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  1. I have done 9 IAD's so far and am not even ready for freefall yet!!!!! I imagine I will be doing IAD's all next summer too. I am just a very slow learner. I will probably have to do at least 50 to get it right.
  2. How can you tell if someone is made for it or not ??? What types of people would you discourage or encourage to skydive ??? Just curious
  3. Why is it IAD students are not allowed to have an altimeter ?????
  4. I was wondering why some DZ's have students do IAD's untill they can arch properly, perform good canapy control, etc before starting AFF and other DZ's start a student on AFF right away without the IAD's. There seems to be different ways of starting to teach students. Any thoughts on this ????
  5. Yes that is true, the arch must be practiced !!! I do that. It just seems different somehow when you have about a 30 lb chute on your back and have to arch hard into the relative wind. I am just a basic beginner and haven't pulled it all together yet. My jumps are also inconsistant doing some different stupid thing each time, although 5 out of 7 jumps, I was facing the wind and watching the plane. I do get plenty of help at the dz and get told what I did wrong. It seems a matter of getting the brain in gear with the body at the time of exit. It really doesn't look too hard. Hopefully it will before the 100th Iad. ha ha
  6. Yes I have done and do lots of ground practice. But it is different up there with the wind & no ground than actually on the ground. I just can't pull it together up there except most of the time I can look Up & turn left. We don't start by hanging on the wing strut but by having the left foot on the step, left hand on the wing strut, right hand on the side of the plane and right foot in the corner of the door then looking right & up and arching as you leave the plane. I haven't got coordinated yet to do all that yet. I can do the climbout then after that I'm a leaf in a hurricane and then I am in the parachute.
  7. Yes they do offer AFF but you must do a few IAD's first with the proper arch which I am having trouble with right now. I am up to 7 now and some people take about 20 or so. The relative wind is bossing me around at this time. I guess every dz has their own ideas. There are only 2 dz's in my area and they seem to have the same mthods for beginners.
  8. I am very new to skydidving and have done 7 IAD's, My problem is when I exit the plane, I get blown away by the wind then my chute opens. I cannot seem to do the arch yet. There doesn't seem to be much time. Sometimes I look up & into the relative wind and sometimes not. My jumps are not consistant. I feel I might need about 100 IAD's to get this feeling. I know what I am supposed to do. It just hasn't happened yet. My last jump, I forgot to look up. Frustrated. Are there many others out there who went through this ?????