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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. Darius11


    I have a feeling I know who you speak of
  2. This one I agree. I also think once you give people something they start to think its theirs and is owed to them . If you mention cutting any benefits that the people are already getting the reaction is always bad. I also think the Rep. and the Dem. Suck. I cant think of one person with one exception Ron Paul that would actually reduce spending, and have the balls to cut programs. Even if we had a guy like that which we did. I fear he/she would never get elected. There is so much wrong. There should have been no bailouts. You could say hey you play you win you get rich, you lose you get poor. You suffer the consequences or reap the benefits. I think that’s why were all spinning or at least I am. There is so much hypocrisy its hard to really believe anyone. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. I don’t know. When I was making this poll the whole time I am thinking its such an undefinable thing. 200K is rich to someone making 20K but what if I have dreamed of having my own personal submarine? Maybe that’s when I think I have made it, and I am rich. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. What is rich? This is inspired by the thread about taxing the rich. What is rich? I mean who do u consider rich? Yearly House hold income-Per-person. I did it this way because i think as a single guy a 100K would go very far, but if i had 3 kids i would consider my self broke. So Yearly House hold income-Per-person is the yearly houshold income divided by the number of people in that house hold. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. You know what happens. I start writing I always write in MS word first so I can do a proper spell check. What happens is I right(thats intentional get it write) a word that’s an actual word that looks like the word I meant to use. So the spell check doesn't pick it up and my dumb ass doesn’t pick it up either. I was being honest about the reading comprehension part. Always did horrible in spelling but did great with comprehension.
  6. The big kids, How so BIG KID? HAHAHAHA I think I scored very well on my reading comprehension skills. Actually if you knew anything about genetics you would know that’s a bullshit statement. Aren't you in the medical field? I figured you would already know that. We can do this all day little girl...... oh wait you are the big boy. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. No my cock does however! can you check it for me? I wish it was but it’s not. I make spelling mistakes all the time and its always the dudes I disagree with who seem to point that out as if that has something to do with the topic at all, or that within the context writen they could not figure out what I was trying to say. Just gets old thats all.
  8. I think your post to me seems reasonable, and maybe why the tax code is so complicated. I’ve been sitting here reading every thing you said and cant help nodding in agreement. I know from personal experience how hard it is to start, run, and have a successful business. Your rant just makes me even more confused. I see your point you bust your ass why shouldn’t you get the benefits for it? I agree At the same time being an immigrant I appreciate the standard of life we have here, and all the opportunity. A big part of me thinks all the stuff that makes it easier to succeed here is paid for by taxes. In a way I look at paying my taxes as doing my part in helping out our society. I used the benefits the great roads, Schools, student loans, and Jobs ( with the exception of AmEx every job I have ever had has been for a small business.) I think you make more you should pay more, but I cant give you a logical answer as to why I think that’s right. I think people are frustrated at how the money that they already have is being spent by the goverment. At the same time the rules do not apply to the ultera rich. If you or me fuck up our business we lose every thing, They get bail outs. I don't have a point other then that i can see both sides of the argument. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. I thought "Salivary" was pretty unique Yet another one word spelling error response from you. Hope it made you feel smart. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. Ok I’ll put it in a much more simple way. YOUR wrong. All men are not created equal, in this country they are guaranteed equal rights. Not the same thing Is that short enough for you. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. The issue is your first statement is right. Life is not fair. Then you say all men are created equal. Sounds great but that’s contradiction to what you just said. If every one was created equal as in the same. They can take the same paths as every one else then life would be fair. Thats not the case. The reality is its not fair and we do not all get the same opportunities, or are given the same chance. regurdless of who we are, and what we do. To quote a song "Where it ends usually depends on where you start." As for the old money. Lot of the old money was made by extremely shady ways. Stealing land, breaking laws, Salivary. Yea its not all clean as you would like to believe. The whole I got mine I am so awesome and everyone else who didn't must just suck mentality is such an ego trip. Its also such an American cultural trait to deny luck has anything to do with anything. Cracks me up
  12. Standard of living has increased for everyone. However there would be no rich without the middle class or even the poor. There needs to be a populace that can afford to spend money. Where would bill gates be if PC were still 10000 bucks and only a few people could afford it? I think its crazy to point at the increases in the standards of living as if some how we owe that to the rich. Most great ideas are done by groups of people every one does a part, specially when most of the increases in the standard of living have been because of technology. Whether your speaking of the decrease in the price of food (thx to genetic engineering) or that every one can have a cell phone now. I think the base of the issue is in philosophy. I believe luck is a huge part of someone’s successes. It is not just hard work, its not just right decisions. Some people specially ones who have been able to make a good life like to think its all them. It feeds the ego and some people love to think there special because there mommy told them so. The reality is luck, who you run in too, and who you know play a huge part. Now the immediate reaction from people is to mention extremes please don’t it’s a waist of time. I am not focusing on the few exception that might exists. I agree hard work, smart decision making is an essential part however there is no guarantees, and luck that intangibles whatever you want to call them play a huge part. I think it’s a cop out to respond as all it takes is luck, I don’t think were saying that however I think its extremely narcissistic to assume it was all just you. It might be self-gratifying but it is untrue. Luck plays a huge part in our lives from start from the day THAT sperm hits THAT egg. As for a solution. We need to cut spending first, agreed. I would start with the defence budget. However I am not for a flat tax rate. Some one working and making 30-40 K a year is going to need every penny to have a basic standard of life (whatever that is at that time for the US), someone making 40 billion is not in the same financial situation. The system would not work for anyone if we kill the middle class. Also a country needs a lot of people doing different things. We cant all be millionaire CEOs. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. There is a huge difference between deciding you no longer want to do a job, then forcing people to work in unsafe environments, for extremely low wages, where the workers health is of no concern. It was not THAT long ago where people simply had no choice starve to death or work in horbble conditions and endanger your self. I am talking early 1900s conditions. Every progress made to working conditions was fought for. Are you suggesting money in the proportions spent by corporations does not influence the results? I think the millions of dollars spent definitely effects the laws of this land. Maximum allowed donation of no more then $20 . Full prosecution of anyone who breaks that rule. Prosecution and closing of loop holes of slanders laws, and the prosecution of those who blatantly lie. Simple take the liars to courts, or force them to start anything they say that is not based in truth and facts with a huge warning that states this is not the truth this is for entertainment only. Only then will the power be in the peoples hands. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. We will never have a fair democracy unless we can get big corporate money and interest out of our government. People tend to forget that every right that we have, the 40 hr work week the, healthy work conditions, etc were things people had to fight for very hard. No company was just willing to do the right thing without force or the threat of force. Unfortunately we are still heading full speed towards the cliff, we have not hit the breaks to even begin making the U turn we so desperately need to make. Both parties are guilty of this, and the people who blindly or knowingly support polices that hand over more power to the corp. instead of the people are responsible. Do I sound disillusioned? I am. When it comes to fiscal pollicies both parties are the same. When it comes to social issues; that’s when the republicans lose me every time. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. Thats awesome. She is adorble and Conana is always awesome. Thanks for the post. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. Hahaha me and the GF always talk about this. Because I never get a warning (always a ticket) and she has been pulled over twice once doing 75 in a 40 and once doing 65 in a 40 zone. The cops are usually very nice to her and they just say please slow down. I think that’s life man hot chicks gets things easier, off course like any thing else it has its bad side too. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. Last I checked every thing was set up Unequally for white Christian men at the start. That’s why I got Xmass off from school, that’s why I celebrated all the American holidays, that’s why every thing in this country is the way it is. Not complaining here just stating fact. It was all originally set up for white Christian men. Then they gave woman the right to vote, then they got rid of segregation, then we had labor laws that gave us the 40 hr week, over time etc etc . If Christian woman were overly worried about there decency and it was a big part of their culture we would not be having this conversation cause that would be your norm. I don’t think it’s a bad thing if a school offers the Jewish kid fish instead of pork. I think its just respectful even if he didn't go to that school before and all the kids used to be white and Christian. Why is that’s o hard to understand. You can try to over simplify something to fit a narrow view but your missing the point. We make concussions all the time to make other peoples lives easier and to respect who they are. You have more Muslims now then ever in this country and we have a different culture. Muslim woman (most of them) do not want to be touched by a strange man. Not as oh I would rather not have that done but it is a big part of who they are, that’s not the case in this culture. Different things have different levels of effect on different cultures. Also the Koran is considered Holy by Muslims a none clean hand that’s literally a hand that has not been washed should not touch it. Now in this culture where every one just wipes there ass you might not think it’s a big deal, but in Islam where everyone washes there ass and feet, and hands, and face 3 or 4 times a day to remain clean it’s a big deal. You have to clean your self before touching the Koran or praying. Its ahuge part of the being a Muslim. You don't need to understand it but considering it does not effect you in ANY WAY why not learn and respect it? Specily if your job is handelling people at an AIR PORT Oh also Muslims don’t like shoes in there homes They pray on the ground and don;t want to pray on Dog shit. just another thing that came to me. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. Yea when the libs are “bigoted” its when they want to make an exception and allow blind people to bring there dogs in to a place where dogs aren’t allowed. When conservatives do it they want to abolish my constitutional rights based on NOTHING but fear and ignorance. I can see the diffrence between understanding and hate sorry you can't. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. Different cultures different beliefs. Like in Iran alcohol is illegal for all Muslims, but Christians are allowed and welcome to have alcohol and many make there own wine. Yea that’s called understanding other cultures and respecting them. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. good a little understamding will do everyone some good. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. First sorry for the spelling not on pc. The Shah was a lesser evil. However if ur going to bring it down then why put back a flawed system. I would love to see Iran be much like the us where no one person holds all the power and everyone has garnted rights. Right now it is a minority run dictator ship that uses religion to excuse its crimes. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  22. Unfortunately that building is the Iran Air building, I am pretty sure the US already has the nuclear facilitie coordinates. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. Knew it was my spelling. Sorry i miss words ofthen And when the word is not spelled incorrectly but its just the wrong word the spell check is no help. yea I have no issue with the Star of David. I just think its sad that the government does and now wants to remove it. Fucking retarded if you ask me. Its also sad to know there was a time in Iran where not so long ago (before 79) that Iran was actually a symbol of progressiveness in the Middle East. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  24. I do not get it. Did i spell somthing funny. Whoosh i think its going over my head. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain