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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. Because there are those who want to and try but cant. Its called being a great country and taking care of the ones who cant. Some time the ones that wont abuse the system, but we can not kill the system that helps the people who cant for the few who wont. Is that a runon sentence? I screw that up all the time. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. I agree with that. I don't think any one respects a person who does not try. To me it seemed you were trying to say that all or even most poor people are poor and its there own fault, and there is no other contributing factor to them being poor other then bad decision making. my misunderstanding.........? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. So what the excuse for the people who you clearly admit now that exist? The ones that do try but keep on failing? You did just say it will not guarantee so what is there excuse? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. Lets get one thing straight first. Do you know me? I'll answer it for you NO. you have no clue of any thing in my life what i do or what i have done. You simply assume that because of my political opinions i must live a certain way or do certain things. As usual your facts are based on what you want to believe and not actual reality. As a first generation immigrant i came to this country with a $1000 and it was my hard work and sacrifice that allowed me to take care of my mother, go to school, and become ceo of my own company. Even now that in the current two years where we have been fighting to stay out of bankruptcy i don't consider my self poor, i consider my self a success story and have never quit. So my opinions are not self serving, open your mind not every one thinks as you do. I can give much more of a detailed background if it will get you out of your stereotyped way of thinking. My first job was when i was 12 i had two of them. Just a bit of info for you. HOWEVER As much as my ego would want to believe my own hype, and to think of my self as special. I know it is because of who i am(when i was made), and who i am was not my decision who i have tried to become is. But who i am and who i have become are forever related. Even in the very nature that we are created accounting for genetics, environment, Geographic we all have different options in life and are dealt a different hand. It is just to dumb for any one to argue this. I don't know what else to tell you but i promise you there are people who try just as hard as Micheal Jordan did but there is only one Michale Jordan. If our excellence and the best is somewhat reliant on the luck of the draw why would you deny that the luck applies to all of us? Again as i said in the first post. I think every case should be looked at on an individual bases. I understand that there are poor people that are to blame because of the decisions they made or there lack of forward thinking. However i think these are people in the minority, i think the majority is willing to work, willing to learn and would if they had the opportunity. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. You might say a lot of things but I think I would be beyond stupid to think Luck, Who you know, where and to whom you are born to has no effect. I think it has a huge effect it actually helps shape who you become. But I know the pull to feel special and great about one self usually outweighs reality for most. Maybe you have never gotin a curve ball from life and thats good ( i hope you never do). But do you think you have contarol over every thing that can effect you? Thats is what your saying. So do you belive we all have the same options? To make choices you need options and to think it is an even playing ground would mean we all have the same options? That to me sounds insane. Good for you that you have done well. However if you look at the numbers showing income and cost you will see once again that it is not my opnion but fact. The income for middle class fam. has increased by less then 10% in the past 50 years while prices have rocket even in the current hosuing slump. Look at the numbers they don't lie. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. Like I said in the first post there is no rule that can be applied to everyone. However I don’t think poor people had bad parents or were just not as smart or special as the people who are rich. A lot of life has to do with luck. People who have a good life tend to think (as most humane have huge egos) yes I worked hard I am so smart it is an easy reason to accept. However many times they got a brake a brake that had nothing to do with how hard they worked or how special they are. Most of the time it was just being at the right place at the right time. Is that always the case NO but many times where you end up has a lot to do with where you started. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. If you look at how much prices have changed compared to salaries over the last 50 years you will see that I am right. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. Life is every much like a lottery. Where you are born and whom you are born to make a major difference. I find that people who are successful seem to always talk about working hard and they feel special they feel as if it is all them and that’s why they are a success. Now this can be true, however often times the only difference between them and the people they have no sympathy for is who they are born to and where. Life is not an exact science. There are people who will succeed no matter what environment they are in and ones that will fail even if born to great parents with great t means. I think you have to look at it in a case by case bases. Also in the US the American dream is dead. You can no longer just work hard and have a house and a life. Most middle class people I know survive they do not live. But i think the majority of people are poor because they were born poor. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. I agree Mohammed Ali was a hero. He did the hard thing. Its easy to do what people expect you to do or what people think will make others look at them with respect. It takes more courage to stand and be looked at with disgust and be called names but stand for what you believe in. I get what you mean. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. Is it blaming or just stating the facts? Bush did start two wars, and take a record surplus and turn it in to a record deficit. Just to mentione a few things. Record means more then ever before so yea I think he can blame Bush all he wants. We have already seen how soon people forget right on these forums. So yes I can see why he would need to remind people specially ones with such selective memories. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. Dude is that a LAW rocket? I want one. To OP. No pics i have no dig cam. Ak47, Glock 19, I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. Its because i hate tan people J/k No bro. Your post was right on. You didn't post a single Bull shit complaint they are valid and true. So I understand and agree with what you don't like. Specially the transparency. However that’s not enough reason for me to write him of yet. The fox news thing I agree with you in philosophy, but I can also understand not wanting to talk to people who seem to have predetermined to not like whatever you do. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. Not in love with him but he is my democratically elected president who has been in office for less then a year. It seems you like many others are suffering from a selective memory syndrome. I don’t see the point of bending truths to make you feel better about your view. You do remember that he inherited the huge colossal fuck up of the economy right? You do remember that the first bail out was done with out any oversight under the pervious administration right? Two wars thats cost how much so far? Not to mention howmany lives were lost in Iraq for a war that was started for a reason that simply did not exist. As for apologizing for our country: If you think the United State or for that fact any country is perfect in the world, or that we have never made any mistakes that we should apologize for you are simply INSANE. Disagree with his philosophy, disagree with what he stand for whatever, but please at least try to remember where the country was when Bush took over and what he handed over to Obama. I can’t possibly understand how so many on the right seem to forget that. Its as if people are trying to change history to make themselves feel better. One thing i do like about him a lot is that he is smart. I want a smart leader. You know i have heard some good arguments from some really smart guys on the right. I can see what they don't like about him, and in some cases i agree. But to forget that the country by all accounts was in the worst shape it has been in 70 years or so when Obama took over is dishonest. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. That sucks. All that brings is more separation. Thats what he was saying to he has just stopped hanging around with anyone else. Just because who wants to be fucked with all the time. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. This is a thread Hijack. What’s the climate like in the UK right now? I speak to a few guys from the UK. One who drives a cab and is tan. He has told me that he gets fucked with every day. Now I don’t know if he is exaggerating or is the tension that high in the UK right now? He was so surprised that I did not have the same experience in the US. Another one who is also TAN said the same thing. Does this sound accurate to you? I know you do not know them personally but is the climate such that this could be the norm? Edit to add. I voted Yes. i am all for free speach and i like the guide lines you have in the UK. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. I respect that a lot, and kind of grew up the same way. First job was at 12. But for me i think Environment was a huge contributor. I don;t think i could do what i did if i was born in Somalia, or if i did not come to the US as a child. I worked after school and the money i made was more then enough for what a 12 yearold wants. I even helped out the fam. Edit: Left what i said up there just so peopel know what the heck i am talking about. You know I take what I said up their back. I think your right. Because even in Iran I was the only kid I knew who worked. Many others didn’t therefore they did not enjoy the things I could do for my self and afford the freedom your own money brings. I did not need to work in Iran like i did in the US. So I think your right. Even if I was in Somalia I might not have the life I do here, but I would still be trying for a better life. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. Yea one thing i think most agree with is we need more parties or none. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. I only watched the 21 sec. that the video is but doesn't what he say right there go in opiset diraction of his Gun laws? I am lost i need to find the whole speach. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. That is fucked up. I could not find any story on it and this is the first i have heard of this. No matter what they were saying that is a violation of our constatution. So very fucked up. I think we all might have different opinions on what is a priority because of our personal experiences. Me I wished he would have given aid to small business. Yes because I am a small business owner and two I do believe they are the backbone of the country. Every job I have ever had has been for a small business. I would have let all the banks fail, and all the people who took huge loans that they could not pay fail as well. Then the market would adjust and maybe i could get a house for under 300K. So i am with you on that i just don't only blame him for it. I think he got in to office and was told to do this or every thing will fail. I wish he had more balls to say fuck off let them fail. But if people wanted that they should have voted for Ron Paul. God knows i would have. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. True: I think he is trying to negotiate too much and needs to be more like Bush in the way he got what he wanted done. I think a lot of people on the left are pissed at him for the exact opposite reason. Do you think the republicans would even attempted to help him get any thing passed? I don’t think so I think Obamas mistake was that he tried to compromise and work with them where it was already predetrmined that they would not. If your talking about the 2nd then yea man i am with you on that 100%. Gun laws are not based on logic but BS from the left. Yep he did make it sound like they would be home already. I think that he had no clue on how difficult it would be. I am hoping he still does it soon. I blame both adminstartions for that. I think John Stweart had the best idea use the money to pay the debt people had. The people would be depth free and the banks would have there money. Or like othere have stated give the money back to the people. I would love to get 8K back. It would help me so much. Not to mention as a small business owner we get fcuked by every one. But thats another thread. I didn;t reply to the marxist thing because i think thats your opnion of him. I don;t think he has actully stated that. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. Bonefire!!!!!!! whats that? I can post any thing in there it never gets a response. I don't think I am cool enough for them. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  22. I hope we all hope this regardless of who we voted for. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. Well ok, but I have friends from every religion to no religion, Republicans, democrats, Drs., Blue collar guys, however I will give you this I don’t hang out with any racists that I know of, he did do that. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  24. Just to clarify at least on my behalf. I didn’t like Bush because of his pollicies. I didn’t like that we invaded Iraq, I didn’t like the suspension of habeas corpus, and I did not respect him as an intelligent leader. I also did not like the no bid contracts that people close to him received, the CIA torture Jets, Torture, etc. It was not personal it was what he was doing. I think your wrong to put it on his personality it was mostly what the administration did. Rush I am disappointed. For someone who so strongly believes in what he does you have yet to name one specific thing Obama has done. Basically what I am understanding from your post is that you hate the democratic philosophy and no matter what you do not like what the dems want to do. Is that close or did i miss your point. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  25. Did they try to silence them or refuse to participate with them? If they did try to silence them then you are right that is a violation of our constitution. But if they decided not to participate then that’s there right and many other president have done the same. any one in particular that Obama is responsible for? did he or his administration create a new program? I do agree with you to a point. I don’t want some lazy fuck who doesn’t want to work to get help from my taxes, but at the same time if a mother of 2 loses her husband suddenly I don’t want her to have to suck dick on the corner to raise her kids either. So that’s hard. I want people who really need the help and deserve the help to get it but the ass holes who take advantage of the system too not. I think we let the aholes getaway with it because most people who ask for help really do need it. Maybe I am wrong and the majority is assholes and the minority is the people who really need and deserve the help. I don't know. Yep I agree. But am I misunderstanding that the first one was done under the pe4rvios administration with no oversight, and the 2nd one was done right away as Obama came in too office and what he did do was add oversight? Am I wrong on this? Do you mean that he is a communist? or the Rev write thing? or all of them? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain