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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. ***Now the question is do you think that the other side does the same? *** MSNBC comes to mind. I hate any "news" who gives me their fucking opnion, and yes we have them on the left as well. Give me the cold boring facts. I used to really like the BBC until they had their balls removed as well. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. He is an absolute traitor to the country. He helps separate and polarize the people he says he cares for. Its all about the money as it is with many, and if he is an entertainment show he should try to entertain not act as if he is the news. If he is an entertainer then his opinion should have as much merit as Paris Hiltons, unfortunately some actually look at him for information which he has none. Every time I have watched him he reminds me of the scumbag TV evangelist who work their bull shit on the weak minded. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. You do realize that he is the only Black serial killer we have had all the other fuck are white dudes right. Like I always say white, Christians seem to all be fucked in the head, killing and eating people. I guess its Jesus fault. Good logic. How many Christians do fuck up things on the daily? Yea but you don't think of them as Christians you think of them just as fucked up people; being Muslim does not change that. There are fucked up people all around. And if you are talking about “terrorist” or why we are hated just read up on some history. We have done things in the Middle East that if it were done to us we would react as harsh or even harsher considering our ability. It is convenient to think we are hated just because but the truth is our actions have caused the hate. Again not trying to bash America I love it here but the truth is the truth. Denying it to feel all fuzzy is retarded. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. I think most people know the difference between an argument and a valid reason to take lethal action. Again we should not make laws for the lowest common denominator. Most people know that you don't just kill someone for an argument. Does it happen yes, but again people drive drunk as well should we ban cars. I don't get that way of thinking. To deny that violent crime happens to good people, to deny how many murders have actually occurred in gun free zones, and to deny people there god given, nature given whatever given right to protect there lives is ridiculous. Do you ever think that maybe your on the wrong side of this argument? Not trying to be a dick, but just common sense should prove the point. 1. Are there bad people? Yes 2. Do i have the right to protect my self and loved ones? Yes 3. Whats the best defence against an armed gun man ? another armed gun man/woman How do you answer these questions above?. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. Yes i have. He speaks about the mentality and mentions how Canada has more guns but less violence. Among a lot of other stuff. until you can prove to me that no one will ever want to harm me or my fellow men and woman the argument is pointless. These things don't happen often but they do happen a lot more then lightning striking a man. look how many murders we have. Again you have an opinion on it fine, however your opinion seems to be avoiding the facts. There will always be bad people who will hurt others for no reason, and there will always be criminals who will get guns regardless of the law. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. Not all storms have huge gray clouds that let you know they are on their way. Thats the point. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. No its uncomfortable but a small gun that no one ever sees, that could protect you in that rare instance that you might need it. Why wouldn't you? I think some peoplle truly believe that there are no people out there that would harm you and others for no reason. Are you one of them? If not do you feel no responsibility to prepare and or protect your loved ones or your fellow man/woman when and if something like that occurs? If you think it only happens in TX i can give you a hundred examples of other states, if you think its just a US thing i can name other countries, So either you are denying the facts or live in happy ignorance that this can never happen to you or near you. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. True but considering we are talking about observations, Most of the actually all the gun owners i know and the ones who carry are responsible and understand that if there life or the life of others is not in danger they do not arm themselves(unlock their wepone). Most people do understand the difference between murder and self defence. I don't have the statics for your area i will take your word for it. However speaking of humane nature i find what you state to be illogical, and unrealistic. There will always be people who care nothing about the law. I also believe the majority of the people on this planet are good people who are not looking for a reason to kill someone and then go to jail for the rest of their life. The ones that do we send to jail. I just believe i have the right to defend my life and the life of others. If i make a mistake by being a irresponsible adult then why should all the responsible ones pay for it? We cant set the standard to the lowest common denominator, specially when it has been proven that there is no such thing as 100 % safety EVER. I also believe in what is said in the video. When seconds count police are minuets away. This is not a knock on the cops just reality of life. Your also correct that these situations are very rare however it is easy to say that when one has never been in one of those situations. We know it can happen anywhere to any one. It doesn't have to be a mass shooting. It can be a braking and entry that leads to rape and murder. We had something like that happen in Ct just a few years ago and god knows too many murders to even mention here. But the story in CT always sticks in my mind. I simply could not live with my self if that had happened to me. I would have rather died in a gun fight or goon to jail then to have my wife and daughter raped and murdered. Some laws are above all laws. The right for me to protect my life and the life of others outweighs all laws even in nature. Survival is priority and for me to survive i would have to be able to live with my self. I could not run and let the people i care for die. It would hunt me. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. To Skyrad: Living in the UK you should have a clear example that gun laws do not prohibit a killer from killing, it also does not keep criminals unarmed. The US is hundreds of millions of people from different backgrounds and different cultures who get along We do a lot better then other countries who have the same diversity. We all have nut jobs, we all have bad people. To say that the outlawing of guns anywhere would deter a criminal from bringing a gun or getting gun to do bad things is kind of crazy. Being in the UK you should know that better then any of us. Or is there no gun crimes in the UK? To DARK: I always find comments like yours insane. Is there no murder in your country? People never get raped? There is no such thing as ensuring security 100% when someone wants to do bad things. It is the price we pay for living in a free Society. I guess you could have cameras everywhere and watch every one give everyone mandatory evolutions but not only will that still not grauntee safety it is a world i would not want to be a part of. What solutions do you have to determine someone might be a threat? How would you know if someone thinks that killing Innocent people is ok or not? Your ideas are great in a fantasy world. As long as there has been man on the planet there has been a minority who chooses to hurt others. If your waiting for a day where no one ever does any thing bad to each other you should move to a Disney movie. There are too many deaths that could have been prevented. To Quade: Yep the video is long but i have watched a lot of his videos (he mainly does very detailed gear reviews also very long but great for someone who wants all the info),i think he feels he needs to cover every point over and over again. I think he is used to the forums format where many just look to knit pick or play devils advocate. So he has to say the say shit over and over because he is used to whats coming. We see it here every day on these forums its as if some people brake their neck just to miss the point. All the deaths in gun free zones tell me different. It takes a gun(or some lethal force) to stop a gun.In VA tech did the gun free zone there help or hurt? How have you reached your conclusion? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEbXuwDiUSo&feature=sub Word of advice if you do choose to carry regardless of the law. Please do not say so in your post. We do have some ass holes who will report you. Similar acts have been done before on dz.com. In the video he basically talks about how gun free zones basically allow the bad guys to know that they can come and kill with little resistance, and such acts would not happen if more citizens were armed. Also he states that he believes that you can be a conscious objector and carry regardless of the law, as your life and the ability to protect your self and even others might out weigh what the law states. (he does state that there are consequences and everyone must make their own choice) Warns of the legal ramifications. This is one of my biggest problems i have with the left or the far left i should say. The lack of common since and the way they try to spin things for there agenda that kill people. It is also based on ignoring the facts. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. DUDE-deadly silence P90 Silenced, UAV jam and my fav the claymore. New one coming out monday.Yes i am that excited. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. Well I usually look to see where and who is firing, then throw a smoke grenade at them and then a frag grenade. Then i tell every one else to run the other way. If the suspect or suspects live I take out my Minigun witch I carry in pants for disguise and level the two suspects and about a ¼ mile of what ever is behind them. All this off course after I put on my red headband and say "Terrorize THIS". Sorry its friday and i am goofy. So my answer is most people will shit there pants and freeze, very few people can keep their heads when there are guns going off. So I don’t think there is a standards procedure. I think the best one can do is remain calm and assess the situation. Then decide what is best for them and what he/she can live with. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. Just to make the point. This is a quote from the other thread. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. Know the feeling bro. And i know your not like that, i am just saying its the way peoples mind works. Not everyone but most will act diffrently and have some sort of prethought. At times i even do. I don;t do any thing about it but my mind will send a fuck up thought to my head. I have to stop my self and say to my self don't be an ass. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. There are but there are also many who do. You don't have to yell sand nigger and throw rocks at someone. Just the idea that hmmm is he trustworthy enough, or a thought that you would normally not have if my name was Dave. Like I said before as well. These people are not bad people, there very nice, their just people. I don’t know but as a minority I am used to it. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. i know but i know how people are, you know every single person that knows my girlf friend and has never really met me has asked are you sure you can trust them? She is a normal american girl, the people i am refferring to are good poeple. Its just the way most people are. In this case i am muslim but even me i am thinking WTF our troops on our home land. That shit is fucked even if we take race out of it. Its just bad i hoped the guy was just some nutjob its much worst if he was not. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. Why does this not surprise me one bit? This sucks. So many lives lost. In all honesty there was a part of me that wished his name was Steve or Mike. Most people think as you do and i can not fault you for it. It sticks out because we already have a separate group. We don't say normal white guys killed and raped so and so, or normal white guy shot some dude. It does not stick in your mind like this does. This is also disturbing because anyone now who is truly interested in serving there country but is tan(you know what i mean) will be looked at with suspicion. I hope not. This is a tragedy that the effects of it will hunt us for a long time. To the families my prayers this is where our solders are supposed to feel safe. The loss of life and the psychological effect it just sucks all around. Sorry if i cant think of a better word. but sucks for me is that feeling you feel in your gut like every thing is wrong in the world, and its going to get worst. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. The current goverment is scarry. So i think i have to agree with you. I dont think they would use it because all the religios BS is for contarol, but it would make it much harder to get rid of them. Not the first time at all, only this time people got to hear and see. If i could press a button and all the religios crazy fucks would die in Iran i would. So yea i agree. Most of the people have wanted this to end for years its just that they dont have guns. I really think that is key. People make fun of "from my cold dead hands" but man if the poeple had guns this might have ended decades ago. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy3KDYE5KQE&feature=popular Great video.Any one want to argue any facts or call any claims in the video false? I didn't see any I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. Oh he is way too smart for that. I am the one who seems to love the pain. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oop5fY755Jo&feature=related I have argued the culture bias towards men but I think Bill says it better then I could. Obviosly jokes but some have more truth in them then others. Enjoy (some bad words Kind of NSFW) I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  22. That was a comment made in regards to the American dream being dead or more correctly much harder to get to now then it was 50 years ago. If you made 47K in the 60s and a home was under 100 K and then 50 years later the same level job gets paid 52K and the same house is 300K its more difficult to own the same home is it not? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. If you believe what you said above, then you already are confirming that there is an element of luck. Or else the same hard work would lead to the same result.. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  24. Thats me rushing off the pc. I meant not have 8 kids. What i mean is you can work 2 or 3 jobs and still not make enough to not be poor. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  25. You do relize you can work two or even tree shitty jobs not be on drugs, have 8 kids, and still be poor right? The sig line is mine. I like to write. How did you get so tough? Its amazing your like the guys who talk shit on xbox. Last ? are you 12? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain