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Everything posted by fallman

  1. "Like a monkey fuckin a football"-referrin to anyone looking ridiculous -and for when someone is really ugly "Looks like his/her face caught fire and someone put it out with an axe." woa....that was cool....
  2. bring on the belching! Please, no farting
  3. wow(drool) woa....that was cool....
  4. Those of us in the bay area know there is one place to put something and not have it found for a long time- The Delta- You could wrap the body in weights and toss it out on jump run at Bay Area Skydiving, do a jump and get on with ur day.
  5. did u say 328,000 feet?! woa....that was cool....
  6. don't know ur exact situation, but if u are like me and tryin to get over a recent relationship and wanna take ur mind off the ex then i recommend droppin by the 'bridge the gap boogie' in elsinore this weekend. We'll jump those girls out of our system. woa....that was cool....
  7. woohoo! count me in! any other dz.commers gonna be there sound off! woa....that was cool....
  8. i don't think he meant that skydiving makes us hornier. I think he was referring to the same chemical imbalances that motivate risky behavior may be linked to sex drive. Although i don't have any facts on this, i will say that i also like to have sex woa....that was cool....
  9. only if the hairdresser GUARANTEED I'd get laid woa....that was cool....
  10. My dad recently reversed his 'if u get a bike i won't pay for ur college' opinion. Now comes the period of trying to save up enough money for that sweet F4 i've been lookin at in magazines for years. As an unpaid intern that could take a while though... woa....that was cool....
  11. It's now 4 30 AM or so, i'll tell u when i find what works for goin to sleep, in the meantime, i'll just do some postwhoring. woa....that was cool....
  12. I was so excited to get my new rig and was dying to stitch "oh shit" on there. Then a week before picking up my rig I looked across from me and someone else had it on theirs! I was so bummed out. Wouldn't mind if someone else had it, but at the same DZ , it would look like I ripped it off. I like 'plan B' as well, was thinkin of '241', as in 2 skydives 4 one plane ride. Other suggestions?... woa....that was cool....
  13. All good stories, but how many of you have your announcement of your intent to start skydiving to your parents on video?! I get to watch my dad's (you really are going for a darwin award) look and my mom's (oh god....he's found somethin dumber than snowboarding) look over and over again. If it's not on video, it didn't happen... woa....that was cool....
  14. I jump with one. It came with my rig(Aerodyne icon). I think I've used it ten times this week alone(it doubles as a bottle opener) I would have bought one even if my rig hadn't come with one, you never know when you're gonna need it, and why not? woa....that was cool....
  15. I'm a straight up gangsta! Or I wish I could be.- Michael Bolton baby! woa....that was cool....
  16. Being under canopy, seeing another pop open within a few hundred feet of me, and watching the camera man keep falling. The difference in fall rates made me realize just how fast we fall(I was still on student status at that point). It amazed me how fast he fell at that low of altitude and slowly turned over to pull. It was shocking to see him rushing towards the ground and appear so calm and relaxed. woa....that was cool....
  17. I usually jump at Skydive San Diego but am looking forward to checking out Brown Field(waiting for my gear to arrive). I only have 33 jumps and have made them at 5 different dropzones and have not found one that I didn't like. People tend to trash talk other dz's but I think it's more home dz pride than an actual dislike for the other dz. woa....that was cool....
  18. If only that guy at the liquor store hadn't scanned my id and taken it from me... No more bars for me for a while woa....that was cool....
  19. Since I would probably have been showing my fancy new rig off earlier in the flight I would make sure I put it on right away so no one else goes for it! Don't want some idiot throwin it on and jumpin away with it.
  20. Can you watch wrestlemania sober? woa....that was cool....
  21. I think online classes are great if you have the discipline to take them seriously. The problem is that all the tests are open book(since there is no way they could prevent that with online exams), and all the homework is simple busy work(since there is no teacher to explain the assignments in detail). As a result I got an A in my last online class and am at about a 96% in my current class but I haven't learned anything. I just do the exam with the book next to me and complete the busywork. It's a good way to take care of units you wouldn't enjoy anyway, but perhaps not such a great idea if you're really after an education. woa....that was cool....
  22. (((((((((((major vibes!!))))))) I hope everything turns out well.
  23. Sounds like people in Florida need to stop watchin so much Animal Planet. woa....that was cool....
  24. I thought this was gonna be one of those, "so i was sittin around drinkin and doin drugs" stories... woa....that was cool....
  25. fallman

    Caption this

    OMG u win!!! u win!!! "hold it, hold it, now pass it to the left..." that was awesome woa....that was cool....