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Everything posted by DrnknMnky

  1. Cool Idea for a boogie. So 70's retro - is it a party foul to have a boogie in your stash? Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  2. PS. Ike likes Barry. He's just the right size. Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  3. sorry to say Max died last spring - cancer. slider's around but has to much of a Napolean complex. gotta go Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  4. I don't recall - must've killed those braincells. When's the next time you are going to bring your pooch out to play with Ike? Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  5. They would really be man's best friend if we could just teach them to drive. Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  6. Due to the women in the pics, I'm going to have to say number 3 Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  7. Happy Birthday Stacy: I'll keep a cold one for ya at Ottley's Schmuckie Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  8. DrnknMnky


    Ahh, ya caught me. Just trying to increase the level of eye candy at Ottley's. See all the wonderful things Hutcho & I do for you guy. Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  9. DrnknMnky


    Ahh the Rat Bastard must be keeping them sacred to himself. (can't truely blame him for that) I'll have to raid the MonkeyClaw office. Anyhow, I'm out of here for today. Blue skies and stay safe. Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  10. DrnknMnky


    No, I missed them as well. I gotta out more from behind the bar. I think he went to Oshkosh, WI for a big Airshow. Did you email or snailmail him the pics? He should put them up on monkeyclaw.com Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  11. DrnknMnky


    No, I don't think I heard about that. Did he tell you last month he jumped off an extention ladder from a fire engine into the pond? Just enough altitude! Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  12. DrnknMnky


    Johnny's pure entertainment; a great guy I've gotten to know over the past few months. Last night, he and Danny were signing up for Bridgeday, WV. I didn't here he was going to summerfest. The PST qualifer is Aug. 13 - 17. The pond is looking great. Save some pink paint to sign the Booze Cruze yatch. ps. make sure to ask Johnny to see the video of him working the heavy machinery Schmucker DrnknMnky#1
  13. DrnknMnky


    In the words of Johnny (9 lives - now down to 7) Anderson - "Them some Fiiiiiiiine.... Bytches". Wonderful pics you have on your site. When are you coming back to crosskeys. You hit us at a bad time with all that rain. Plus you need to mark up the TIKI bar - bigger & better. Schmucker DrnknMnky#1