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    Skydive Alabama
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  1. Updated my profile..thanks. I forogt about that Ankie, thanks for your quick replay to my email and to the posts here! I didn't even think you guys would be on here. I'll get in touch with you and hopefully we can work out the problem.
  2. Hey folks, I've been jumping a Wings rig for about a year and I'm getting annoyed with how high the hackey sits on my back. Another few inches and I wouldn't be able to reach it. I'm a fairly short guy (5'7") so I didn't order the EXT Wings. Anyway, any other short guys out there with similar problems? I'm looking for options, ideas, ect. on making the reach a bit easier. I'm also considering a different container system. Any opinions on the other popular rigs for us short guys?
  3. I had lamost the saem situation. My right toggle came out in freefall and my sister (VERY experienced) signalled me to pull. I deployed at 6' (there was noone above us) and immediately went into a mild spin. I was able to straighten out the sping with some opposite toggle but the rght toggle was in a knot and I could undo it. I had all sorts fo alitutde to think about cutting away. I did not. I decided to go back to AFF ground school. I tested my canopy. I was fully open, I was able to fly straight and initate controlled turns in both directions. My only weakness was the flare. All the experienced skydivers told me later that cutting away or riding it in (as I chose to do) would've been good decisions. They also all said they would've elected to NOT cutaway. My landing was hard with the minimal flare but I plf'ed and walked away. I was still flying a student canopy at .85 but if I were flying a higher wing loading I might have though mroe on cutting away,
  4. Hey folks, I just finished my AFF training at Skydive Alabama. Wow, I'm in big trouble now. I need to take up a sport that isn't so expensive! ...Nah, what the hell. I never really intended to learn to skydive. I got roped into it..OK, I didn't really need much roping. My sister and brother-in-law own Skydive Alabama and I got tired of them never visiting so I decided to head over there for the weekend. Well, 1 tandem later (actually my second tandem. I had one from waaay back) and I'm thinking it might be fun. So, Labor Day weekend I packed up the truck and headed back over the Skydive Alabama to start AFF. Family bias aside, I think Sandy and Jon did a great job training me. It was a really busy weekend and I was still able to get all the way through AFF IV. THere was no slack given to me either. They were pro's 100%. Last weekend I went back and finsihed my AFF training and even had time left to do 2 solo jumps. Wow, with nobody around you have a lot of time in freefall. On my first solo I did a poised exit and tried to align myself so I could watch the plane as I fell away...One word..."coooool". After that, I practiced some 90deg. turns and tracking maneuvers til I reached my pull altitude. My second sole was much the same but I decide to play a bit and see how fast I could do 360deg turn....Well, most of them ended up begin 400 degrees but I'll get better. I apparently creted a new beer rule too. I had to bring my dog to the DZ with me and now I owe a case of beer everytime he comes with me due to fur. Apparently Siberian Huskies shed?!?! Who knew... Well, I'm looking forward to getting back over there so I can make some more jumps and improve my new skills.