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Everything posted by ErnestHemingway

  1. The Soul of Seven Teeth She lost her teeth Seven to be exact A murder in a hall He escaped intact The night like shadow fell Dig, dig, dig the holes Three seperate, each with care Buried lies her soul That dirt smells of decay What is this? he says A bone, an elbow, an arm God says it's okay With a smile he goes digging deeper, ever deeper Swallowing his breath His work is for the Reaper A place of rest he's found Nicely layed, sacred ground This, her shroud... He killed her because he should What would you do if you could? Would you find that ecstasy That which you seek? Or the absolute cold The evil that creeps. Which nothing do you prefer? The one that smiles Or the one that hurts?
  2. Good for you. At least you lived, this time. Next time, you may not be so lucky. Get off of yourself. Arrogance in this sport is the number one killer. Even over ignorance.
  3. Yeah. Bailey's with Guiness. After a night of drinking at the University of Michigan I drank a yard of guiness, 5 TRUE car bombs, almost pissed in a BMW's sunroof, and still mad it to Java class in the morning. Go figure.
  4. Actually, that poster/picture has been around since the 90's. People fear the unknown. That's just the way it is. Don't sweat it.
  5. Hey dude, Fuck 'em. EVERYONE gives you shit, right? Ask yourself why. Okay? Now, let's get on with the real shit at stake, shall we? Fuck these people. Do what you need to do for you. Don't listen to anyone but yourself. Fuck the mods, fuck the women and lastly, fuck everyone else, including me. Do what you need to do. Fuck it, man. Do what makes you, you.
  6. Insanity abductor Life my keeper. Street with a name Life my game. Chapel of White Darkness in Light. Ever stalking prey In white-dark or Grey. Rip, rip, rippher. Rip, rip, rippher. Yesterday it came Forever in a name. This my tomorrow Screaming her sorrow. Vile crimson stench Notes HA! HA! you wretch. Breathing my breath Living her death. Rip, rip, rippher. Rip, rip, rippher. Until we meet again, Jack the Ripper
  7. I have to say that I disagree. Mercyful Fate IS death metal. In its purest form, if only in my opinion. Yes, King Diamond and Mercyful Fate are Danish... If I was younger, I may have known that.
  8. Any kind of friend in any kind of trouble. Because a friend is a friend until the end.
  9. The best advice is advice asked for, or someting like that. Take it slow, man. Don't try to do everything at once.
  10. Once I keep my chagrin It keeps like a reflection In a mirror of sorts A pastis of time A rememberance of life And a reflection of death A soul of sorts And a apogee of today today Forgon
  11. Once I keep my chagrin It keeps like a reflection In a mirror of sorts A pastis of time A rememberance of life And a reflection of death A soul of sorts And a apogee of today today Forgone.
  12. For those who think King Diamond/Mercyful Fate are not DEATH metal?... I say, He. As for King Diamond being Danish? That is entirely correct. I apologize for the misinformation (not, really, just trying not to piss of the regulars, like you, ya know). I should have remembered that. However, I did not. My Joe Namath. King Diamond and Mercyful Fate ARE Death Metal, just not what the Deap Throat, Non-talent strokes are used to. Have fun with your on-stage suicide. I only wish I could have killed my Grandfather. He didn't deserve what he went through. But, then again, that's the US. -- Which can kiss my fucking ass. Don't bug me, FBY?
  13. Damn, dude. Don't listen to anyone but yourself, man. Don't "get" anything. Just be you. Fuck it, man.
  14. Hell, let's start using words like "bait," "effervesence," and "I don't have a girlfriend, therefore I post cheese-ass shit so I will get attention." Did I do good? Do I fit in?
  15. Fortunately, being of "above average" intelligence has its advantages. An outfit I started talking to in May of this year has maintained contact (they do move very slowly) and put their offer in writing this morning. I start on the 20th. The best part of get's me out of telecom completely!! Woohoo!! Did I do the tags right? Ok. Being a newbie, and a rather straight forward lad, I must ask some questions. If only for my own good and for your pleasure. 1.) What is your I.Q.? 2.) How the hell did you do it? I dream of that day. That is all. I wish you the absolute best. PS. Do you belong to MENSA? Or is that too upscale for you?
  16. ok. I will say one thing... WE should not all be naked this Samhain... Trust me. :-) Anyway, have a great party, to one and to all!
  17. Fast: Now we have MMORPG's. Which, BTW, take more processing power than FPS's. In the future, so will everything else. Just observing. I honestly don't want to piss anyone off, as I am new. Let me know if I should tone down. HL2 sucks. :-)
  18. Dude, I overclocked a 1.6 to a 2.4 with NO water cooling. Do not water cool your box unless you plan on SEVERELY overclocking your box. BTW, I had no problems when I did this. The only way to find out if you need to water cool is to experiment. If you do not have the money to experiment, then you do not have the money to water cool. If you do water cool, just remeber to replace your tubing EVERY year. If you do not, expect to buy a new box EVERY year (That is an exageration, but I hope you get my drift). In the end, water cooling is NOT worth it. No matter what techie geek tells you otherwise. Your choice.
  19. That "milky" colour is the louche... What a beautiful sight... Spain, that is Deva. 50% or 70% depending on what you ask for. Gentlemen. Suisse La Blue is the best. Trust a person you don't know. :-) It is made in Switzerland, as if the name didn't give it away. This stuff will knock you off of your ass. NOT the alcohol, but the thujone content. If you can get it, more power to you. If you can't, let me know. I will broker a deal for you and I won't touch your money. Send it Postal Money Order if you like (if in the U.S.) to a special someone. Trust me guys, this shit will make your day. 500 times better than Hills or Sebor, 400 times better than Deva, and 300 times better than Franqois Guy. No shit. Just let me know...
  20. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. - John Donne Fly safe, fly free. Never give up. And don't die.
  21. I am gonna get banned from this site, but why the fucking hell are you even questioning this shit? You know it's wrong, so speak out! It really is as simple as that! Hell, maybe more of you do-goods should have fucked up once in your life. Then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be a fucking puppet.