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Everything posted by skydivingchad

  1. Travis wound up turning off his phone at about 3pm yesterday. The final tally of calls and emails was 120. Great job everybody. We all had a lot of fun with this at work. Even Travis was having fun up until about 1:30. Oh well Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  2. Oh he has learned his lesson for sure. He will never ever tell me when his b day is again, that's why I programmed it into my phone so we can all do this again next year. So far he is up to about 90 calls and emails for the day. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  3. thanks to everyone who is doing this. I think he is up to about 50 calls and emails so far today. The only thing I would request is to not do this all night long. a 8:00 pm east coast time cut off would be great. anybody overseas can be exempt from this time. thanks chad Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  4. I had to have my leg pads resized and the hardware changed (they were slipping on me) when I bought my rig. The local master rigger was going to do it but I decided to send it into Sun Path when I found out that they would change the hardware for free. I paid for new spacer foam leg pads and it was the best thing ever.
  5. Stratostar, If you're going to feed your rugrat beer in a sippy cup can you at least give him a good beer? He is way to young to be feeding him Miller Lite. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  6. See I knew it wouldn't take too long to get some people going, and give me some good responses. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  7. So I'm wondering. How long does it take the USPA to post the minutes for the BOD and General Membership meetings? It's been about 2 months and they already have the time and date for the summer meeting posted. I'm too lazy to contact them directly and I figured I would get some better reading from the responses on here. Does it usually take this long or are they just not going to post them? Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  8. First off, if your DZ or one in the area offers a canopy course take it. The ones that I have taken or seen will video your landings then debrief you. Along those same lines talk to the instructors where you jump and see if they can video or just watch your landings. Advice from someone in person is sooo much better than getting 10 different responses on here. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  9. Save your money and buy a Protec. $45 vs $300 Suck it up and try some different goggles and spend the rest on the money on something useful like jumps, altimeter,jumps, jumpsuit, jumps, gear, jumps..... Do you see the pattern here? I have seen sooooo many people go out and buy the most expensive helmets for no good reason except to look "cool" Unless you're independently wealthy save your money. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  10. What do you know about swooping, I've seen you land and it ain't pretty Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  11. I love my wife. even when she hits on older guys with grey hair Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  12. Carfax doesn't always work. Years ago I bought a used car from a dealer and got the carfax report on it. The report said no accidents and that it was always titled in my state. I later learned by looking over the car and having some alignment issues that it was wrecked heavily on the front end by the owner in another state. I bitched enough to the dealer that they fixed the problems I was having. I got lucky. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  13. Elizabethtown,PA In fact there is a small article in Parachutist this month. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  14. I work for a company that processes pennies. Last year we were having trouble getting truck loads of pennies. All because one company in New Jersey was doing exactly that, sorting the copper pennies and melting them down for a nice profit. Their scheme lasted all of about 3 months once the US Mint and the feds found out what was going on. The company got a slap on the wrist, had to pay a very hefty fine (almost the amount of profit they made) and were told not to do it again. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  15. I never got around to trying to induce a side spin solo. I had a side spin on tandem #5 the back flip jump. luckily we were drogue side up. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  16. no, we can carry mortagages until ours sells. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  17. one of the problems is going to be finding comps. We are looking at a 1890 bank barn that was made into a house in 1977 on 2.6 acres. Finding comps for that is not going to be easy. There is nothing in that area except for a few new homes that are selling for 195k, the price they are asking. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  18. You're killing me lol Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  19. Why is it soooooooo difficult to freakin' buy a house!!!!!!!!!!! We have the money, good jobs, great credit, found a place we absolutely love......took hours to fill in all the blanks on a contract with the realtor. Then she presented it to the sellers and they come back with a price 15k above what we offered, we will still pay it if it appraises at that much but we dont think it will. now it is a paper game until the appraisal gets done and comes back. Then we have to sell our place we just want it done NOW!!!!!! Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  20. I got all of you beat!!!!! My wife is hot with or with out glasses. Since you are asking about glasses I have to say that she has 13 pairs. Thankfully she gets them cheap. She does look hot in them. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  21. I actually heard a master rigger tell the owner of a Dolphin that his rig was unsafe to jump because of it being closed as per the containers instructions. He never once said that it is the way the directions state to close it. He told the owner to call his rigger and have him reclose the reserve. He also made it sound like the way it was closed was would cause a malfunction and that he had "special permission" to close it like a Javelin. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  22. well i got 1 beer down so far........ Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3
  23. How did your jump go? I introduced myself to you while we were getting ready to board the plane. I was the one with the red fuzzy helmet.
  24. Wow I must be bored. I just sat here and watched the entire thing. The bad part about it was that I kept saying outloud to no one. "no not there." "move it over to the right" ..... Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Pelt Head #3