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  1. No, it isn't. The difference was indeed in the first 3 digits. Already contacted my rigger
  2. Same here, once every 20 or 30 jumps the thing just breaks my neck. I was happy to read about the modification, until I checked my serial number: mine is higher than the s/n mentioned by Icarus. Oh well, I'll probably go for a reline anyway.
  3. Most of the time good, faster than the crossfire, but not too fast. Then about 1 in 20 openings I get totally slammed by it. I have a 104 loaded at about 2.1-2.2. It's a shame, I really like the canopy otherwise. I did about 25 demo jumps on a 109 before I bought this one, and didn't have any trouble with the openings. Still faster than the crossfire, but that's okay, those crossfire openings are a bit on the slow side anyway ;-)
  4. Take a look at Generates a complete album on your local machine, which you can then upload to your provider. Does not require any scripting or DB on the server side.
  5. More here:
  6. svdree


  7. Same thing here, been looking for info on the Neos for quite some time. I finally got all the info I needed when I requested a demo and put around 25 jumps on it last september. In short: I love it, and I have one on order. I jumped a 109, which gave me a wingload of 2.0. Is was quite fun to fly at that load, but I felt that I needed one size smaller, so I ordered a 104. This would put me at 2.1. A lot has been said about it in this thread, and most of it seems te be correct: openings are great; a bit faster than the crossfire, but very stable. Recovery arc is way longer than a similarly sized crossfire, and you're able to build up lots of speed. Mine should be here in february, can't wait... Edited to add: Some more info on the Neos can be found here: (page 25-28)
  8. I just put 22 jumps on a Neos demo last week (loaded at 2.0), and I actually think it's a great canopy when you're flying camera, if only for the openings. Sure, it's quite responsive to weight shifts in brakes, but after the first few jumps I really didn't notice this anymore, you sort of adjust your flying style automatically I guess. Is this what you mean by 'need more attention after opening'?
  9. Looking at the ground for altitude awareness may not always be practical. I can imagine that most hardcore 4-way competition jumpers don't take the time to check their altitude during the dive; they probably just go until they hear the beep. Or take VRW camera flyers; looking up at the formation from some weird headdown position does not give you a lot of opportunity to regularly check the ground. Even then: your eyes may not be as trustworthy as you think. Devices fail, but people make mistakes too. What if you're on a new dropzone, where the visual clues are totally different? What if the ground is covered in snow? What if low clouds came in during the ride to altitude? Sure, if you think that you're lower than what your altimeter tells you; by all means, pull. But only relying on visuals doesn't seem that safe. Also, I think a lot of people are a bit quick to dismiss this 4-way cypres incident as a stupid mistake of some idiots that shouldn't be allowed to skydive to begin with. If you think that something like this couldn't possibly happen to you, you may be overestimating your abilities. I read some comments of people who said that if you wouldn't do a jump without your devices (alti's, audibles, AAD's), then you shouldn't be doing it at all. Personally, I jump with a wristmount altimeter, 2 audibles and a cypres. I don't care about the cypres (it's just that you have to have an AAD at my favorite DZ), the alti comes in handy sometimes, but the audibles are just indispensable. I'm doing most jumps in inverted positions (headdown, tracing), and most of the time I only see the ground just before deployment. I would definitely not make these kinds of jumps without my electronic gadgets. Does that make me unsafe?
  10. svdree

    Maubeuge 2008

    I had the same problem, both with QuickTime and DivX player. The VLC player does a better job (
  11. I posted a similar question in 'gear & rigging' recently. In response, I got a PM from someone at Icarus, telling me the Neos is available, and they advertise in Square1 and Paragear catalogues. I attached one of the pictures he sent me. It's too bad that they don't push it harder, judging from the reactions of people who've jumped one, this seems to be a really nice canopy.
  12. I've been interested in the Icarus Neos since I first read about it, over a year ago. However, there's still nothing about it on their website, I haven't seen any advertisements for it, and it is not listed at any of the shops I've seen. Does anyone know what's up with this canopy? Is there a reason that Icarus is not pushing it more? I've tried to ask them this question through the form on their site, but got no response.