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    Skydive Burnaby
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    Tunnel Flying
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  1. Hey all, I forgot to mention in my original post that I am willing to travel and join an existing team. If anyone out there is looking for a team member please PM me and I can fill you in on my experience!
  2. Looking for individuals at a moderate to higher skill level who are highly motivated and see themselves competing at a respectable level at the nationals in the open category. Must be willing to accept that there will be travel involved to train in the tunnel over the winter and jump during a spring training camp somewhere in the southern U.S. Goal is to build to a 12-15 point average Jump numbers are secondary, a positive attitude and a willingness to learn are much more important. Anyone who is interested please PM.
  3. Any Skydivers out there interested in Tunnel Training 4-way FS over the winter and competing next year? Plan is 2Hrs+ Coached tunnel per Month starting in November, and Early spring training trip to Southern DZ. For more particulars email.
  4. Laila Stamper-Jenkins (Kallio) was one of the life forces at the Arthur Parachute School of Toronto. Spiritually, she was someone we all aspired to be like. Laila saw the good in everyone she met and often befriended troubled souls. She was trusting, and kind. Her spirit was strong, but over time, her body was weakened by Wegener's disease. Her positive outlook and determination to make the best of things exemplifies the strength of character. It would be very difficult to find someone to speak ill of her. Now, don't think she was a saint,.. She was often late as she lived on Drop Zone Standard Time. As to any other flaws, .. they were far outweighed by the her positive attributes, and they helped to make her who she was. Pages could be filled with tributes to Laila,.. and I would hope that they will be. Share your treasured memories and more importantly, gather with Laila's friends and family to celebrate the life and legacy of Laila on July 24th at the Parachute School of Toronto. Blue Skies! Laila's memorial jump is scheduled for Saturday,July 24th, (weather date, Sunday, July 25th) Plans are underway, and more will be posted in the future as plans are finalized. Please pass this information to anyone who you know would be interested and stay tuned. An event has been created on facebook for this occassion. Also check out to learn about the memorial garden and donate online. We are also working to bring Laila's daughter home. Help bring Karly home. As with all young adults, money is tight, and with the additional expenses incurred lately, Karly would have a very difficult, if not impossible time making it home for the July 24th memorial. This is a celebration that she should not miss. Flight costs are around $700. If you believe that Karly should be here,.. help by going to and selecting to donate by paypal to Bring Karly Home. If everyone reading this could contribute what they can afford,.. we only need 35 people to send $20, or 70 people to send $10. It's not a lot of money, for us to share the burden. $10 is only about 5 Timmie's coffees, 3 beers at a bar, or less than a low jump,.. I'm sure many people are willing to set aside this small amount to bring Karly home for this important event in her life.
  5. OK, I have a VooDoo, love the rig, hate the velcro-less toggle set up.. Way to many toggle releases on opening and no means to stow access brake lines. Have browsed the forums and have narrowed it down to either the RWS "Tru-Lok" or Velocity sports! I really like the PdF but cannot find website. Are they still in Business?? Any input on this subject is greatly appreciated!
  6. I am sure i will need a few jumps to blow the dust off the old wings It's like riding a bike though.... once you learn you don't forget... It's just a little harder to get back in shape again
  7. Time to start some serious jumping again Hey All, i am looking for people from South western Ontario to do some jumping with.I started jumping in 1996 and haven't jumped much the past two-three years. i have about 550 jumps and am looking to get a four way R/W team together for fun and maybe comp. Summers almost here