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  1. "True airspeed, with a wingsuit, I think we're getting up to 2.4:1, but are getting as high as 4:1 with the right tailwind, and would probably go above that with the uppers at much higher altitudes. What type of glide ratio were Christoph Aarns, Patrick Barton, and other accomplished Skyray flyers getting on the prototype... or even the regular Skyray, based on both true and indicated airspeeds?" Christoph and Patrick did around 3 with the "series size" Prototypes and more with the big one. average flight speed is over 220km/h with the small one and a bit less 190-200km/h with the big one. In thinner air the flight speed drastically increasses! in 10.000 m it should be around 350 km/h! With the smalll one they where able to achieve 0 m/s sink rate for a couple of seconds. This is proved by Airtech (CYPRESS) Flightspeeds where logged with GPS flying against or 90° to the wind (to ensure a landing at the DZ) ALBAN
  2. Hello everybody! I´m the designer of the SKYRAYs. I discovered that there is a thread about Felix Channel crossing project. It´s a cool platform to clear some stuff up I think. - The SKYRAY IS in fact a device for human body flight!! 60% of the generated Lift comes from the body! I am not sure wether this is less than with most wingsuits. The good glideratio of the SKYRAY comes from the greatly reduced drag not from huge lifting surfaces. Therefore flying with a SKYRAY is totally differnt than Wingsuit flying. It´s much faster! - Felix Baumgartner seems (but I´m not sure) to have crossed the channel with a wing he built as a copy from 2 prototype wings we sold to Red Bull 2 years ago. The only thing he has in his mind is himself and PR for Red Bull. We had problems with his attitude and when he nearly caused a Ramstein II. we split up. - Congratulations for realizing this media-event to him! But he is and will never be the best SKYRAY flyer! He proved this himself! He needet to build a much bigger wing to get the same glideratio like Christoph Aarns or Patrick Barton got with the SKYRAY prototypes! (we have 2 sizes: a small one for daily use and a bigger prototype for testing purposes - both much smaller than Felix glider) ALBAN When you have questions please use