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  1. billvon


    So you see government's role as choosing winners and losers? I'll remember that the next time there is a democratic administration and you complain about solar subsidies.
  2. billvon


    Jack Daniels CEO Lawson Whiting (also a Trump supporter) is having some #tregret as Canadians pull US products from shelves. It is a "disproportionate response" and completely unfair to him. "I mean, that's worse than a tariff, because it's literally taking your sales away, [and] completely removing our products from the shelves."
  3. No, it's not. They will deny a few Trump orders to make them seem impartial. Nothing will fundamentally change.
  4. And if you had any integrity, you would refuse to post on a forum where an evil dishonest mod has it in for you. But if you have none, and you just want to bitch so you can play the victim - bitch away.
  5. billvon


    Because it has been the default. To this day, "black sounding" names get interviews less often. That's discrimination. Because, again, that's been the default. For a simple proof of this, JD Vance was admitted to college under a DEI program. When I pointed this out to conservatives, a good half of them replied with "that's absurd, he's white." DEI is indeed the opposite. It means hire anyone if they are qualified, regardless of their race or sex or gender. D. It says hire anyone qualified even if they need a handicapped parking spot. E. It says provide services that some employees need (like mother's rooms) even if they are a small percentage of the workforce. I. Oh I know what YOU think it means. No gender affirming care for trans kids. But gender affirming care for cis kids? No problem! And if you think that just makes sense - you are the problem. Yes, now AND then. Even if you don't understand the issues. Do you think porn is the same as books about queer kids? How about books about straight kids? Are they OK? Again, if one is OK but not the other - that's homophobia. If you were supporting democracy you would have voted for Harris. You prefer a dictator, as long as the dictator does what you want. Don't feel bad - most US conservatives are like you.
  6. I wonder if we will hear: "South Carolina just has to rake their forests - and this would never have happened." "22% of South Carolina's firefighters are DEI! THAT is the problem." "Why are we paying for all those billionaires in Charleston to rebuild their homes? Maybe just live on their yachts!" "NOT ONE PENNY for South Carolina until the people freezing to death in North Carolina are taken care of." "Sure, we will give South Carolina aid, as soon as they agree to redistrict, sell their mineral rights to the Trump Organization and approve a few casinos."
  7. Over 175 fires have started in South Carolina due to dry and windy conditions there over the past few days. The South Carolina governor has declared a state of emergency, and tens of thousands are evacuating. So far about 4200 acres have burned - but the weather should turn by Tuesday and give them some cooler weather and potentially rain. It will be interesting to see the reactions of the various politicians involved.
  8. That is indeed what I did. In fact, the system does that for you; you enter the reason and it adds the note. I don't care much whether you believe me or not.
  9. The sort who thinks rapists, criminals and murderers are bad, yes. Which means there's really no place for me in the New Republican Party. Sure! Heck I will give you thoughts AND prayers; bless your heart.
  10. billvon


    Yes. Rapists are evil. If you don't think so - sad for you and those close to you.
  11. billvon


    I disagree. The measure of success of a government is support of its people's freedoms, providing for essential basic services and defending the country against its enemies. It is not to make a profit. If a company lets itself be taken over by another company, and its shareholders double their money, that company is successful. If Russia took over control of the US and the people here got a hefty payout from Putin - would you consider that a success? So you support hiring unqualified white straight men over qualified black, LGBT or female candidates? Because DEI is the opposite of that. DEI is "hire the best candidate REGARDLESS of race or sex or orientation or religion." So no medical facilities in the military? No VA hospitals? No GI bill? No airshows? No recruiting? No on-base housing? Because none of those has anything directly to do with killing people. OK. So Melania Trump and Elon Musk flouted the rules. Is that acceptable because they are white? Or is it unacceptable, and should be held accountable? So no breast reduction surgery for female high school swimmers who might have a shot at the Olymics if they get it? No hair transplants for 15 year old boys who are losing all their hair? No breast augmentation for a 17 year old girl who has such lopsided breasts that she is bullied mercilessly? I think that their parents - and not you - are in a better position to decide. White straight men are all terrified that the special treatment they have gotten for 300 years or so is coming to an end. I can't get too upset about that. A president who does nothing, and lets Congress make all the decisions, is vastly preferable to a president who destroys democracy in the US. Indeed, that is how the Founding Fathers pictured the presidency to work. Harris would have been a president. Trump is working towards being a king. Sad that weak people support kings over presidents. You chose him. He is your guy,
  12. What was Trump's record of voting in the Senate before his first election? Inquiring minds want to know. Because it sounds like you are arguing that bankrupting companies and being a reality TV star is better preparation for the presidency than being an attorney general, a district attorney, a senator and a vice president. And again, if you are looking to a future of Trumps, I want no part of it. Even if Trump's opponents have an annoying laugh, and didn't vote as often as you would have liked them to.
  13. I just helped someone here with the resident-alien applications and that question was on there.