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Everything posted by cornishe

  1. WHAT AN ADVENTURE. somehow im still awake. that shit was awesome. the best executed talus landing ive see russel perform to date. Russ and everyone else on the mission: thanks for the good times. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  2. when im not scared anymore. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  3. blinc's UI is not nearly as clean as that of dz. performance also lags. there obviously isnt much upkeep going on, for example on the homepage: "[an error occurred while processing this directive]" i dont think dz will give blinc its archives nor vice versa either. thats where alot of the gold is. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  4. i bet he wont. but if he spends three weekends in a row with you, then yes he will be. a fjc doesnt allow enough time to absorb everything there is to know to be a well rounded base jumper. its just enough to keep you alive and get you to a point where you can ask good questions. todays base jumper has 100 skydives, probably still uses a packer at the dz, at smells like energy drinks. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  5. cornishe

    Busted in Vegas?

    Eric's the one that's been causing all that f'ing trouble in Colorado. WHATS HIS PROBLEM?!?!? And somehow, he always gets away... -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  6. thats just silly. fly right into town? too easy. its only a rumor. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  7. attention all.. flying into Sun Valley (Haley) can be an excellent solution for you. It is only 45 minutes north of twin. horizon air flies there from LAX, LAS, SEA, and somewhere in norcal. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  8. greyhound goes that direction. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  9. cornishe


    forest service doest have policy against base jumping. theres nothing to narc about. if you dont have any proof, dont make accusations. you end up looking like a liar and ruining your own reputation. im glad you all had fun at the event. did jesse win the butt eating contest????? just kidding, dont cry. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  10. cornishe

    Double PLF

    Then don't jump. Glad you guys are out having fun!
  11. i dont think magot weighs enough to be uses as a packing weight. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  12. the smell of magot off the dead dog, that is. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  13. cornishe

    Yay Strippers!

    magot, collin, rusticle, and jaap. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  14. cornishe

    Yay Strippers!

    christ in a jet pack, the pic is here...;post=2133245;page=2;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;#2184003 -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  15. I know. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  16. cornishe

    the Kung-Pao Ranch

    i fly back into town on sunday. whoever's still there, get ready to eat some butt. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  17. Taken from "The Straight Dope...", ---------------------------- Dear Cecil: I hope that you can answer a question that has plagued me since childhood. If every man, woman, and child in China each stood on a chair, and everyone jumped off their chair at exactly the same time, would the earth be thrown off its axis? Also, if prior to jumping, they all yelled at the top of their lungs, would we hear it here in the United States, and how much of a time delay would there be? --Robert P., Los Angeles Dear Robert: Amazing as it may seem, I am actually going to answer this incredibly retarded question. But first Uncle Cecil wishes to have a word with his devoted readers. As you can imagine, I possess phenomenal scholarly resources. I have converted the spare bedroom in my house into a research library containing 16 million volumes, which are dusted twice a day by a team of robed acolytes holding candles. I have instant access via my Apple 380S GT to all the world's data banks. Why, right here on my writing table next to the box of spare quills I have a dog-eared copy of 16,000 Unbelievably Complicated Physics Experiments for the Home and Garden, With Answers, which has helped me out of many a jam. But despite this wealth of scientific knowledge, the Teeming Millions routinely write in with questions that not one sane person has ever asked in 6,000 years of recorded history. As a result, my usual sources of information are useless. Nonetheless, I try. I have been in repeated contact with the Beijing government all week in an effort to persuade them to get all 1,027,000,000 Chinese (1980 estimate) to jump off chairs. I have pleaded with them that will signficantly advance the cause of science. However, they have not been cooperative. They point out the China is a poor country, and lacks a sufficient quantity of chairs. Moreover, many of the chairs that are available are of nonuniform height, meaning that even if all the Chinese jumped off at the same time, they would hit the ground at different times, thus throwing off the results of the experiment. Finally, they point out that discipline among the Chinese people has become notoriously lax since the Cultural Revolution, and many of the participants in the project could be expected to be fooling around when they were supposed to be jumping. The Chinese government suggests that instead of having the entire nation jump off chairs, I should get one representative citizen to jump and multiply the results by 1,027,000,000. I have, needless to say, rejected this solution as grossly inadequate. The possibility of an actual test thus being remote, I have been forced to rely on my considerable powers of inductive logic, to wit: given the principle that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, when the Chinese get up on their chairs, they would essentially be pushing the earth down in the process of elevating themselves. Then, when they jumped off, the earth would simultaneously spring back, attracted by the gravitational mass of one billion airborne Chinese persons, with the result that the Chinese and the earth would meet somewhere in the middle, if you follow me. The upshot of this is that action and reaction would cancel each other out and the earth would remain securely in orbit. Just for fun, however--after you've been doing this job for a while you get a pretty bizarre notion of what constitutes a good time--suppose 1,000,000,000 Chinese, give or take 27,000,000, were somehow to materialize atop chairs without their having to elevate themselves thereto. And suppose they jumped off. Having performed astonishing feats of mathematical acrobatics (requiring the entire afternoon, I might note--sometimes I can't believe the crap I spend my time on), I calculate that the resultant thud in aggregate would be the equivalent of 500 tons of TNT. Not bad, but nowhere near enough to dislocate the earth, which weighs 6 sextillion, 588 quintillion short tons. I refuse to even discuss what would happen if all the Chinese yelled at the top of their lungs. --CECIL ADAMS ---------------------------- -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  18. dont people still learn this stuff during aff/iad/sl first jump courses? -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  19. cornishe

    Yay Strippers!

    hey no worries.. thank chris bazil and not adam foster for getting all the details ironed out in denver. :-) i think im going to start throwing fake bachelor parties so we have a reason to hire strippers. hurry up and get better so you can learn how not to collapse canopies. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  20. and dont forget 4/20 is Jay-Epstein-Day. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  21. check out the attached... this is what the hospital is supposed to be like!!! I KNOW YOURE FEELING BETTER NOW MUTHAFUKA!!! that smile on your face is the best! -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  22. holy crap, im getting a woody. i want to do 2ways with this brainchild. imagine the rush of wondering if the guy you are looking at is going to experience, right in front of your eyes, a MLW snapping or maybe a riser depending on where the battery was sitting. and when it finally happens, man thats gonna be great video for the carnage reel. how do i take popcorn with me on the jump?¿?¿??¿? -abbie Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  23. cornishe

    New rig..

    you look like a fucking storm trooper. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  24. cornishe

    New rig..

    Not many people are here for the money. thats what went wrong with skydiving. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  25. the d-bag will always be a soft opening, just like a SL. there is not much airspeed which is even build up during a go and throw. this may be why it felt like a lifetime; no snapping opening. in those 2 seconds though, from jump to flying canopy, i´ll bet you only fell 100 feet. maybe 80. what will i bet you ask? collin´s life. -am Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE