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Everything posted by funjumper101

  1. She was shrub's NSA when 9/11 occurred. Even thought the reports could not have been more clear, she didn't do a damn thing to get shrub off his ass and get him to take some action. It would have interfered with his vacation... Colin Powell was a "team player". Look what was done to him after he quit the team. Any political careeer he may have had went down the toilet for being a "team player". If she had any personal integrity at all, she would have quit the team right after 9/11. When the time comes, I hope that she ends up rotting in hell.
  2. Quote I couldn't find many "facts" in your post to argue. Tell you what, confuse me by giving us an example of one of these "thwarted attacks" that we never heard about. Quote In terms of successful attempts to thwart terrorist activities, round one in Somalia was an unqualified success. Due to the rescum Congress failing to back up the promises made, along with their lack of support for "nation building", round two ended up a disaster. The righties revisionist history makes some people believe that the failure was due to ineptness by the Clinton administration. A careful reading of the events and politics of the time makes clear what really took place. I followed the story very closely as a third cousin was involved in both actions, along with other stuff before that. Spec Ops guys don't talk about their missions with civilians. At the next family reunion I hope that he is willing to talk more, now that he has been out of the service for several years. In terms of the covert actions that took place, I don't have direct knowlege of the details. When the documents are de-classified, we all will know more. I'll likely be dead by the time that happens.
  3. It is truly amazing, isn't it. If Carter can make some progress, great. If not, at least someone tried something. Like Skyrad said, "Sooner or later you have to talk to your enemies." Max, are you aware of the origins of Israel? Take a look at the events from the end of WWII to the formation of Israel in 1948. A fair bit of terrorist activity was performed by the folks who ended up running Israel. Land and property was expropriated from Palestinians by Israel. This is another way of saying that "One man's "terrorist" organization is another man's "freedom fighter" organization." It depends on which side your interests lie. There is no military solution to the issues between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The only solution will be political. The Israelis have overwhelming military force. The Palestinians resort to terror tactics to keep the overwhelming miltary force in check, and the political process in play. Do you expect the Palestinians to just give up? What do you think that they SHOULD do? Hamas won the majority in the 2005 election. With all of the so-called support for the democratic process of holding elections, why didn't Israel and USA honor the results of the election? Because the folks we (Israel and the USA) wanted to win, didn't. So screw the election. We'll keep Fatah in control. That is part of the reasons why there are charming puppet shows on TV in Gaza. If you have a reasonable amount of knowlege of the history of the area, you know that the issues between Israel and the Palestinians are not black and white. They are a million shades of grey. The Israelis didn't move to a vacant part of the desert and start up a country. They took over an area that was already populated, by the use of military force. I hate to bring it up, but there is a fairly overt racial overtone to the whole matter. Read some of the writings of the folks involved. Moshe Dayan's autobiography is a great read, for a start. Golda Mier wrote an autobiography as well. (I haven't read that one) It has been 30 years or so since I read up on the history of Israel. There are lots of books about it.
  4. It will be VERY amusing to see what the righties have to say. Thanks for posting this.
  5. Where were the FLDS children going to school? Who was supervising the curriculm? Who was testing the kids academic performance? How did they perform on the required "No Child Left Behind" testing program? It would have done those kids a world of good to have to leave the ranch every day to attend school. They would have been exposed to the evil outside world. The crap that was being taught to them at home would not have matched up with their own experience. FLDS would have died out on its own. /sarcasm on/ I thought Texas has been leading the way in education, ever since Guvner W fixed everything up. /sarcasm off/
  6. It depends on your threshold for boredom. I rode it when I went to Santa Barbara for my 40th birthday. My lady and I drank a bottle of really good bottle of wine on the train, with some superb cheese and crackers on the side. It was a wonderful trip. YMMV. The train can be really boring. Beth didn't like it much.
  7. Careful with the PA's. I'm an outstanding righty. No, READ the post several more times, young Jedi, until you can understand it. Yep, now I remember, they sent Monica over to distract him. Naaah. Bacteria infect. Cancers don't infect. Were you an adult during the eighties? There were many planned attacks that were stopped by the Clinton administration. You wouldn't know much about it because there was little on no publicity, by design. I have family that was involved in some of the operations. What they hint at is pretty impressive. They can't talk about details. Can't argue the facts, so you resort to smart-ass bullshit. You are absolutely correct. You are an outstanding righty. You could care less about the rule of law and the Constitution. Your version of critical thinking is "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up." Maybe someday you'll start taking a little bit longer view of politics and history. In the meantime, your own statement "I've never really grown up." appears to be 100% accurate.
  8. I know it happened in the 90s, as opposed to the 80s, so that puts me ahead of you, bub. Where did I write that that anything happened to the WTC in the eighties? Try reading and re-reading what I posted. Did you not understand the part of my post that spoke of the results of the Reagan administration's support of the "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan, during the Russian occupation? Did you know that Russia invaded and occupied Afghanistan? Here is a quote from Wiki - begin quoted text>>> Initially Soviet deployment of the 40th Army in Afghanistan began on August 7, 1978. The final troop withdrawal began on May 15, 1988, and ended on February 15, 1989. Due to the interminable and inconclusive nature of the war, the conflict in Afghanistan has often been referred to as the Soviet equivalent of the United States' Vietnam War.
  9. You prefer the racist old white guy that doesn't know the key players in Iraqi politics and has admitted that "domestic economics" is not an area of expertise? How about you step back and take a look at the bigger picture? Try picking the most qualified candidate based on ability, not carefully edited inflammatory video.
  10. The first bombing took place in the 90s, so I'm not following your tirade well. Convicting those who executed the first attack is as effective as pissing on the bones of the 19 who crashed the 4 planes the second time around, and say that all the US could do would be to prosecute those we had hands on was the failing of the Clinton Administration. He was a domestic President, not a foreign affairs one. He always was more interested within. That's not entirely bad - the current President is completely ignoring the domestic side. But the proper response to the first bombings would have been to go after those outside out soil that directed it. The same people who came back and did it again with much greater success in 2001. Bush blowing up Afghanistan in 2001/02 sent a message that there will be consequences again. Total success - not close, the Taliban still exist. But they definitely got bloodied up in the process. You don't have a clue as to facts surrounding the February 26, 1993 attack on the WTC. When you do some research and get your facts straight, try again. Wiki is pretty accurate, based on a quick skim of the content. You also don't seem to have a clue about what happened in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Characterizing Clinton as a "domestic" president is a page right out of the righties revisionist history. Why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia if we wanted to go after those responsible for 9/11? All but one were Saudi nationals. The money came through Saudi. The Wahabist version of Islam comes from Saudi. Usama Bin Laden is a Saudi national. You also don't have a clue as to when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. Take a look at While you are at it, look into the origins of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. You will find that the genesis comes from the Reagan administration's support for the people who were fighting the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. The likely outcome of helping the "freedom fighters" was well covered in the press during that time. The predictions that were laughed off by the Reaganites happened exactly as expected. I lived through the times. I don't depend on history books to know what happened, and when.
  11. The Amtrak Coast Starlight does the LA to Seattle run. Northbound to Sacramento the train is usually close to being on schedule. On the southbound run, there can be major delays, sometimes as much as 12-16 hours at times. The tracks in the northern Central Valley are a single line owned by by one of the freight lines, not Amtrak. They put the passenger train aside to move the freight through. The delays can be horrific. My brother put his daughter on the train in Oregon, heading to LA. She got to LA about 19 hours late. Not a good deal. The trip down the Salinas Valley, through San Luis Obispo county, around the coastline of Vanderberg AFB, and down through Santa Barbara is extremely scenic. The part of VAFB that you travel through gives you a good idea of how cool the coast was, before is got developed. It is pristine country. If you aren't in the military, you'll never see it, unless you ride the train. Plan to spend a whole day traveling each way, if you take the train. Keep in mind that you don't go to San Francisco. You go to Oakland, across the bay from SF. Then you can take BART (the subway) to SF. The train stops in the following cities. They are listed north to south. Oakland - Jack London Square, CA (OKJ) San Jose, CA (SJC) Salinas, CA (SNS) Paso Robles, CA (PRB) San Luis Obispo, CA (SLO) Santa Barbara, CA (SBA) Oxnard, CA (OXN) Simi Valley, CA (SIM) Van Nuys, CA (VNC) Los Angeles, CA (LAX) This is not a good way to travel between LA and SF, unless you have lots of time and a very loose schedule. Part of the ride is amazing, if you like traveling through beautiful landscapes. This time of year, things are still geen and it is especially pretty. If you are in a hurry, there are cheap airfares between LA and SF, Oakland and San Jose, depending on where in the Bay area you are going. You can connect to BART from SFO these days, but it is kind of a hassle. The taxi/limo companies managed to prevent BART from being built directly to the airport, even though it was supposed to be. You take a shuttle train to a BART terminal. The whole deal is messed up by SFO and the city. The pilings for the elevated tracks and a lot of the electrical infrastructure had been put into place a long time ago in preparation for the BART expansion.
  12. It is all about pain and pain tolerance as to when it is time to have it replaced. From what you write, I would say that you are past due.
  13. I guess it depends on the definition of "aid" is. The branch of FLDS on the Utah/Arizona used to dump teenage boys in Salt Lake City. The old guys that ran the show didn't want the competion. The State of Utah never did a thing about it. If you weren't aware, LDS runs the state and the major media outlets. The UT/AZ gang also had dozens of allegations of abuse against them. The allegations were either ignored or investigated poorly. This went on for more than 30 years. According to recent news reports, the majority of funding for the support of the town was via welfare benefits. When 14 year old girls are applying for welfare for their kids, the state has a responsibility to investigate. They didn't. The overwhelming evidence of the deliberate supression of the facts about FLDS by the State of Utah and the LDS is very well documented. That is why FEDERAL intervention was required to start to rein them in. The feds are running the town now, last I heard. I haven't been following this story for a while. I am sure that this is unpleasant news for an LDS member, but the facts are what they are. No amount of wishing will make them untrue. If you look into how the pressure on the State of Utah and LDS came about over the past 10 tears or so, it is DIRECTLY attributable to the non-Mormons who started covering the stories that were suppressed by LDS owned news outlets. The 60 minutes story about the case that put the town in federal receivership was blacked out in Utah, the first time it was shown! That isn't aid and abetment? 60 Minutes wasn't the only media outlet that covered the story, just one of the biggest.
  14. Yes, if you want to sell your ideas better. Anyway, I am similar to you, minus the length of history and the depth of hate. I walked away from the Republican party too, but I haven't jumped over the aisle to the just-as-fucked-up Left. I am party-less I guess. Do you actually find the dems any less repugnant? I find the Dems to be substantially less repugnant that the rescums, but repugnant never the less. I have to hold my nose against the stench to vote for anyone nowadays. The only way to balance out the far right rescums is to go far left. If you just bail and do nothing then you are part of the problem. Make it clear that you are Republican, but can't vote for the rescums, and address the info to the local party reps. Then vote Dem for now. IF enough Republicans did this, the rescums would be out and the GOP could get back on track. Doing nothing is not a realistic option.
  15. Thats bullshit. When Mukasey was going through confirmation hearings, the Democrats were focusing on waterboarding. Now they are working on a bill to ban it. They are trying to force the President's hand on it. How does that amount to pushing it as stated national policy? Can I get you to condemn WJC because he did nothing about it on his watch? There is a story in the news today with great detail about the genesis of the "legalization" of torture by shrub lackeys. They have since retracted their so called "legalization" of torture. It was official government policy under shrubco for a period of time. You cannot explain that away. What will the righties do if Hilary manages to become president and starts asserting the level of power that shrub managed to? They'll be screaming bloody murder at the top of their lungs, thats what. Their silence while shrubco fucked over the Constitution was deafening. If any dem starts doing similar things, the right wing media will be all over it. Unlike what shrub has gotten away with, so far. Like a good righty, you bring up WJC as though he is somehow responsible for shrub's torture policies. An interesting leap with no basis in fact. It is the standard method used by righties for absolving shrubco of any responsibilty for 9/11, the Iraq occupation, the record deficits, the economy, etc, etc. It's Clintons fault. If only he had done XYZ. Funny thing is that if you were old enough to be aware of the reality of the times, the rescums did everything they could to prevent and disrupt WJC from using military force to prevent terror attacks. They hamstrung and prevented domestic initiatives. When the Dems threatened to filibuster to stop some of the worst exceeses of the rescums, the rescums threatened to REWRITE THE RULES to prevent filibustering. It was called the "Nuclear Option". The express intent was to suppress dissent. Is it possible to be more un-American than that? The worst part of that shit is that the rescums have used filibustering to stop the passage of bills to stop funding the war, among other things, since the Dems got control of the House. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me. That is among the reasons why I write rescum instead of Republican. They aren't Republicans any more, and haven't been for a long time. They are a cancer on our system. A virulent metastasizing cancer that has infected the country. You may be one of the millions of righties that has buy the BS that Clinton did nothing after the first attack on the World Trade Center. All of these millions would be WRONG. If you were aware of the facts, you would know that the people who planned and executed the attacks were arrested, tried and convicted of the crime. They are in US Jails now. In other words, the entire matter was handled within the scope and context of our legal system. Unlike shrub, the neocons, and a lot of righties, the majority of the people in the USA believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. Too bad the rescums don't. It seems that a lot of the young folks that don't know history well think this is all perfectly OK. That kind of thinking is really scary. Were you an adult during the eighties? In other words, did you live through the times and keep up on the news every day? I did. A friend of mine was injured in the first attack. The facts of the situation mattered a lot to me. I followed the story very closely. And I KNOW what the facts are. Not the revisionist history that many credulous people believe. There were many planned attacks that were stopped by the Clinton administration. You wouldn't know much about it because there was little on no publicity, by design. I have family that was involved in some of the operations. What they hint at is pretty impressive. They can't talk about details. When they hear idiots say that "Clinton did nothing", it pisses them off severely. They know the reality of what happened. shrubco and the rescums successfully use the Goebbels methods of propaganda and manipulation. It worked well then and has worked well in this decade. The sheeple follow along pretty well, until they start to get a clue. They seem to have gotten a clue as shrub's approval rating is 27%.
  16. You people just kill me with this stuff. The CIA has been waterboarding people - and doing other things you don't even want to know about - for years. Doesn't make it right, but GW didn't invent it. You don't see any difference between an official US policy promoting torture and the stuff the CIA does covertly That's pretty twisted. I am well aware that the CIA has and will do horrible things on our behalf. If the agents get caught doing things that are illegal, I expect them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You break the law, you pay the price, if you get caught. Making torture part of US government policy is completely WRONG. It always was, and always will be. And we, the people, allowed it to happen. Contrary to what many people think, the Geneva Convention is NOT toilet paper. I sincerely hope that shrub and his lackeys will be held accountable for their actions during my lifetime. Given the lack of ethics I see in so many of the younger people I deal with nowadays, it likely won't happen.
  17. The 400 kids are in protective custody. Given what has been uncovered during the investigation, I can't see how anyone could find fault with that. They found a bed, female hair, and have affadavits relating to the rapes that occured in that bed. They'll be doing DNA testing on the kids to determine who are the biological parents are. I am sure they'll be testing the sheets on the bed as well. Being a fringe religion has nothing to do with what is going on. If no child abuse was going on and they weren't unlawfully imprisoning the own members, there wouldn't have been a problem. The main LDS church has done everything they could to sweep the FLDS under the rug for decades. Back before Utah started getting populated by non-Mormons, LDS was pretty successful at it. Once there started being newspapers run by non-Mormons who would report on the reality of what was going on, they couldn't keep the facts from being known to the rest of the country. FLDS has been around a long time. Aided and abetted by the main LDS. There was a news story on TV a while ago regarding the FLDS facilities on the Utah/Arizona border. Lots of nasty stuff was exposed. The story is part of what got Jeffs indicted. Lots of good came out of the exposure of this creepy so called "religion".
  18. I take it that you didn't read the transcripts of the two phone calls or listen to the audio. That is what started the investigation. During the investigation, evidence of further crimes was uncovered. Horrible crimes against defenseless children, perpetrated by a conspiracy of adult men. Are you making the argument that since they could find the original caller, the authorites should have ignored the evidence of other crimes and let FLDS continue as they were? Are you making the argument that that there was any sactity was due the "temple" where the ceremonial bed for consumating the "marriages" was located? It is one thing to be a fringe sect. FLDS is way past that. Given what went on there, it is shameful that nothing was done for so long. Why weren't the kids required to go to public school? If they were being home-schooled or the church was running its own schools, what organization was overseeing the schooling? Dude, we are at war. Don't you realize that that means that whatever rights we used to have are gone? The Padilla case proved it. The WOT will never end. Our rights have been whittled away since I was a kid. The tool has evolved from pocketknife to chainsaw under shrubco.
  19. You're making silly assumptions about what/how I think about myself or anything else. Perhaps you've got the exact bubble you described. In any case, most people would agree that people with credibility communcate in civil terms. You ain't one of those. I am supposed to show civility and respect for an organization that has systematically trashed the Constitution and my beloved country's international reputation and credibility? I don't think so. Disrespect of this magnitude has been well earned. I have a lot of sympathy for the peple who identify as Republican, but allowed the current pack of scoundrels to take over the party. It used to be that the Republican Party was worthy of respect. They actually backed up their rhetoric with their actions. That hasn't been the case for a long time. When Reagan gave the speech about my heart tells me one thing, but the facts say another, that was it for me. He should have fired all of them and made sure that they were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Instead, the Justice dept did as little as they could get away with. Then shrub1 pardoned all of the criminals, many before they even went on trial. The complete and utter lack of respect for the law and the US Constitution the rescums have shown for the past 30 plus years means I'll call them rescums. Take back your party and start supporting the Constitution and the rule of law. What is going on now with the torture issue, the illegal wiretapping, the lies that got us into the Iraq occupation, etc, etc should cause the party faithfulto rise up in revolt and throw the bums out. This country has never been so divided against itself since the late 30s when the peace movement kept the US out of WWII until Pearl Harbor. I have done a lot of reading about those times. My father lived through them. He says it is way worse now than it has ever been.
  20. Sure I can. Of course, "argument" and "fact" are, well, what I do. In order to start the argument and fact, we must first define "middle class." For starters, why don't I say, "Persons or families with a yearly income (2007 dollars) of between $40k and $100k." Or do you propose another definition? See, this is where it gets tricky, eh? You are professionally trained to be able to make an argument from either side. I am sure that you could effectively twist the facts to support the position that the middle class is better off. That's what lawyers do. No offense to you and your profession intended. Lawyers are a key component of the system. No one likes them until they need one. We both are in California. Those number apply here, but are too high for the whole country. Try 25k to 75k. That is more in line with the country. Given enough time, I am sure that I could argue the facts for weeks or months. I don't have that much spare time available. I'll do what I can with the time I have available. Another thread would be appropriate for that discussion, if you really want to. Take a look at the recent commentary from David Leonhardt from the NYT. That will be a good start for research as to what has happened under shrubco. Have you ever read the book "Pefectly Legal"? David Cay Johnston wrote it. It is about the tax code, not the legal profession. A good read that is directly related to the issue.
  21. Your credibility = zero In my lifetime the Republican party went from a respectable organization to a scummy cesspool. I used to stuff envelopes for the John Birch Society. The actions of the party since Nixon got elected, especially the Reagan years, drove me forever and completely away from supporting it. IF the Republican Party was to return to what used to be core values, IE, fiscal responsibility, smaller goverment, etc. I might go back. Republicans used to believe strongly in the Constitution. Given the actions of shrubco and the complete lack of oversight by rescum congress, that clearly is not the case anymore. They have no shame. If calling them as I see them makes me less credible in your eyes, BFD. Your opinion means way less than nothing to me. Sorry to burst your bubble of self importance.
  22. A convicted felon that was a key player in the worst political scandal (so far) in history is "really good guy, and a patriot."? This is a joke, right? If not, WOW. There must be some serious revisionist history being taught nowadays. You do know the facts regarding his actions and his conviction, don't you? I lived through the Watergate times. It was part of what drove me away from the conservative movement and the Republican party. I used to stuff envelopes for the John Birch Society, just to give you an idea of how I used to think. DAGS for more info if you don't recognize the name. Ick. I can't see how anyone with the facts could think positively about that man. He is as anti-American as they come, in a very sick and twisted way. I have listened to his radio show on occasion. He is right up there with Lush Rimjob as far as being a liar and a bully. He is pretty entertaining, as long as you know that what you are listening to is mostly fiction, not facts. Just like Rimjob.
  23. JC Watts was never a Senator. He was a Repesentative who served out four terms (despite a promise of only two terms) and became the head GOPAC. Here's a quote from JC Watts: "They said that I had sold out and Uncle Tom. And I said well, they deserve to have that view. But I have my thoughts. And I think they're race-hustling poverty pimps." Interestingly, you wrote this: "If you can't understand the concept in context of the statement, no amount of explanation will make a difference. " JC Watts has a similar view: "If you are explaining, you are losing." I am sure there are lots of good quotes from JC Watts himself. I pulled the info regarding the origins of the statement from a Google search. The title of the SON of the man who made the original statement was listed incorrectly. Does that diminish the value of the original quote? Not the way I see it. Can you make an argument, based on facts, that the state of the middle class has improved under the Republican administrations since 1980?
  24. 1. MLK day deserves far more respect that it receives, IMO. Voting against making it a holiday speaks volumes about the values of the individual, IMO. 2. When a far right wing writer like Pat Buchanan thinks that McCain is too hawkish, that should be very meaningful to you, right or left. McCain is scary dangerous, and his own party knows it. The man is prone to temper tantrums. He should NEVER have access to the "football". He has shown himself to be clueless about the facts of the Iraq occupation. That is a clear demonstration that he is in no way qualified to be CIC. 3. Waterboarding - It is sad to see the new paradigm of "situational ethics" taking the place of moral absolutes when judging the behavior of our government. Are you familiar with the results of the war crimes trials after WWII? The condensed version is that Japanese soldiers and officers were convicted of torture for waterboarding US soldiers. One of shrub's lackeys was even quoted as saying that if was done to him, it would be torture. It used to be that the USA held itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world. Now we are down in the gutter with the Mugabes of the world. And many righties are very proud of that. They feel no shame at all. It is pretty creepy to those of us that understand the concepts of "right and wrong". 4. The rescums are all about "states rights" when it comes to Roe v Wade. When it comes to issues like Oregon's assisted suicide laws and the many states that have voted for medical marijuana, they aren't so keen on "states rights". Websters dictionary should use this as an example in the definition for the word "hypocrisy". 5. The rescums successfully prevented the creation of a national health care program during the Clinton adminstration. The US Health care system is a disaster when measured against the rest of the developed world. The bill McCain voted against was a tiny measure towards helping resolve the problem. I don't see any rescum action towards resolving the issue. 6. He got the money via one of the old fashioned ways - he married into it. He did a great job of leveraging the money and connections into a political career. He isn't very intelligent and is fairly lazy, along with being an arrogant prick. He wants to be president, but doesn't know the players in Iraq. He has stated that domestic economics is another weak part of his "expertise". The two biggest issues and he doesn't have a clue. Brilliant! Don't forget the details regarding the divorce and re-marriage. Look it up for yourself. A classic example of "Republican Family Values". The arrogance to assume that people facing foreclosure are taking vacations and are't already working second jobs is pretty impressive. What an asshole! How would he know? Those aren't the people he rolls with. 7. Funny how when a rescum says something about Obama or Clinton, credibilty is assumed. When they commend shrub for the "leadership" he supposedly has shown, credibility is assumed. When they say something about McCain, they can't be trusted. 8. The lobbyist crap is way out of control on both sides. This is an issues as McCain presents himself as one thing, but is really another. Hypocrite is the word used to describe such an individual. 9. In other words, the old white guy should be held to a lesser standard than the young mixed race guy? That sounds about right for the way things are nowadays. Situational ethics. The new modern way. 10. When fact overrides fiction, it is a fine thing. The rescums have done a fine job of gutting the EPA, and hiding on the truth about the results of their policies. They have stopped independent efforts to make changes. California has been the leader in cleaning up air pollution since the sixties. The recent actions by shrubco to prevent California from leading the way on this issue is disgusting. If that sentiment had prevailed for the past 40 years, we would still be driving cars that would be considered gross polluters by todays standards.
  25. The statement is an adaptaion of the immortal words of the father of former Senator J.C. Watts' (Still the one and only black republican senator in history, who resigned in disgust after being taken as the help at too many GOP events), "A black person voting for a Republican is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders." I didn't come up with the statement myself. IIRC, the statement came out during the 2000 elections. As far as defining what a "working person" is, DAGS. There is a company that has a target market that is an OK definition of the term. If you can't understand the concept in context of the statement, no amount of explanation will make a difference.