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    Tecumseh, MI
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  • First Choice Discipline
    Formation Skydiving
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  1. Play nicely now boys!! ----------- Downwind
  2. Just thought I would let anyone who cares that I am changing my screen name to DownWind. Blue Skies!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ----------- Downwind
  3. Dude, you are so wrong. ----------- Downwind
  4. What a dork you were? There is a new rule at the DZ come spring thaw, contryscrub has to sport a mullet. ----------- Downwind
  5. Another picture of freezing cold. ----------- Downwind
  6. I thought it was interesting that NPR stated that the Mars Rover had a freefall speed of 150 mph as compared to a skydiver on earth who falls at 120mph. They must not have met any freeflyers. ----------- Downwind
  7. 36 this year with my first AFF jump being in September. I managed to jump at Techumseh and South Beach this year. ----------- Downwind
  8. I got to spend time with my family who I only see once or twice a year. I was good to myself this Christmas and bought a TRV 22 to play with on the ground. Also picking up my first rig down at skydive SOBE this weekend. ----------- Downwind
  9. My name is Jim and I am a financial analyst with Robert Bosch corp in Detroit, but will be switching to American Axle as a manager of finance also in Detroit. ----------- Downwind
  10. I second you on that. I would chalk up the whole week as a bad one. Here's to blue skys. ----------- Downwind
  11. I am also not able to give blood. The last time I donated blood was in 1999. I went a few months ago and was informed that I am indefinitley banned from donating blood since I had spent over 6 months in England and Germany between certain years (1980s and 1990s I believe). I was floored since I have already exceded the new limit when I donated in 1999. The disease they are concerned about is mad cow disease (BVE?) ----------- Downwind
  12. I consider myself to be dedicated to my job, although skydiving is much more fun. Just curious how fed up everyone out there has been with their respective jobs at one time or another. I came very close to walking out the door today and still may in the near future. Just curious if anyone else has been in the same position. ----------- Downwind
  13. Rebecca, Small world. Glad to see other mibs grads are out jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. ----------- Downwind
  14. Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I am working on my Aff and have 3 more levels to go. Since I started jumping a month ago I have become addicted. I sit at work and look out the window at the sky and think 'if only I could be jumping'! ----------- Downwind