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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. I felt the same way. I knew they were that cruel but I didn't think they would be that stupid. RIP I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. I would never claim to have all the answers, but I do claim to know and have expierienced more than you. That much is obvious. Quote Have you ever been in a bombing raid? I have. Have you ever seen bodies of children in a ruble? I have Have you ever spoken up even when there is someone holding an Ak-47 pointed too your head? I have Trust me you have no clue about the things I have done and seen. You have no clue what effect a war has. You go you fight then you come back to your home. You don’t live in the countries you serve in. So please don’t think because you went too boot camp and did a tour your all knowing. The kids who are in Iraq will feel the long-term effects not you. The only thing your right about is that you have a choice the people in Iraq didn't. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean it is loaded my friend. that is what we are. An invading army. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. Answer--- A very small amount. If the whole Iraqi population or even half of it supported these fuckers then no army on this planet could move against them. Quote Now I know you have no clue what your talking about. How many countries would you like me to name that the people do not want the controlling party but they can't do any thing about it because the other guys have all the guns? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. Firstly, you have no idea wether or not that young Marine thought that guy was a threat or not. I'm sick of saying 'you dont know'. Secondly, I didn't say 'he did the right thing' I said 'he made the right choice' The right choice being the one that kept him alive, no-one knows the outcome if he hadn't of shot the guy.Quote Do you think if the guy had a bomb under him they would leave that part out and not mention the guy would have killed them if he were not shot? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. Christopher What do you call an army who has invaded your country for a reason that does not exist? How would you feel if this army told you to move out of your home cause there is terrorists in it and they want to bomb it to make sure there all dead? Also consider the terrorists this army is referring to are fighting this invading army. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. Last I checked we do have a volunteer army right? Well kind of volunteer I mean they do get paid and not forced to take the job right? I don’t think patriotism is an excuse for blindness do you? I also don’t think just because someone is a Marine they are above all laws. Being in the armed forces doesn’t automatically make you a saint or a good person you do realize that right? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. At that time it was looked down on and was considered dishonorable. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. Here is a news flash for you. This country was founded on dishonorable war tactics. We invented guerilla warfare at a time where it was considered the wrong thing to do. Remember fighting the British? Here is another news flash When a stronger army is taking over the weaker army usually will result to any tactic for its survival. To Geordie Skydiver If you feel he did the right thing by killing a man who did not pose a threat then I feel sad for you. I wonder how you would feel if the tables were turned and you saw a wounded US special forces solder get shot in the back of the head, and have the killer say well he is dead now. I bet you wouldn’t be so quick to say he did the right thing then would you. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. As far as I'm concerned - they can't die fast enough. ***Quote Let me guess and I only say this because it is you. By they do you mean all brown people? You see I have been sitting here thinking should I even replay to you. I already ignored one person who I know has a problem with Middle Easterners. To be honest I don’t see you as any different for reasons you already know. It would be like trying to explain to the leader of the KKK that African Americans are people also. A mind closed is very hard to open. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. I know you, we met, you are good guy, but seriously you need to back off this one and look at the big picture. What would you have done? Quote Brother I have no idea what I would have done. I don’t claim that I do. I know I was against this war from the get go. It was a war that was started for no reason. You were speaking of a chain of events that lead to this solder being on the edge. I was simply pointing out that the chain you are looking at is longer then the insurgents dishonorable tactics. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. Where is the choice for infinite? I have never been more drunk then I was this Halloween passed out drunk but I was fine the next morning. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. What makes it different from something real?Quote Just that you know it's not real. It is easy to watch people die in a movie. But when you know the person when you know it is real it will make a bigger impact. I think there is too many people here who have no clue what war is like. There is no such thing as a clean war. Innocent people get killed, woman get raped, children lose limbs, and lives. I think we have too many people sitting on their ass who are pro war and have no clue what war is. We don't have to go back far too see people who were all for this war. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. I disagree with you 100%. I think they should show everything. I wish they had cameras every where and made every single person who is so pro war watch. I wish they would make them listen to the children, mothers, wives, and husbands cries. I think it would be a good thing if people actually knew what happens in a war. Maybe if they knew it is not a movie they would not make the decision to go to war so easily. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. I agree, he will probably walk free, not that what he did was right, but this is a result of the actions taken by the insurgents. The tactics they have used to kill our troops makes this soldiers actions at the very least understandable, but not nesesarily correct. ***Quote Here you are speaking of cause and effect. The Insurgents (or the Iraqi people who don’t want us there) and there tactics are the reason this soldier fired a shot in this wounded mans head, and then said “he is dead now”. If you want to look at cause and effect what do you think is the main cause of every thing that is going on in Iraq? That kind of thinking goes both ways. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. Lets kill some innocent people for things others have done. I think terrorist think like that. I was hopping we were better. Maybe you’re right and I am wrong. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/11/15/marine.probe/index.html FALLUJA, Iraq (CNN) -- The U.S. military is investigating whether a Marine shot dead an unarmed, wounded insurgent during the battle for Falluja in an incident captured on videotape by a pool reporter. The man was shot in the head at close range Saturday by a Marine who found him among a group of wounded men. The wounded men were found in a mosque that Marines said had been the source of small-arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire the previous day. The Marine in the videotape has been removed from his unit and taken to the headquarters of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, and the Navy's Criminal Investigative Service said it plans to question one of the other wounded Iraqis as part of the probe, according to the pool reporter embedded with the unit. "Let me make it perfectly clear: We follow the law of armed conflict and we hold ourselves to high standard of accountability," Marine Lt. Gen. John F. Sattler said Tuesday. "The facts of this case will be thoroughly pursued to make an informed decision and to protect rights of all persons involved." The investigation will determine whether the Marine violated any rules or should be charged with any crime. Lt. Col. Bob Miller, a staff judge advocate for the 1st Marine Division, said wounded insurgents who pose no threat generally "would not be considered hostile." The Marine seen shooting the man was part of a squad from the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, which had been part of intense house-to-house fighting in southern Falluja. U.S. rules of engagement prohibit American troops from killing any prisoner who does not pose a threat, and commanders say they are worried the video might encourage more insurgents to fight to the death rather than surrender. The military asked that networks obscure the names and recognizable faces of the Marines inside the mosque when they broadcast video of the incident. The request came from Marine judge advocate Col. John Weil to NBC News, which videotaped the killing, and was based on privacy concerns. Friday, the Marines were fired upon by snipers and insurgents armed with rocket-propelled grenades from a mosque and an adjacent building. The Marines returned fire with tank shells and machine guns. They eventually stormed the mosque, killing 10 insurgents and wounding five others, and showing off a cache of rifles and grenades for journalists. The Marines told the pool reporter that the wounded men would be left behind for others to pick up and move to the rear for treatment. But Saturday, another squad of Marines found that the mosque had been reoccupied by insurgents and attacked it again, only to find the same wounded men inside. Four of the men appeared to have been shot again in Saturday's fighting, and one of them appeared to be dead, according to the pool report. In the video, a Marine was seen noticing that one of the men appeared to be breathing. A Marine approached one of the men in the mosque saying, "He's [expletive] faking he's dead. He's faking he's [expletive] dead." The Marine raised his rifle and fired into the apparently wounded man's head, at which point a companion said, "Well, he's dead now." When told by the pool reporter that the men were among those wounded in Friday's firefight, the Marine who fired the shot said, "I didn't know, sir. I didn't know." The Marines said they are investigating why the wounded Iraqis were left behind for 24 hours and whether the man was killed illegally. Navy investigators said they believe they have located the fifth Iraqi -- the only one not wounded a second time -- who said he wanted to provide information about the killing. Before the Marines entered the mosque Saturday, a lieutenant from one of two squads involved in the fighting was told that there were people inside. "Did you shoot them?" he asked. "Roger that, sir," one of the men replied. "Were they armed?" the lieutenant asked. The other Marine shrugged. The Marine who shot the Iraqi man had reportedly been returned to duty after suffering a minor facial wound Friday. About a block away, a Marine was killed and five others wounded by a booby-trapped body they found in a house after a shootout with insurgents. The human rights organization Amnesty International raised concerns about violations of the rules of war last week, after a British news program broadcast video of what it said was the killing of another wounded insurgent by U.S. troops. Amnesty also noted reports that insurgents have used mosques as fighting positions, and in one incident appear to have used a white flag to lure Marines into an ambush. "All violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law must be investigated and those responsible for unlawful attacks, including deliberate targeting of civilians, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, and the killing of injured persons must be brought to justice," the group said in a statement issued Thursday. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. Need a stick to keep beating that horse with? Perhaps we should lead by the example of the corrupt UN and just be satisfied to accept kick backs and bribes. Or perhaps we should just go ahead and allow nuclear proliferation because all the intelligence agencies in the world made an error. Would that satisfy you? This last comment is so ignorant, it doesn't even merit a response. Quote WOW let me ask you this. Is saying lets turn a country to a glass parking lot an ignorant comment? How about calling people towel heads? Unfortunately there is a lot of ignorance here. One of the biggest being that people hate us because we are free. They don’t hate us because we are free, they hate us for every thing we have done to make are self richer. They hate us that we supply wars and support both sides just to make money as we watch a million people die. If you don’t know what I am talking about go back to the 80s and remember a time where Sadam was your best friend. If we cared about human lifes as much as money we would be loved by the world. But hey i want my new H2 right I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. Which country are you talking about? The USA. Oh yeah, we should've just stood by in WWI, WWII*** 2005- 50years = 1955 I had no idea WWI and II were fought in the 50s I must have my facts WRONG AGAIN. Comeon man do you really believe we have no secret labs. You acutely think every lab we have working on WMD or some new weapon is on a map. Wow I have to laugh again it is just been a funny day. For the stuff that we don't hide I think the main reason we don't hide that information is we don't have a strong country siting on our border ready to deploy troops. As a matter of fact we are the only ones making threats that we carry out. I really don't see other people threatening to turn a country to a glass parking lot. Maybe if we stop threatening every one that doesn’t follow OUR rules we might make some friends. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. I have to laugh. So let me get this straight the United States has no secret labs to develop weapons of mass destruction. Oh yea and we didn’t just invade a country under false pretense. They say the best way to lead is by example and we are doing a great job of that. Lets not forget what country has had more wars then Iran, and any other country i can remember in the last 50 years. Yea they hate us because we are free yea ok thats it We tend to kill lots of people every 10 years. Please don’t tell me about what Iran can do. I think the whole planet is afraid of what Bush and his fellow Glass parking lot friends will do. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. and I think you already know I see both sides. I think he did more damage to his own people than to Israel.Quote Unfortunately the governments in the whole region are corrupt. That is mainly the reason for the poverty. The Middle East is one of the richest places on this planet but unfortunately that is also what keeps it from growing. There is many times i wish Iran never had any oil. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  22. I am not saying that Arafat was a great guy. All I am saying is I like it when people can see both sides. There are too many people who only think their way is the only way. You know why I feel people are making a big deal about this. I think in a way they feel by making a big deal of Arafts death it is a sort of protest agents Israel, and maybe even Bush. I wish the Palestinian people luck. I hope they find a brave, fare, honest, and smart leader I wish the same for the Israelis. The only way we will ever have peace is having good leaders on both sides. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. Wendy You forget. You unlike many have the ability to see both sides. Many unfortunately see things only threw their narrow vision. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  24. This is an awesome site. Just wanted to throw an idea out there. What if we have game room on dz.com Like blackjack or poker so we can all play and chat. Darius I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain