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Everything posted by funjumper101

  1. These questions are for ALL of the righties. They are very simple and straightforward. Do you support ending the "temporary" Bush Administration tax cuts? If the answer is No, please list your reasons why not. Do you support the elimination of the income cap on Social Secuity and Medicare taxes? If the answer is No, please list your reasons why not.
  2. Indeed...several times I have not ever found any credible source that shows ACORN to have been involved in VOTING fraud. ACORN and some its employees have been in the news for voter REGISTRATION fraud, which is completely different. Much of what I have read was due to ACORN following federal law and marking up those registration forms that they believed to be fraudulent. The marked up registration forms were brought to the attention of the election commissions. If you are an ignorant imbecile, you believe that voter registration fraud is the exact same thing as voting fraud. If you have the brains of the average eight grader, you understand the extreme difference between the two. Ignorance can be corrected.
  3. In other words, you are asking for short, simple statements that are easily understood by the average ten year old. Sorry, this isn't Faux News. If you want to debate with grownups, your intellect and reading skills should be up to the task. If they aren't, perhaps you could find another way to spend your time...
  4. The same place it is for most of the other 16,999 murders which occur each year. Point purposefully missed Coming from the master of completely missing the point, that is fucking funny as hell. Pot, Meet Kettle, black.
  5. More ignorant right wing bullshit from old relaible. ACORN is a much better organization than anything the righties have to offer. Why do you hate the USA so much? ACORN is the current right wing bogeyman. When you have educated yourself as to what ACORN actually is, and what they actually do, feel free to contribute from a position of knowlege. Right now, on the basis of what you wrote, you are contributing from a position of profound ignorance. Go to the ACORN home page and start reading. When you come across something that is objectionable, let us know. Tha bastards at ACORN help potential poor and minority voters to become registered voters. ACORN assists them in getting to the polling places and casting their ballots. Clearly that is completely anti American activity that should be stopped right away. No organization should encourage and and assist people to participate in voting legally. That is pure evil... Ignorance can be fixed through education. It does take some effort, but it is worth it, in the long run.
  6. Your opinion is based on what source of factual information? Faux News? Newsmax? Lush Rimjob? You sell out your so called principles for a measly few billion? I guess that they aren't really that important, when push comes to shove. How about the trillion dollars that ShrubCo borrowed to pay for the tax cuts for the wealthy and the Iraq invasion? Were you opposed to those plans at the time? Why not? Do you support ending the "temporary" ShrubCo tax cuts and the complete elimination of the income cap on Social Secuity and Medicare taxes? Why not? The tax cuts had expiration dates so that they would expire if the circumstances changed from when they were implmented. The USA went from a budget surplus in 2000, to record deficits in 2007. Any rational human would conclude that having the tax cuts expire as planned would be the right thing for the country. Somehow righties have come to see the temporary tax cuts as something that should stay in place permanantly. In other words, you folks insist that we keep borrowing money to keep the tax cuts in place for the richest 1% of the population. Are you folks really that stupid? Why do you want to let what was sold as a "temporary" measure become permanent, when we can't afford it? Fiscal responsibility? Not even close. Why should the taxes for Social Security and Medicare end at 115,000 in income? Why does that make any sense to anyone? That means that the folks that can most afford to pay more, don't. That is really twisted. Eliminate the cap and we can easily pay for whatever we want.
  7. I thought that righties were supposed to be all about minimal government. Why all of a sudden are you all in favor af having to show your National ID card when conducting transactions for goods and services? Where are your papers? You must have your papers in order. Why the support for a huge expansion of government intrusion into personal privacy? Just to save a few dollars? That is pathetic. The stench continues to be overwhelming....
  8. The California experiment in term limits has been a disaster for the people of California. We now have a body of elected officials that don't know how to get anything done. They aren't around long enough to figure out how to work the system to accomplish anything, thus the partisan gridlock in Sacramento. The pompous pinheads on both sides bloviate for their local constituents and do nothing useful. That is a major part of why the state is AFU, bigtime. Electing as governor an actor with no background in public policy is the other major part of why the state is AFU. The governator is a completely worthless POS. The moronic requirement for a two thirds majority to pass a state budget gives all the power to the lunatuc fringe, better known as the Republicans party. Term limits are a VERY BAD idea.
  9. More ignorant right wing bullshit from old relaible. ACORN is a much better organization than anything the righties have to offer. Why do you hate the USA so much?
  10. There is an extremely dangerous school of thought among righties. The stated idea is "corporate personhood", which grants constitutional protections to US and International corporations. SCOTUS Chief Justice is one of the strongest proponents of the odious philosophy. That is why the 2004 elections were so important, and the results are going to fuck up the USA permanently. ShrubCo got to put more right wing idealogues on SCOTUS. I have a really easy definition of "personhood", that should be codified into law. Can the entity that is claiming to be a "person" be arrested and put into a jail cell? If you exist in a form that you, personlly, can be taken into custody by the authorities, you have the rights of a "person", as defined in law. If not, you are not a person and don't have all of the rights of a person. Companies, corporations, and unions are not persons, therefor they do not have the rights of a person. Why aren't the rightys up in arms about the "activist judges" on SCOTUS, who are about to gut McCain/Feingold? I gues they just don't get it and don't care.
  11. I take it that you heard the reply from Barney Frank, but not the original question. Barney's response to the moron's question was completely rational. If you ask a US Rep an idiotic question, one should expect an accurate and sarcastic answer. Wilson's outbust was not rational in any way. It has been very helpful in exposing the reality of what the REscums have become.
  12. Quote No... more like Obama. You remember right? "The police acted stupidly." {/reply] The Cambridge Police officer acted stupidly by arresting a man in his own house. Once it was established that Gates was home, it was time for the PO to leave. No if, ands, or buts. Righy shitheads may think otherwise. Obama called that one DEAD ON. Cambridge cops were assholes 30 years ago when I hung out in Harvard Square. Their culture hasn't changed at all.
  13. Well we now know that the land of Cloud Cuckoo is closer to reality than where ever it is the hell you hang out Funny thing about facts, Marc, is that you just can't get away from them. You consistently deny factual information and repeat horseshit that supports your firmly held views. Kallend has been completely open about his education, profession, and life experience. I have challenged you on numerous occasions to do the same. You don't. When it comes to credibility and common sense, I'll take the opinions of an established college professsor, with numerous publications to his credit, over the rantings of some random dude in Iowa who appears to have never really been anywhere, done anything of note, and who sees the world though a soda straw when it comes to envisioning the big picture.
  14. Sorry Wendy, I don't agree. The only way to control costs in a system like what is proposed it to limit coverage. Someone will have to decide. It is not bullshit. Look at Canada and the just recent reports from the UK. The article is a hit piece not news. A piece to help with the Obama agenda with which they obviously agree In other words, you are 100% in favor of corporate death panels run by private insurance companies, who answer only to their management and shareholders, and 100% opposed to federal death panels that would be answerable to elected officials, and indirectly to the American people. BRILLIANT!!! That is very logical way of thinking... NOT The Medicare program was first proposed by Pres Truman. JFK tried to get it passed, and failed. Johnson finally signed it into law. The first person enrolled was the father of Medicare, Pres Truman. The righty opposition said the same shit then, as they are now. They kept it from happening for 20 years. Marc, I'll bet you are really proud of their efforts and sad that they weren't successful. Your kind FAILED to prevent socialized medicine from happening, and it has become WILDY popular. Maybe the opposition was totally wrong, Marc. Maybe Medicare is actually a really good thing. It could be that a public option to keep the insurance companies in check is a good idea. After all, the opposition is from the same folks that opposed Medicare. The way I see it, they were wrong then, and are wrong now. Single payer would level the ecomonic playing field for American Industry, at least what is left of it since the R war on the middle class. Job mobility is MASSIVELY hindered by the private insurance DEBACLE that has been foisted on us. People stay in jobs they hate, that have no future, just so that they don't lose health insurance. EVERY OTHER civilized democracy has some form of national health insurance for their citizens. The USA is the only one that doesn't. The lack of economic mobility for the workforce, due to insurance issues, is one of the real issues that isn't being discussed. These concepts are too difficult for the rightys to understand, so they oppose the ideas without any understanding at all. The that thought that we might do something that actually helps the average US citizen is something that they simply cannot allow, if we let them get away with it. Wow, you must think you are good as assuming! What part of what I wrote do YOU think is inaccurate?
  15. Or perhaps he is more knowledgable than someone who isn't already on a national healthcare plan. I'm on a national healthcare plan as well being a veteran and I am against Obama's plan. So you're all set and happy with your coverage, and the rest of us can piss off. I got mine, you all can go to hell. Gee, thanks... Greed and selfishness, and a complete disdain for those not as fortunate. That is exacly why this country is AFU.
  16. Sorry Wendy, I don't agree. The only way to control costs in a system like what is proposed it to limit coverage. Someone will have to decide. It is not bullshit. Look at Canada and the just recent reports from the UK. The article is a hit piece not news. A piece to help with the Obama agenda with which they obviously agree In other words, you are 100% in favor of corporate death panels run by private insurance companies, who answer only to their management and shareholders, and 100% opposed to federal death panels that would be answerable to elected officials, and indirectly to the American people. BRILLIANT!!! That is very logical way of thinking... NOT The Medicare program was first proposed by Pres Truman. JFK tried to get it passed, and failed. Johnson finally signed it into law. The first person enrolled was the father of Medicare, Pres Truman. The righty opposition said the same shit then, as they are now. They kept it from happening for 20 years. Marc, I'll bet you are really proud of their efforts and sad that they weren't successful. Your kind FAILED to prevent socialized medicine from happening, and it has become WILDY popular. Maybe the opposition was totally wrong, Marc. Maybe Medicare is actually a really good thing. It could be that a public option to keep the insurance companies in check is a good idea. After all, the opposition is from the same folks that opposed Medicare. The way I see it, they were wrong then, and are wrong now. Single payer would level the ecomonic playing field for American Industry, at least what is left of it since the R war on the middle class. Job mobility is MASSIVELY hindered by the private insurance DEBACLE that has been foisted on us. People stay in jobs they hate, that have no future, just so that they don't lose health insurance. EVERY OTHER civilized democracy has some form of national health insurance for their citizens. The USA is the only one that doesn't. The lack of economic mobility for the workforce, due to insurance issues, is one of the real issues that isn't being discussed. These concepts are too difficult for the rightys to understand, so they oppose the ideas without any understanding at all. The that thought that we might do something that actually helps the average US citizen is something that they simply cannot allow, if we let them get away with it.
  17. once the war ends for either side, that issue is fixed. I prefer to keep more of my money, and making my own decisions. the cost to me is listening to some christian babble every so often, but you get a little of that with the lefties too. I like downward's post. At least you are honest. It is all about YOU and YOUR money. You don't care to participate in contributing toward the greater good of this country. Not even close. You are consumed with greed and don't really care at all about the rest of your fellow citizens. Thanks for your honesty. I an truly sorry that your attitude is so common these days.
  18. You had 13 years to present evidence and get a new trial. You didn't. So you can't complain now when the original sentence is carried out. Yes you can, if it comes to light before the execution, at any time, by any means, for any reason, that there is potentially exculpatory evidence. Executing an innocent person is wrong all of the time, not just some of the time or even most of the time. As such, if there is any chance that that can be prevented, all efforts, even extraordinary ones, should be taken to prevent it. The only truly final deadline is the one that is truly irreversible: the execution itself. Before that happens, there is no such thing as "too late" - at least in a civilized society. You are being excessively kind when you refer to Texas as a "civilized society" when it comes to law enforcement activites and prosecution of accused criminals. The events that occured in Tulia, and what the state law enforecement community did (or more accurately, didn't do), reveals all that you need to know about how the Texas "Justice" system works. It appears that John's attitude is right in line with the way that the law is actually applied in Texas. Totally without any shame, he defends what is morally indefensible - the execution of an innocent man. If John was that man falsely convicted of a capital crime, I am sure he would feel a lot different about the issue. As a juvenile, I was convicted for activities that I had no knowlege of, did not participate in, and would have never done, even if I had been there. The conviction was based on the un-corroborated testimony of an undercover police officer. He said I was in on the crime, and I was convicted. It was all lies, also known as PERJURY, but that didn't matter. It is the manifestation of a sick and twisted morality to describe the execution of an innocent person as being the correct outcome of our judicial system. You should step back and truly examine your core values. Do you really believe that executing likely innocent people is a good thing?
  19. Thanks for providing support for my over all point. the science is not settled to the point to kill jobs and spend billions/trillions on maybe worthless programs. The conservative moron "plan" for the climate change that is happening is to do absolutely nothing. There will be no changes of any kind, to anything, no matter what. The conservative moron method for dealing with the world. Do nothing, make no changes, and all is well. You actually argue that climate change isn't real. There are so many documented instances of climate change, all over the world, that are fully and completely documented.. And you still deny that it is happening. Are you a Holocaust skeptic as well? According to some published web sites, it never happened. It has been put up on the Internet, so, by your logic, it is still in debate. Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  20. Ignorance is bliss. The right wing loons who fall for the horseshit about ACORN being an evil ogranization are the very definition of GULLIBLE. How igorant and factually un-informed is it possible to be? Try reading up on what ACORN actually does and what the outcome of their efforts actually are. For the exceptionally lazy among the righties, here is a synopsis - ACORN is an organization that registers eligble voters. Mostly in poor and minority neighborhoods. There have been VERY FEW instances of voter REGISTRATION fraud that have been attributed to rogue ACORN employees. ACORN itself brought the fraud to the attention of authorities, as required to by law. The right wiing controlled media has spun this into a huge issue, if one is ignorant of the facts of what occurred and the potential of damage. Registration fraud is relatively harmless. If successful, a voter is on the list of voters and has the POTENTIAL to vote. That is not even close to voter FRAUD, where a fraudulent VOTE is counted during an election, for example, when computerized voting machine security is compromised. Registration fraud does not, in any way, correlate to voter fraud. Note to righties - Try worring about shit that matters, like why your boys wote into law that Medicare and the US Government CAN NOT negotiate the price of prescription drugs with the drug companies. Your boys guaranteed that We, The People, pay full retail price for drugs, when we are the biggest buyers of drugs, by far. Why don't we get bulk discounts, like in every other business model in the US, for goods and services that are purchased in massive quantities? Because you all let it happen when you were in power. Hey, it is only several TRILLION dollars in play. As long as it is government dollars going to private companies, its all good, right? Trillion dollar giveaways to the most profitable companies on the planet. and not a peep of outrage from the right. Please explain why.
  21. There is no "death panel" in any version of the healthcare bill. She needs to take her own advise. Just how big is your nit comb? Do you not believe there will be a comittee of people that will have to decide your worthiness to receive care? It takes an amazingly high level of gullibility to believe that this does not ALREADY HAPPEN at for profit insurance companies. For Profit insurance companies do not make money by paying claims. They make money by charging the highest possible premiums, and paying out as little as possible in claims. The more profitable the insurance company, the less care is provided for the "liabilities", AKA, policyholders. You believe that that the decisions about patient care, aka, approval or denial of claims, are made how? Why are people so stupid so as to support the status quo? The facts are blindingly obvious. The Reagan attack on the middle class has been wildly successful. Health insurance companies must go back to being NON-PROFIT organizations, like they were before the Reagan administration started fucking over of the working folks in the USA.
  22. The rescums and their allies have mastered marketing 101. They sell the sheeple on the idea that goverment involvement in health care would be evil. They have convinced ignorant old people that agreeing to pay for end of life counseling is the same as requiring it. They have sold the idea that a government employeee making decisons about what health care will be paid for is EVIL, while a private employee making the EXACT SAME DECISIONS is perfect. Anyone with a shred of common sense would figure out that the private employee is much more likely to deny treatment than a government employee. One gets paid no matter what happens and reports (indirectly) to the voters. The objective is to deliver quality health care at low cost. The other reports to a company/corporation that has no public accountabiulity in any way. The objective is to make as much money (profit) as possible. This is done by charging as much premium as the market will bear, investing that money, and paying out AS LITTLE AS LEGALLY POSSIBLE in claims. The amount of money extracted out of the "health care system" in profits is staggering. Cover only healthy people, deny as many claims as possible, (post claim underwriting), etc, etc. If it wasn't for government regulation and enforcement, many more claims would be denied and profits would be higher. The assholes at the town hall meetings with their "What is wrong with profit" signs have no clue at all as to what they are defending. The rescums and their minions sell this bullshit like Proctor and Gamble sells shampoo. And the sheeple lap it up like gospel. Health insurance companies need to revert back to the pre-Reagan days and be forced back into being NON-PROFIT organizations. That worked quite well until the Reagan Rescumlican war on the middle class ended that successful run. Once they became for-profit organizations, the consumers have been fucked. It is shameful that anyone in the USA would be forced into poverty by medical bills. Why do you righties act as though that is acceptable in any way?
  23. The whiny right wing shitsacks would have had a cow if Al Gore had started running his mouth in March 2001 the way Cheney has been. Cheney has been running his mouth quite a bit since Obama took office. And Faux news, newscrap, etc, etc, have covered his bullshit like a blanket on a freezing day. ANd none of the rightys think anything of it. Why do you people hate this country so much? The rescums have completely fucked over this country. Thanks for cheering them on, dickheads. You will rot in hell, if there is justice.
  24. Illegal = Wrong I don't think i can break it down and make it any simpler for you to attempt understanding at this point. Unless you can show me how Illegal = Right. You must be completely unfamiliar with the work of Mahatma Ghandi in India. As well as completely clueless about the work of Nelson Mandela in South Africa. The fact that a law exists does not indicate right and wrong. Quite the contrary, in many cases. An example you might understand is the law that was passed in DC that outlawed private ownership of handguns. That one didn't work out too well, eh? It was legal to own other human beings in the USA. It was illegal for women to vote until 1920. It was the mid sixties before an un-married adult woman could own property in her own name. Try re-thinking your black/white right/wrong legal/illegal concepts and expanding them to a more realistic world viewpoint. Or not. Good righties don't think for themselves or question authority, unless told to do so by their superiors. Check with Lush Rimjob and chickenshit O'Reilly for the current version of acceptable thinking for righties. Then come back and post their latest and greatest stupid bullshit. Awwwe, don't let snookums get all angry cuz we disagree. I AGREE with the law and I support it. Get over it. It is right and you are wrong. Simple as that. Maybe you want jobs taken away from americans - that is your right to want that. In fact I even helped defend that right. I wish I'd had a choice as to who's rights I defended, but alas it is not to be so. Whinging and whining, the great righty communication method. Immigrants have always been shit on by those that got here before them. The Irish in Boston were shit on. The Okies were shit on in Callifornia. They'll take our jobs!!! wahhh waahh, they'll fuck our women, wwaahh, waahh waahh, They should have stayed home, they smell bad, they eat weird food, etc, etc. Wwaaahhh waaahhh, waahhh. I thought that a good righty principle was to hire the cheapest labor that you can for a given task. If the labor is not a legal citizen, it is the laborers fault that they got the job, not the employer. The EMPLOYER is the victim. It is blindingly obvious. Those rotten illegals are deliberatly trying to ruin respectable businesses. Fire them and hire citizens. (This comes under the heading of "Get a more realistic world view", as in EXTREME sarcasm) Cluelessness seems to run rampant among righties.
  25. Illegal = Wrong I don't think i can break it down and make it any simpler for you to attempt understanding at this point. Unless you can show me how Illegal = Right. You must be completely unfamiliar with the work of Mahatma Ghandi in India. As well as completely clueless about the work of Nelson Mandela in South Africa. The fact that a law exists does not indicate right and wrong. Quite the contrary, in many cases. An example you might understand is the law that was passed in DC that outlawed private ownership of handguns. That one didn't work out too well, eh? It was legal to own other human beings in the USA. It was illegal for women to vote until 1920. It was the mid sixties before an un-married adult woman could own property in her own name. Try re-thinking your black/white right/wrong legal/illegal concepts and expanding them to a more realistic world viewpoint. Or not. Good righties don't think for themselves or question authority, unless told to do so by their superiors. Check with Lush Rimjob and chickenshit O'Reilly for the current version of acceptable thinking for righties. Then come back and post their latest and greatest stupid bullshit.