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Everything posted by CrazyJulie

  1. Thanks DQ for posting in bonfire ... I was looking for it. A few of us tipped back a few to Mark tonight in the cities. Jesus C.... Mark was a helluva guy - never an unkind word about anyone and ready to help you out in any way. Always looking to make someone else's day (pizza, wine, making a wise crack to make you giggle ...) This is a HUGE loss ... and it sucks big time We'll be jumping with 'ya in the biggest sky of them all someday, Mark! "Maudit marde" ... Miss 'ya, my friend Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  2. Thanks for the pics DQ! Wow - a whole year already. Having a cold one myself in his memory ... Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  3. CrazyJulie

    Base Death

    This is a clip from the local news. Nicely done. Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  4. CrazyJulie

    Base Death

    Erich was a super guy - always had a smile for 'ya. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to Max and Gretchen, and all those whose lives he touched. He will be missed. Blue skies, my friend. CJ Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  5. Ryan - I purchased my rig "used" therefore I did not specifically ask for everything it is equipped with, so you can just exclude me from the group that must have all the "bells and whistles". I'm just trying to figure out the best things to do to it for myself. I simply want to know the pros/cons to having slider stops. There must be very valid arguments for and against them, otherwise every rig would be equipped the same. I want to make an informed decision on what I should do with mine. Thank you Julie Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  6. I had that same problem. I had my surgery about three years ago now. You'll be glad to have it done, but you're going to feel like shit for a couple of days. I still get a little stuffed up when making several jumps in a day, but overall, breathe much better than I used to. Good luck! Oh, and I don't think the skydiving caused your problem - you've probably had it for quite some time. CJ Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  7. Hey Bill - Thanks again for the copy of the cypress info. How do I get a cypress card? Will they send me one when they send my cypress back from its maintenance? Oh yeah, missed you and Kim last Sat. night at Lil Diddies! CJ Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  8. What would be the pros/cons to having slider stops and what are the pros/cons to not having them? I'm uncertain at this point if I should have my rigger install them or not. I am having him tack down my slinks after reading, a couple of months back, of a death where the slinks may have been a contributing factor. Any info would be most appreciated
  9. 'Ya bunch of sissies! Check out the temp here in Minnesota - gotta love that windchill! Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  10. Hi Jennifer and welcome to skydiving! You are definitely hooked - you might as well plan on taking AFF or some other route to getting licensed. I'm in Minnesota and it cost me around $2000 to get through the course and get my license. And it's been worth every penny. Skydiving is definitely a life-changing sport, and the people you meet are incredible. Go for it girl and maybe someday in the future, we'll be flying together!!! Big Fat Blue Ones! Julie Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  11. Sending out love, good vibes, and prayers to all the families who lost loved ones two years ago. Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  12. Definitely said "first" solo - I'll take some of that beer also Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff
  13. Hi Jeremy! I'm a new jumper this season as well, out of SkyDive Twin Cities, so we're practically neighbors! I agree with you that the people are just great - maybe next summer I can make it over to your dropzone
  14. That would be a lot of fun, but I'm making a winter trip to Perris for the Jack, Off to Perris boogie. Hmmm, Christmas in Eloy, that would be a blast
  15. Yes, I've found out real fast what priority skyjumping takes! I knew I'd love it and be addicted, but had no idea I'd be obsessed and dream about it. Every jump just gets better and better
  16. Hi everybody! I have to say that this sport is the greatest thing I have ever experienced. I absolutely love the jumping (insert perma-grin