I would like to add that by the book is the best way and safest way to adjust the sigma harness. I have over 4000 sigma jumps with all different body shapes, sizes and handy caps. I do however after the hook up make sure that the back laterals are still snug and but band is still snug and in place. I have noticed that after tightining the lower attachments the back laterals will loosen as well as the but band this only takes a second to check, on 99% of the students this is not an issue but there are some that the harness will settle into and things will loosen. This extra step is just an addition to the safty check that we do prior to exit. The butt band is what creates the triangle in the back which secures the student in the harness. in addition there are body types that are just not safe to take ( such as a large pear shape) it is best to try the harness on the student prior to the jump away from everyone else and if it does not adjust properly explain the safty concern to the student it may hurt their feeling a little but better to be safe than loose one
Just my two cents