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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Twin Cities
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  1. Disregard such a foolish, angry post. Intent was good but lost on immature delivery.
  2. The problem is simple, people (men and women) have no respect for what sex was created for. Sex was designed to be an act of total devotion and love between 2 people and it has been turned into a perverted act of physical pleasure. Men have sold and women have bought that it's okay to just fuck around for fun to the detriment of humanity. I hope everyone who subscribes to such meaningless, live for the moment, sexual pleasures has a lot of fun because you will pay for it eternally. Stupid, selfish, motherfuckers, enjoy the fires of hell.
  3. Well said Joel. These last few days have been sad and weird, Mark was a great guy who was nice just for the sake of being nice. He was always positive and funny (even when he was trying to convince my girlfriend now wife to get with some other guy
  4. DaBiff

    Climbing Time

    Thanks for the info, I know of a few local jumpers that I can contact to make sure I'm doing the right things. What's the best way to approach an experienced jumper about doing some groundcrew? The guys I know of I've talked to before but don't know them very well beyond casual conversation.
  5. DaBiff

    Climbing Time

    I'm a newbie skydiver looking to get into BASE, there's an object close by and I was wondering roughly how much time it takes to climb an approx. 900ft antennae? (thought I could maybe have some fun lunch breaks)
  6. Hi all, I finished my AFF this past June and spent my summer either thinking about skydiving or skydiving. I love it and I'm hooked. Besides the thrill of skydiving I've noticed that skydivers are a lot of fun. There's an obvious and well deserved appreciation of beer and partying. In the short time that I've been skydiving I've seen more breasts than I've ever seen in my lifetime. I'm wondering, is this a common theme that permeates the skydiving world?