Hi Zydrius!
What's up dude?
The Christmas Boogie will be taking place from the 20th of December 04 till the 3rd of January 05. Lillo will be flying Jan's Beach 99 and possibly also a Twin Otter. You will have LO for FF and FS everyday, all day. You can also get 1:1 coaching with FF Euphoria, Babylon and FS Endeavour.
Accomodation is available on the DZ, in the town 10 min by foot or within 10k's in nice small hotels. Food is great & cheap, the coffee is unbeatable
If you are travelling by plane, there will be a shuttle bus available from Madrid Airport
Included in LO will be daily Hybrid Jumps, big formations and FF Groups
For further information please visit
Go Big
Andy enjoy & stay safe