Hi All,
Just like to say I love this web site and all you guys seem really cool. Being a pretty conservative guy and recentyl breaking up with my girlfriend the natural thing to do at the time seemed to be to jump out of a plane with a stranger strapped to my back ... well this bug u all talk about .. it has bitten me .... now im hooked. I cant stop thinking about my jump and re watch my jump video over and over again (i think i am going to wear it out soon).
I do have a few questions though. I am still a student with not much money. Therefore for now sky diving is an extremly expensive sport for me to get into. I am in Australia and have priced it to be around $2000 AU. My question is if i do my A liscence but then do not jump much (due to lack of money) does this become dangerous, as i am not keeping my skills up, or is it like riding a bike "once you know how u never forget". This is my main worry as I dont want to put myself in any additional danger to what is already a pretty extreme sport.
Also if I get involved in a club is this a good way to save money on jumps and what sort of course and experience is required to become a camera flyer. I already have an interest in photography and short film making and this is an are i would love to persue in the future ... do camera flyers have a number of years experience before they move into that area.
Thanks guys!