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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. I have seen a lot of guys who act tough. I think my dad told me the best thing when I was young. He always said people who are bullies are the biggest pussies cause they have no heart. He was right. I think it’s the same for a lot of things. Guys who talk about sex all the time aren’t getting any, guys who act macho are insecure, and so on and so on. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. I don’t see what the problem is about. You sad it more then once. If you support the War what is your reason? I don’t think it is a hard question unless you don’t have a good answer. I don’t support the War. I think we were mislead. Edit: I don't see why people or not focusing on the Poll. He said warmonger he didn't say who cares. The reasons that we went to war are given. Why do YOU (not you botellines) Support the war? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. VIBES sent. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. He is a member of the Republican Party. What happens if you get hurt on AD do they take care of you till your all better or no. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. I was talking to my co-worker and he was telling me how our reserve is not entitled to get health benefits. I know I had heard something about that but I guess I didn’t want to believe it. Is this true? If it is. It is one of the most fucked up things I have heard. These Kids leave their families, their kids, their lives, and then come back home and get a fuck you. That’s bullshit. Why is the government not doing anything about it? I can’t believe there isn’t more of an outrage, or more media coverage. again i am not sure if this is true does any one know for sure? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. Dude i hope i have my A by then i'll jump for speed. Peace Darius Just read the whole thing looks like real life competition not sure if i am ready for that yet. But i'll be watching
  7. If you like I can put it back in. The reason I removed, as you know was I thought it had insulted you(understandably so) as per our PMs. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. Quoteshowing what suits your goals, are we?Quote Unlike most on here that are so sure that they are 100 % right, and seem to follow an agenda I don’t follow one or have any specific goals. I don’t own Land in Palestine or Israel. I put in Palestinian map on google and that’s the link that came up you can try it if you like. I am too honest for BS. My only goal is to educate people in seeing both sides not just one. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. indiginous people of Palestine - where is Palestine? What are its borders? Who was its first leader? What is its primary import/export? What are some high points in its history? Low points perhaps? Bah! THERE IS NO PALESTINE! indiscriminate killing - the trademark of homicide bombers. Israel does incur some collateral damage with air-strikes and such, but during the course of targeting terrorists bulldozing houes/excessive use of force Yep! Homicide bombers attack and should be aware that one of the the results is bringing harm to those they loved and held dear. If they truly wanted peace, they would end the violence, shut down Al Manar and stop teaching their children that Jews are pigs and thieves. So even the first Suicide bombers were thought in school? They have no real reason to be pissed they have been treated with respect there just brain washed that’s what your saying? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. No, I just don't think either party in this conflict can claim the moral high ground without imploying their own moral relativism. This is something i can Agree with. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. It's not terrorist act if Israel does it why don't people see that point of view. (Sarcasm) It seems the people who support Israel think they do no wrong or they have no options. If you are Israel have all that money and power and you have no options I wonder how the Palestinians feel what options do they have? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. Let me ask you one simple question. I have seen much footage of Palestinians throwing rocks and the Israelis shooting guns at a crowd. Are you seriously denying that has happened more then a few of times? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. Sorry Ori I didn't know I insulted you or used "verbal violence". If I did I am sorry. I like this article for many reasons. The most important is this. I feel it gives a better explanation as why someone would have so much hate that they would kill them self’s. I think it is a much better explanation then Muslims are crazy. Now if you feel it is all BS you’re entitled to your opinion. I don’t make “HATE POSTS” if you don’t like the information in a post or it does not follow your beliefs that does not make it a hate post I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. This just Ffing rocks. Awesom. Thank you for sharing I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. The making of a suicide bomber By Edna Yaghi* The only way to stop the suicide bombings is to halt the campaign of injustice against the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. Whenever any occupation uses force and brutality and disregards the sanctity of life, such tactics will backfire against those responsible for suppressing the people. The backlash of this oppression has struck the heart of Israel. The recent spate of suicide bombings within the state of Israel would very likely not have occurred if the Israeli government did not pursue a policy of indiscriminate killings of Palestinians civilians. No one can say that two wrongs make a right. But those who care to judge the suicide bombers are not under siege, do not have their cities cut off from each other, are not attacked by helicopters, tanks, warships and ground-to-ground missiles. From a safe distance where terror does not break out in the middle of the night or at any moment during the day, it is easy to condemn those who blow themselves to pieces. What makes a suicide bomber? A few days ago, during a funeral procession in the occupied territories, Israeli forces shot at mourners who were walking to bury their dead. A 12-year-old boy was hit and killed and at least 11 others were injured. The participants of the funeral procession were not demonstrating, were not throwing stones, were minding their own sorrowful business, yet they came under attack. It is unfortunate that Israeli civilians become the victims of the people their government is trying to exterminate. But it must be expected that no people will continue to be subjected to inhuman treatment without fighting back. History is our best teacher and throughout the course of human life on earth, man has always fought back against the injustice of his fellow man. William Wallace died for the principals he believed in and to free the Scots from the suppression and cruelty of the British. His courage became a symbol that led the Scottish people to fight for their freedom at a time when they had been robbed of their inalienable rights as human beings. No one remembers Wallace as a terrorist. No one blames the Scots for fighting for their freedom. Early Americans fought for their freedom and independence from the British colonists. No one called George Washington a terrorist. Today, Americans revere the brave people who fought and died on American battlefields so that all Americans could have liberty. Later, the American Indians rose up against the barbarous oppression of the American settlers. Nearly 90% of the Indian population was wiped out by either massacres or the diseases that the settlers spread. It was only when it was too late that the remnants of Indian tribes united in one last brave battle so that they could remain on the land that they loved. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon knows that he can get away with the murder of the Palestinian people. He knows that he can cut off their cities, their villages, that he can dig medieval trenches to separate Palestinians from one another and from the world at large. He knows that he can destroy their farmland, uproot their trees and bulldoze their homes while the world watches uncaringly. He knows that his soldiers can shoot little Palestinian children on the way home from school and he knows that when an infant throws a stone at a heavily armed soldier, the retaliation will be either the death of the stone thrower or his permanent injury. He knows that he can send Israeli mortars into the offices and headquarters of the Palestinian National Authority and that he can assassinate any Palestinian he wishes to without a reason. He knows he can get away with murder because he does not fear impotent Arab leaders and because America turns a blind eye to whatever atrocities he commits. The reasons he gives for his "excessive use of force", for his crimes against humanity, for the cruel suppression of the Palestinians is that he is quelling the violence when he knows very well that this is not it at all. He is the master exterminator. He pretends to be killing off Palestinians for the security of Israel when, in fact, he is the one who, by his brutal practices, has endangered Israelis citizens more than ever before. Violence begets violence. War begins in the minds of men so it is here that peace must also begin. There will always be suicide bombers as long as Palestinians are so cruelly treated and ruthlessly butchered. There will always be suicide bombers as long as there is no justice and as long as the Palestinians become more and more impoverished and have less and less hope for their future. The Holocaust is no longer Jewish, it is Palestinian. Here you have the makings of a suicide bomber. And remember, every Palestinian under the occupation has no hope for tomorrow and every Palestinian has become a potential suicide bomber. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Edna Yaghi is an American freelance writer specializing in social and political affairs in the Middle East. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. ok that was just wrong I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. yea you know i stopped making Bombs a week ago I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. It wasn't me. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. Dude i was thinking the same thing. Why would any one want to see it again. once was enough for me too. F#$%ed up movie. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. 0:3:I think at this point i am just getting a Keg
  21. Well I am out of here.
  22. True it's wrong so is killing Palestinians do you not see that. Do you not see it is wrong to kill Palestinians also? What gets people to become suicide bombers is not that they hate Jews. It's there lives have been changed by the Israelis, There children have been killed, They are policed, There freedom has been taken away. Do you not see that. How would you fight back if the Israelis killed your family? Keep in mind you have no weapon the only way you can get revenge is by killing your self. Not saying it is a good idea but I can understand why some do it. The reason that SOME Muslims do yell death to America is because we support Israel, they weren't yelling death to America then we said fuck them. Their Hatred for us is mainly because of out support of Israel. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. Rachel Corrie Do I think it is wrong to kill any innocent people? Yes I do. But do I understand why they use Suicide bombers? Yes I do it is called desperation I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain