US gives the smallest percentage of aid of any of the developed countries in the OECD. In 2007, the US was tied for last with Greece. In 2008, we were tied for last with Japan. Despite the opinions of right-wing folks, the facts say the US is not on the path toward socialism. But if socialism means the US would go down the path of being more generous with our babies, our children, our working families, our pregnant mothers and our sisters and brothers across the world, I think we could all appreciate it.
  5. Bullcrap - most farms could qualify without much trouble. Yeah, but we still have hope that you and the other 'useful idiots' will wake up. And you and yours are stooges for the opposite side. You're for it because Obama / Olbermann / Maddow told you that it was a good thing and that Bush lied about it, so you bought into it hook line and sinker. Gullibility is nothing to be proud of, unless, of course, you are a RWC. Then is is the norm and those that have the brains enough to question things are thought poorly of. If the RWCs weren't supporting policies that hurt me and mine, I wouldn't be so pissed off. The fact that RWCs support policies that benefit only the top 0.5 percent of the population is what pisses me off. You dickheads don't get that you are being played like a piano by the wealthy folks who own the mass media. You are in favor of things that are BAD for the USA and the 99.5 percent of us regular folks. Try BBC news as a place for international and political news. You might find that Faux pales in comparison, especially if you FACT CHECK what Faux presents as "news".
  6. No, I am not a vegetarian. I enjoy eating meat. I am not against the killing of animals to provide us with that meat. In fact, as a child I helped my father and uncles kill and butcher cattle, sheep, hogs, chickens, rabbits, etc. I do not like the Japanese killing so many whales, but I like even less the tactics used by those who are trying to stop them. When will they stop? When they manage to sink a whaler and allow its crew to drown or die of hypothermia while they watch? How hypocritical of you to decry the US for the isolated acts of a very few of it's soldiers and then cheer on the terrorist acts of the Sea Shepards. Can you identify ANY mammal research projects anywhere in the world whereby the subjects of the research are killed and the meat sold commercially, for profit? Didn't think so... It doesn't take 1000 dead whales to figure out if the population is healthy, or not. Commercial whaling has been banned by international treaty. The Japanese have signed the treaty. Commercial whaling under the guise of "research" is wrong. The easy way to resolve this for the Japanese government to make the sale of whale meat illegal. They haven't, and won't, so they are engaged in an illegal commercial harvest. There is no scientific purpose for the harvest. No studies are published and peer reviewed.
  7. You lack Scriptural understanding. No one can sell themselves as "The Second Advent." It will be factually determined following the seven year tribulation period and will occur at Mt. Olivet in Israel. This sure seems like a YES answer to my question. You WILL go along with whomever makes a convincing case that they are the Second Coming. Nice...
  8. Let me get this straight, Ron. Let's say someone comes along and convincingly presents him or herself as the second coming of Jesus. They sell the idea and establish a large band of followers. Would you go along with them when they work to overthrow the current secular government of the USA, to establish a "christian" theocratic government? That certainly isn't what one would expect from people who love this country and consider themselves patriots. Quite the opposite. Next thing you know proposing secession from the Union will be considered patriotic. Oh yeah, in Texas, it already is.
  9. The inheritance tax is simply a capital gains tax on VERY large estates. The assets and investments are changing ownership, so capital gains kicks in. It does NOT apply to 99.5 % of the population. For that 0.5%, a decent tax attorney that specializes in estate planning can minimize or eliminate the tax anyway. This is an example of how the wealthiest people in the country sell the poor folks really bad ideas that are NOT in their best interests. The idea that the "death tax" is bad and should be abolished is a new pitch that has come out of the disaster of ShrubCo. None of the poor folks will ever have anything to do with an estate tax, but they will be all upset about something that has NO EFFECT on their lives, other then to lessen their tax burden slightly. The "sheeple" effect in all its glory. The dumb asses that get whipped into a frenzy over estate taxes are stooges for the ultra-wealthy. They are quite proud to be that way. Very odd. These are the same people who stand to benefit most from the modest health care reforms that passed, but are against it because they're told to be by Faux news, Lush, Beckerhead, etc. They don't understand what the bill actually does, but they are opposed anyway.
  10. Excellent results by the Sea Sheperds. With any luck, they'll be even MORE effective next year. It is time for the Japanese to QUIT commercial whaling under the bogus claim of "research". If it truly was "research", the meat would not be sold commercially.
  11. So much for fiscal responsibility and responsible spending. Gotta love it how they hang it on the head of a junior staffer.
  12. Here is a link to Wiki Close enough for derisive web posting...
  13. Come on, where are all the anti government regulation Right Wing Conservatives? Stand up and be proud of the predictable outcome of your anti-regulatory attitudes. According to you folks, government regulations are a hindrance to business operations and should be minimized or eliminated. Who gives a shit if people die? You can't impose any regulations that would cut into profits. That isn't the American Way, if you are an RWC.
  14. Unabashed socialism? WTF? Jesus was a capitalist? Care for the poor and unwanted = capitalist? Jesus was a Right Wing Conservative that supported the status quo? I don't think so... Ron, do you read the bible and believe you truly understand the teachings of the Lord Jesus? His politics were 180 degrees off of yours, in the context of his times. Your maker is not going to be very happy with you when you are called to account. What about the "socialist" public schools? My money paying for other people's kids getting an education for FREE? I don't think so. What about the "socialist" fire departments? My money being used to protect others? NO WAY!!! Socialist Police departments? BAD IDEA!!! RWCs and their "socialist" bullshit lines are ridiculous. It is an exact retread of the "red scare" of the fifities. The "godless communists" will come for us!!!
  15. Cheech and Chong - "I used to all messed up on drugs, now I'm all messed up on the Lord" It does seem to have a negative effect on one's judgement, doesn't it?
  16. If by "abuse" you mean that you do everything allowable by the tax code(tax laws) to reduce your taxes, then yes, they are scumbags. The people on the left that do the same thing must not be scumbags though. Your hypocrisy is showing. Why don't you go look up what a T-28 Trojan is. Then come back and let us know if it is remotely possible that the aircraft could be used in furtherance of a RELIGIOUS mission for the good of the "church". A big honking WWII warbird is NOT something that is legit to be under the tax exempt unbrella of this so called "church". I am not against legit tax exemptions and tax deduction. This one isn't. You can claim anything you want to RE: IRS paperwork. As long as you don't get audited, you may get away with tax evasion and fraud. Getting away with it doesn't make it right. I expect a so called "religious organization" to have better morals and ethics than what has occurred in this instance. Just for clarification - Do you believe that a WWII warbird is an item that should be a tax exempt asset for a "church"? Why? I don't think that churches should get ANY special treatment under the tax code. They should pay taxes on their property and assets. No special treatment needed.
  17. Once again, right wing conservative morons step up to the plate to defend that which is indefensible. The scumbags abuse the tax code so that they can NOT pay their fair share of taxes and that is totally fine with you. What the fuck is wrong with you people? I thought that a key principle of RWC was fiscal responsibility. Just goes to show what hypocrites y'all are. There is NO WAY a T-28 Trojan should be tax exempt. That is a TOY. A really BIG toy, but a toy. It can't be used for anything practical that would "further the ministry".
  18. It sure is a good thing that anyone can carry guns around in Arizona. It certainly promotes public safety. Published 4/10/10 PHOENIX — Authorities said a Surprise man has been arrested on suspicion of endangerment when the gun he was carrying discharged inside a Walmart in El Mirage. El Mirage police said the 30-year-old man entered the store around 1 a.m. Thursday and witnesses said he repeatedly fidgeted with a holstered semi-automatic pistol. When he went to a counter to pay for a video game, witnesses said he removed the gun from the holster — causing the magazine to come loose and fall to the floor. They said he reinserted the magazine and continued manipulating the gun when it fired, sending one bullet into the ceiling. Police said no injuries were reported. He was booked into the downtown Phoenix jail on six counts of endangerment and firing a weapon in city limits.
  19. He never said such a thing, so why are you calling him pathetic? Here we have yet another tax happy person. Governments should be looking to reduce their spending (yes this includes the military) instead of looking for new tax revenue sources. By the way, they (politicians) all suck. Too bad you carry so much hatred in your head (as seen by many of your posts) towards those on the right for you to recognize this. "None of the Above" should be the next Prez. I support reverting back to the tax policies and rates of the mid 1960s. Those policies and rates worked to produce a level playing field, a very strong middle class, and prevented the obscene compensation that is a regular occurance nowadays. Learning about history is a good way to gain perspective. Try it sometime.
  20. Where did I ever suggest such a thing??? Jesus H Christ, buddy, open your fucking eyes and actually FUCKING READ THE POST before slamming someone. THAT is what's pathetic. Have a nice day.
  21. There are many amazingly talented people who, for one reason or another, don't have a whole lot of education. I have a brother in law like that. He can fix anything mechanical. He does the most beautiful welding I have ever seen. He has way with small and large animals. So much so that people bring animals to him for rehab and training. He is very knowlegeable about trees and does tree work on the side. He catches fish when professional bass fishermen don't. He restores trucks and has won awards in local shows for his work. His spray paint work is incredible. A lack of education does not always mean a lack of ability. I have plenty of experience working with nitwits with degrees that couldn't do anything useful, but got paid a lot of money. Coal mining isn't something a total dumbass can do. The skill set may not mean much to you, but it sure means a lot to the other team members. They deserve every penny and more. You should look up the history of unions and WHY they were and are needed. Do you hate the 40 hour workweek? Overtime? Paid vacation time? These are all benefits that came out of the organized labor movement. You can bitch all you want about unions. The reality is that you are FAR better off because of unionized labor. Of course, if you are a right wing conservative, all unions are bad, have never done any good for anyone, and should be abolished so that they don't interfere with business operations. We can trust the management of the companies to treat their workers well, pay them fairly, and provide a safe workplace. Yeah, right...
  22. I have a second cousin who is a lawyer at the Hague. They are ready to go. Timing will be quite interesting, according to what we hear on the family email list. Shrub bought the ranch in 1999, just before he ran for POTUS. It was part of the marketing effort for his campaign that you morons lapped up like skydivers do beer. He lives in Dalls and doesn't go the ranch much. That is why the restricted airspace just got shrunk down to almost nothing. The weasel shit will sell it as soon as the real estate market turns around.
  23. I checked the USPA web site and did NOT find Skydive Kauai listed. That is a good thing. In my opinion, no USPA Group Member drop zone should be allowed to continue to be a GM DZ if they do not allow licensed, current USPA members to jump. They use our organization to promote themselves, then exclude us? That is completely wrong.
  24. It is completely expected that right wing conservatives would brag about wallowing in ignorance. That is how we got here to begin with.
  25. So you are in favor of the USA descending to the standards that the Chinese government operates under? That is pathetic, even by right wing standards. Maybe we can model our criminal justice system after theirs as well. We are going to end up following their lead anyway as the right wing has managed to make the USA very weak economically and politically. We don't pay as we go for our government, so we borrow money instead of raising taxes. We borrowed the money for the Iraq invasion and occupation. We sent them the majority of our manufacturing capablity due to tax policies implemented by the Rescums to enrich the trans-national corporations that run the USA these days. I am sure that you are very happy with this achievement.