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Everything posted by funjumper101

  1. Quantity does not equal quality or skill. Nice to see "Skygod mode ON" with the lame comment about a pair of shoes. 800 is a number put in as a troll ... I quit logging jumps about 1987. I really don't know how many jumps I have. The reserves could probably use you if you can manage your diabetes well enough to skydive safely. If you are such a believer, sign up. Make them reject you even though you can skydive safely. Then you can puff up with pride and say, "I Tried".
  2. Common sense. There isn't a chance in hell I would support ShubCo's Crusade by enlisting for anything. Iraq was the last country that engaged in a premeditated war of aggression in the Middle East. The UN coalition resolved that issue. Unfortunately, this time, the USA is the rogue nation. The UN can't boot the USA out of Iraq. At the rate ShrubCo is borrowing money, we'll be owned by Japan and China soon enough. ShrubCo's policies are rushing the USA to second rate status in the world economy. We won't be in control of our own destiny as we will beholden to our creditors. We will be just like the UK after WWII. Does a 33% drop in value for the dollar ring any bells? If the USA was invaded I would be one of the "insurgents" fighting against the occupying force. If the US was directly threatened by a rogue government, I might sign up. Neither of these conditions exist at this time. I was on a load with a jumper that had a known medical condidtion. He died after deployment and landed out. I sincerely hope that you are able to manage your diabetes so that you don't put others at risk like he did.
  3. Ron writes >>> Some of us have already served our country....Maybe those that have not should?
  4. Jeremy Hinzman was on Sixty Minutes Wednesday and had some interesting things to say. He joined the Army to defend the USA. He did NOT join the Army to participate in an illegal, immoral premeditated war of agression against Iraq. He pointed out that Iraq under Saddam, while it was a brutal dictatorship, was not a direct threat to the USA. His oath of service includes a passage related to NOT following orders that violated the Geneva Convention, or were illegal or immoral. While you personally may disagree with his action, he made his choice based on his own moral values. Everything he had to say makes perfect sense. As an aside, how come all you folks who are such great supporters of the Iraq invasion/occupation aren't in the military? If you can't make the regular forces, you can go into the reserves. They are really hurting for recruits.
  5. Haven't you learned to NOT bait the ShrubCo supporters with actual quotes and factual citations that can be verified? Their reality distortion fields disallows such data. Take a look at the study at The questions, conclusions, and methodology are listed on the site. Pretty scary. These are the folks that voted for Shrub. These are the folks you are trying to argue with. Someone with more time than I have can Google for the news reports from 2000 about Shrub's appearance at the Economic Conference in Italy. Shrub stayed on an aircraft carries off the coast of Italy due to the threat of "aerial terrorist attacks" on land based accommodations. This was before 9/11. In other words, Condi is a liar at best and completely uninformed at worst. Caricatures by definition exaggerate physical characteristics. The people who don’t get the reference to “aluminum tubes” show their ignorance about the “WMDs” that Iraq was supposed to have. Try Googling “Aluminum tubes” WMDs and Iraq. You’ll find plenty to read. Once you know the facts, the cartoon is pretty funny. As others have pointed out, if she was a “valley girl” instead of an American with dark colored skin, the race card never would have come out. The bird cartoon is pretty funny. When I first saw it I took the caricature as “Condi the Chihuahua”. As a bird it is funny, but nearly as funny as a Chihuahua. I would be impressed by Condi if she appeared to have critical thinking skills and a healthy dose of personal integrity. She seems to have neither, which makes her fully qualified to be a key member of ShrubCo. Condi is the first National Security Advisor that actively campaigned in a presidential election. This activity had never been performed by any NSA before her, for good reason. It isn’t supposed to be a political job. Look it up. Colin Powell may or may not be an “Uncle Tom”. He sure got no respect from the ShrubCo axis of evil (Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz) and ended up looking pretty stupid as events played out. I’ll reserve judgment until I see what he has to say once he is fully out of the clutches of ShrubCo. I hope his book is as interesting a read as Clark’s was.