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  1. I would suggest that if you want comments like these to be taken seriously and not simply looked at as a lame attempt to stir up more hate, Id suggest that you didnt make up a anon username and post with your usual username. As it is you appear to be a troll trying to create more hate. So much hate... sorry, must remain unknown due to my job, and who I know related to this embarrassing event. No troll here, not trying to create hate....just letting the bullshit out. If this shit continues, our sport will NEVER be respected.....much less be legalized.
  2. yeah, probably bad timing, but here's my issue. I'm with relatives I haven't seen in years, and all I hear about is this guy that is crying to get down, shit his pants, very rude to the folk that are trying to help him, and acting like a complete ass. (FYI....people that were part of the recovery....first hand) Then he gets down and does not even thank the guys that saved his ass and is cocky like it wasn't a thing saying he can't wait to do it again. I have to defend my sport to these people that saved his thankless ass, and it's really chapped me. And since this was not written about, thought I'd bring it to light. Probably in poor taste, but oh well. There you have it, it's been said!
  3. [replyAss kickings are a start. just to add insult to injury, I have close connections to the guy that rescued the jumper..(whatever his name is). He was crying, scared to death and actually shit his pants. But you don't see that on the ground after the rescue was successful. What an embarrassment to the sport. Too bad there wasn't a camera up there w/ him.