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Everything posted by funjumper101

  1. Fredrick Maryland County Council member Kirby Delauter (Republican) That explains why his knowledge of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is minimal to non-existent.
  2. Nice story. Makes everyone feel good. Too bad there aren't more like that. You should come up with a site that links to positive police actions. The story about the cop that bought the single mom groceries and diapers would the kind of story that the site would cover. For those that are interested in the activities of bad cops, and the heinous management that allows them to continue in their employment as LEOs, here is a link to the Bad Cop, No Donut reddit site. The site links to articles about LEO activities, and the management of LEO activities, that aren't "feel good" stories. They are more like horror stories. The links are updated often. Bad cops need to actually get fired, stay fired, and the POA unions stop defending the proven bad cops. The "thin blue line" is real, and needs to stop. As a juvenile, I was convicted on charges that I had nothing to do with, knew nothing about, and was away on a camping trip when the crimes took place. I did not know the people who did the crime. I had absolutely nothing to do with it. The perjured testimony of two officers was taken as truthful, in spite of the documentation provided as to my whereabouts at the time the crime was committed. To this day I do not trust any LEOs under any circumstances. It was well proven to me and others that LEOs can and will lie to make a case. Other people in my home town were convicted under similar conditions. The entire PD was corrupt to the bone.
  3. RWCs believe all kinds of total bullshit is true. Obama Birth Certificate invalid? Trickle down economics works? Tax cuts cause economic growth? The majority of federal spending is on social programs? All of the above are complete bullshit, but RWCs believe otherwise. I can easily see them as being so gullible as to believe that what I posted is correct. Nothing positive for society ever came about via the practical application of Conservative philosophy.
  4. Begin quoted text >>> Congress managed to pass a tax bill in December — a great relief to tax professionals like myself. But what our legislators didn't do was address the fundamentally unfair way the United States taxes people who work for a living compared with people who live off of the earnings of their investments.. Our current system hits working Americans with punishing rates compared with what the investing classes are charged. A generation's worth of legislative twists have left our tax code so warped that during the coming filing season, one married couple bringing in $150,000 in total income from two jobs could find itself paying almost three times as much in federal income taxes as another couple that is alike in every way — except for the source of its income. The tax code started to tilt in the direction of favoring income from investments — or favoring the 1%, if you will — more than 20 years ago. In 1993, the year Bill Clinton took office, a married couple claiming the standard deduction — with no children, tax credits or other adjustments to income — and earning $75,000 apiece in wages, would have paid $35,650 in federal income taxes. A similar couple, whose income came solely from long-term capital gains, would have gotten a small break thanks to what was then the 28% top rate on those gains. Their total tax bill, $34,158, would have been about $1,500 lower than that of the wage earners. By 2000 — the year George W. Bush was first elected — the tax gap between wage earners and investors had already opened up. In that year, our two-wages couple would have paid $33,607 in taxes. They also would have paid that amount if all of their income had been from stock dividends; there was no preferential treatment for dividends at that point. But the couple whose income came from long-term capital gains would have paid $23,025 in taxes — almost a third less. Fast-forward to the 2014 tax season. Our two-income couple are still working full time to make the same $150,000 (not a farfetched scenario in our new-normal era of stagnant wages). After a decade's worth of inflation adjustments to their tax bracket, their tax bill is now $24,138. And the couple living off of their investments? Their tax bill — whether their money came from long-term capital gains or qualifying dividends — has been slashed to $8,385, or a little more than one-third of the tax load on wage earners. Some of my clients who get their money from unearned income find this discrepancy unbelievable when they compare their federal taxes to their state bills. During this tax season, I know I will have clients — in California and Oregon, where I live — who will pay more in state income taxes than they do in federal taxes. I may even have some clients who will be stunned to learn that they face a four-figure state tax bill while paying exactly zero in federal income taxes for the year. The reason: The federal code provides that there is no tax on capital gains or qualifying dividends for people in the 15% income tax bracket. That means that a Los Angeles married couple filing jointly for 2014 with $94,100 of adjusted gross income, all from long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends, would pay nothing — zero! — in federal income tax. But their California tax bill would be north of $3,000. How did we get to this point? No legislator ever campaigned saying, “Tax laborers more than investors!” But several changes in the code since the early 1990s, including lowered tax rates on capital gains and lowered rates on qualified dividends, have conspired to produce that result. My high-income clients were dismayed last year by the new 3.8% net investment income tax, which applies to joint filers with modified adjusted gross incomes of more than $250,000 ($200,000 for singles), but that affects relatively few filers and, perversely enough, applies to non-tax-advantaged income such as rentals, as well as to dividends and long-term gains. Neither political party gets sole credit or blame. President George W. Bush was most aggressive about pushing such tax changes, but breaks for unearned income were also passed and extended under both the Clinton and Obama administrations. Supporters argued that lower rates would benefit retirees living on fixed incomes and also spur investments. But the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says that almost half of all long-term capital gains in 2012 went to the top 0.1% of households by income. For the nearly 60% of elderly filers who had incomes of less than $40,000 in 2011, the lower rates were worth less than $6 per household. In 1924 — a different era to be sure— industrialist-robber baron-Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon wrote in support of treating wages more favorably than investments. “The fairness of taxing more lightly income from wages, salaries or from investments is beyond question,” he wrote. “In the first case, the income is uncertain and limited in duration; sickness or death destroys it and old age diminishes it; in the other, the source of income continues; the income may be disposed of during a man's life and it descends to his heirs. Surely we can afford to make a distinction between the people whose only capital is their mental and physical energy and the people whose income is derived from investments.” Well, that's certainly not going to happen any time soon. But leveling out the tax treatment of wages and investment incomes would increase both the perceived and actual fairness of the tax code. It would eliminate preferences that distort investment and financial planning decisions. A fairer code might also increase respect for the system and improve tax collection rates overall. Joseph Anthony is an enrolled agent and tax pro in Portland, Ore. He can be reached at
  5. Begin quoted text >>> The toddler injured by a flash bang grenade during a 2014 police raid is no angel, according to a police report released today. Considering actions that included resisting arrest when taken from his crib, as well as known gang associations, the baby was properly treated as a suspect during the raid, said the police, clearing themselves. According to testimony included in the report, when officers moved to make the arrest, the toddler wiggled and even struck out at an officer with a onesie-clad foot. Initially booked on charges of resisting arrest and assault on a police officer, the toddler was later released on a plea bargain based on time served in the intensive care unit. “The subject should have been tried as an adult,” the report states. “These kinds of punks know that they can get away with pretty much anything up to a certain age.” Additionally, the baby was observed repeatedly flashing gang signs while in custody. Based on an analysis of three thousand different configurations of the baby’s hands over eight hours of video recorded from the hospital, police analysts identified no less than sixteen distinct hand signs from gangs across the entire United States and even some from Mexico. “The suspect’s knowledge of gang hand signs was remarkable,” the report states. “There’s no question that the subject was already building his network. The Mexico connection - that's drugs, right there. Even the name of his bed – crib - is a code word for a gang hangout.” Computer modeling of transitive associative dynamics confirms the gang-related finding. “When you consider people who associated indirectly with the subject through chains of linked connections, several thousand criminals and gang members were very quickly found,” the report states. “Up to six degrees of linkage were used, following the generally accepted Bacon methodology, to unearth these troubling connections with some of the top criminal figures in the world today.” Connections were found, as closely as only two or three degrees away, to people who had publicly made inciting anti-police statements. While not technically illegal yet, such statements are known to be extremely damaging. According to the report, “Evidence was found of public online statements that police procedures need improvement, and even suggestions that not every police officer always follows the law. These kind of statements need to be treated as broken windows, that can lead in the future to even more dangerous thinking and speaking.” The baby’s likely future is even more troubling, according to law enforcement experts. Using the science of enhanced predictive demographics, police analysts estimate that the subject’s risk of having further run-ins with police is extraordinarily high. According to police spokeswoman Iris Hineman, “People who believe, even if unjustly, that they have been a victim of police brutality, are more likely to have unfavorable interactions with law enforcement in the future. This kind of victim mentality erodes respect for the law, and requires careful monitoring. This suspect is very likely to carry this belief into adulthood, with all of the attendant risks. Given those risks, we cannot turn our back on the responsibility to provide assertive policing for this subject as well as all demographic matches.” A compounding factor is government dependency. The report identifies repeated efforts by the subject's parents to feed off the public teat for vast amounts of money, thinly disguised as current and unspecified future medical expenses. The report concludes by recommending vigorous action. The subject is identified as an elevated risk for future crime, and has been placed on every applicable watch list. More importantly, the report recommend monitoring responses to the case to identify other suspects. “Any person who sympathizes with this likely future criminal,” the report concludes, “has made our task easier by identifying themselves as a current threat to law enforcement.” Notes I struggled with the question of whether this diary is just plain too tasteless. Anything involving a small child is difficult, and in the case where a severe injury is involved, that fact immediately gets it right to the edge. Based on doing some reading on the case, I understand that the victim's family is working hard to seek justice for the very serious harm done to their child, and I came to believe that it was worth drawing the connection between this case and the pervasive ("No Angel") pattern of blaming the victims of such attacks either directly or by association.
  6. Factual statements are not personal attacks. The factual statement made has been proven over and over again by the words written and ideas expressed. Warnings and bans for factual statements are beneath you, Bill.
  7. Yes, because being a Marine means you can break all the local laws in countries around the world and not have to go to jail. So much for personal responsibility. Somebody gets killed while being arrested for selling single cigarettes. The response to that, well he shouldn't have broken the law. But, a Marine goes to jail for breaking the law...and you get your panties in a wad. SkyDekker and the others like him are the people who mocked a three time Purple Heart recipient during the 2004 election. The fake Purple Heart bandaids were an especially nice statement of how false their support of military veterans actually is. They chose to support a draft dodging cocaine trustafarian over a decorated Vietnam veteran. There are no words to express my contempt for all of those un-American scumbags.
  8. Do you mean to say that the Reich Wing Conservatards got all worked up over something that isn't true, but was reported to be true by the Reich Wing Media? How would that be news? It happens all the time. See the "Morons on Benghazi" thread for an example of how it works.
  9. Here is a USEFUL contribution to the Morons on Benghazi thread. Hey Conservatards, there is NOTHING to the bullshit fomented by the assholes you all believe in -
  10. The thread "Morons on Benghazi" continues. Why are the conservatards so easily led into being pissed off about four people dying in Benghazi, while not giving a rats ass about the hundreds of thousands we killed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq? Not to mention the hundreds of thousands displaced, and the completely predictable rise of ISIL and other extremist groups looking to fill the power vacuum left by getting rid of Saddam Hussein. The only explanation I can come up with is that Faux Spews and the Reich Wing leadership tells the 'tards what to be pissed about. The 'tards are too fucking STUPID to realize that they are ignorant sheeple like beings. Dumb as a box of rocks, and extremely proud of it. How is that practicing Socialism working for you, Ron? Are you still taking benefits from Social Security and Medicare, the most Socialist government programs available, while claiming that your hate Socialism is all it forms? Still a complete and utter hypocrite, eh? God will punish you for your sins. A permanent assignment to Hell is about right. False Christianity needs extreme punishment.
  11. Yes. Any female that supports the current iteration of the Republican Party is ignorant of their stated positions, and too stupid to read up on what they are. Nothing positive for society has ever come to pass by the practical application of Conservative philosophy. If the Cons had their way, Social Security and Medicare would not exist. Un married adult women would not be able to own real estate in their own names. Un married adult women would not be allowed to take out loans, have credit cards, and maintain an independent credit rating. The general ignorance of the policies that Cons have supported is amazing. When the facts are shown to, and, key point, understood by, females that support the Cons, the support wavers and goes away. Knowledge and historical perspective are powerful. Too bad most ignorant people work very hard to stay that way. You see it in the writings here.
  12. In other words, you are a practicing Socialist, with no shame at all for your hypocrisy. You rail against Socialism, while partaking of the most socialist programs administered by the US government. That makes you a consummate hypocrite. This ties in perfectly with your profound ignorance on most topics. In summary, you are a perfect example of a Right Wing Conservative. More accurately a Reich Wing Conservative. I sure wish that I could be there when you meet your maker. It would be quite amusing to see you be held to account for your actions and hypocrisy. God is just and doesn't like false Christians. I expect that there is a special place in hell for those souls. I can just picture you saying things like "my tribe had the belief, I just went along with them" and "I was only following orders", while trying to justify yourself and your false religious beliefs. See the attached graphic for more info.
  13. Is there any way for the moderators to change few letters in the thread title to accurately reflect the content? Morons on BHO and Benghazi would be an accurate title.
  14. 1214 posts of shit over the deaths of four people. The deaths of hundreds of thousand in the Iraq invasion and occupation = Conservatards were very pleased. 4 deaths that happened due to the lack of funding by Congress for State Department security. An issue that has been twisted the the Conservatard media into a fictitious scenario that is complete bullshit. The conservatard sheeple follow right along with whatever their masters tell them. Keep on dragging down the USA by flogging this dead horse. It is good for the country to fail to put credit where credit is due. No sense of honor or decency by the sheeple. It is disgusting.
  15. Conservatives are two faced assholes that have no sense of right and wrong. Bundy's statements on this matter are to be expected. He leeches off society by failing to pay his rent, and a pack of white skinned morons helped him delay justice. If Bundy and his supporters were black, or Mexican, there would have been a far different outcome to the standoff. Where is the outrage over Bundy's complete refusal to be an honorable citizen by paying his bills and taking responsibility for damage his property has caused? Conservatives supposedly believe in law and order, which goes hand in hand with personal responsibility. As usual, the actions don't match up with the professed values. Quite the opposite.
  16. Why the warning? Truthful statements are not personal attacks. Ron has shown himself to be hypocritical in so many areas via his own words here that a description of him as a "fucking hypocrite" is 100% accurate. In other words, it can't be a personal attack if the phrase is an accurate description of the individual.
  17. This is one of many publications that debunks the fake stories about the October surprise. There is plenty more available. I tend to NOT believe the mainstream media on anything of substance.
  18. It appears that you grasp of recent historical events is lacking. Here are the answers to the two questions. The first question - Speaking of idiots, can you name the US political figure that was instrumental in getting Hamas elected? The one that pushed for, and got, the general election that put Hamas in power. The one that ignored the well informed people who warned, correctly, that a general election would result in Hamas being elected? Answer = Shrub Context - Hamas is in power in Gaza due to ShrubCo's actions. That has worked out badly, hasn't it? The second question - If Barak Obama, during the 2008 election cycle, had communicated with, and made back channel deals with Al Quaeda on matters of foreign policy, would you consider that to be good politics, or a treasonous act against the USA? Answer - A treasonous act against the USA Context - During the 1980 Presidential election cycle, Ronald Reagan negotiated with Iran regarding the fate of the hostages. Reagan cut a deal to have the Iranians keep custody of the hostages until after the election. Reagan then used the fact that the hostages had not been freed against Carter during the election. Treason at the highest level, with absolutely no consequences to the traitors. I can't wait for the Reich Wing Conservatives to weigh in on these FACTS about Saint Ronnie. It will make for amusing, and sickening, reading.
  19. So you have nothing but uninformed opinions that you think are facts. That pretty much sums up the modus operandi of Reich Wing Conservatives. No real facts, just bombastic bullshit parroted from those that do your thinking for you. If Barak Obama, during the 2008 election cycle, had communicated with, and made back channel deals with Al Quaed on matters of foreign policy, would you consider that to be good politics, or a treasonous act against the USA?
  20. When do you plan to answer Georgia Don's rebuttal to your assertion that Carter is an idiot? Speaking of idiots, can you name the US political figure that was instrumental in getting Hamas elected? The one that pushed for, and got, the general election that put Hamas in power. The one that ignored the well informed people who warned, correctly, that a general election would result in Hamas being elected? Here is a hint, the same person was on vacation in August, 2001. That person chose to totally ignore the PDB warning about an imminent attack on the USA, telling the people who delivered the message that they had covered their asses and could go back to Washington. Please let us know who that person is. Consider this a basic test on the subject of recent historical FACTS.
  21. Yeah, John Kerry a turkey... NOT. The honorable John Kerry is highly decorated veteran excoriated by the Reich Wing America haters in 2004. The same people who pretend to shit a brick if anything bad is said about any other veterans. Those scumbags shit all over the Purple Heart medal with their band aids shaped like the medal. John Kerry speaks four languages fluently. He has multiple advanced degrees from top rated universities. He married a billionaire widow. He must be really stupid to be able to perform that well in so many areas. Shrub was and is unqualified to launder John Kerry's jockstrap. Shrub caused the deaths of thousands of Americans on 9/11, by his total lack of action, in spite of the warnings provided by Richard Clarke. Shrub killed thousands more Americans, and gravely wounded many thousands more, by conducting the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Not to mention the tens of thousands of Iraq citizens killed, and the hundreds of thousands that became refugees. John Kerry has all that money and he still worked to help the average citizen when he was a Senator. He continues to help the USA as SecState. For the Reich Wingers, that makes him a turkey, apparently. Scary, isn't it? How abjectly clueless is it possible to be?
  22. The details of what the billionaires have pulled off should piss off everybody. Unfortunately, the Reich Wing Conservatives are unlikely to believe the factual information presented as it conflicts with their "feelings" about the matter.
  23. Nice people here, even the foreigners. The compassion and empathy from the right wing Conservatives is as impressive as ever. I got a PM from some asshole from Argentina that apparently is too chickenshit to post their thoughts publicly. Any asshole that sends me a nastygram via PM will find their words, and a link to their user profile, publicly posted here. Begin quoted PM from user "SLATER" - you say you have compassion so how many of those "migrants" is you have in your house now? they need place to live, food to eat. how much of YOUR food and home have you givento them? Tell me how many are living in your house, eating your food, wearing your clothes, making you sick with their 3rd world diseases? none? then stfu shit for brains
  24. This post explains a lot. I would be scared shitless and run for the mountains if I saw the world the way Ron does. The black bogeyman and his disciples are starting the end times. A more clear example of the danger of listening to people like Nutter Beck and Lush Rimjob, and participating in evangelical Christian beliefs cannot be found.