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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. No man should ever bow to another man. It is actully againts Islamic tridtion so i am surprized as well. We only bow to God. I actully belive it is considered a sin to bow to another humane. Ps: Good to see you back dude. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. True you understand that, but over and over it is mentioned that Muslims don’t speak out against terror, while the reality is your not going to see any thing positive that actually occurs on the news. That is increased 100 folds if you are a fan of any rightwing news origination, like Fox. If you get your news from Hannity or Glenn beck your not really asking for news, you want someone who is just as ignorant (edit to add: Some are not just stupid but playing to the stupid for ratings) to feed you bullshit so you never have to change your mind or admit you were wrong despite the facts. We have a bunch of people who it seems to pain to admit any thing positive about Muslims, or that the vast majority of Muslims have, did, and will speak out against terrorists. So sometimes i think we like to point out some of those things that make that point to the many who always seem to miss it. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. Fun, Excitement, Drama. Not all women are looking for a nice man to settle down with, some just want fun, and verity in day to day life. This is excluding the idiots whom we have in every sex, color, and creed. Also I have noticed its girls who go for shit like that most woman I know are way smarter then that. By girls I mean any woman who has not matured yet and some never do. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. +1 I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. No I am not the forgetful one on here. If you go back far enough there was no religion, as mentioned in this thread if you actually took the time to read before posting stock replay. From every post you have ever made about Muslims it is obvious you have no knowledge of the Muslim world other then what you learn on episodes of 24. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Again if you had takin the time to actually read the thread, you would see that the argument that started was because Ori said that all “terrorist” are the same. And he could not understand why I call some scum but others like HAMAS I can understand their actions. I think both him and I have realized the time argument is ridiculous, as each person can just choose which fits his or her argument. As stated before you can go back far enough before there was any religions or ancient ones. But again what I was saying is there is a difference between a terrorist who wants you to convert to his way or die like OBL. And a “terrorist” that is fighting to take back the land they were kicked of, or in desperation because of over 60 years of opperation. To me the difference seems obvious to some not so much. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. Last I checked Israel was a country, and our allies I expect the people we support to act better then a terrorist group. If they do not follow the rules as they have not I say don’t send them my money. I think I am ok with that. Also Israel is not the worlds hangman so where in the rules does it say Israel can be judge, jury , and executioner? Do they need to consult the UN or anyone else when they bomb a country or are they free to do any thing? My side? Which is my side. When the rule of the jungle means snipers shooting mothers and their babies yea I guess I am not ok with that. I am crazy like that I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. Actuly I have repeatedly said that the loss of any inocent life no matter who it is is always a sad occurrence. I have also called their actions counter productive. All I said and am still saying is I can understand why the Palestinians have the anger and use the methods they do. I can see why they have anger, and I can see why they use suicide bombers. It is mainly anger, and desperation. I think the big difference is this. Most people can justify someone’s anger when their family or loved ones have been killed, or their home has been takin from them by force etc. However I believe most of us agree that convert or die is not logical, and can easily say that they are the bad guys, and they are the ones who have got it all wrong. One is trying to force you to believe as they do or be killed, the other is fighting for their home, or some are angry because they seek revenge. AGAIN: NOT SAYING ITS OK TO KILL INOCENT PEOPLE< JUST SAYING WHEN THE PALESTININS DO IT I CAN SEE WHY, AND BELIVE MOST PEOPLE CAN AT LEAST JUSTFY THEIR ANGER. Is not logical to most people. fighting for your home, and the people that you love is. Its something we can all relate to. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. Unfortunately as seen in the Gaza war crimes thread some here think Israel has the right to be judge, jury, and the executioner. At the same time they can brake international laws, but also punish other countries if they brake international laws. But don’t you ever call them hypocrites ok, that might be a PA I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. You seem to always conveniently forget that there was no Israel until 48, as for ancestors who lived there it was not just the Jews who lived their but people of all religions, and before that people of no religion or ancient ones. Israel was made because of the horrors that the Jews suffered during WWII you might not want to talk about it but that is the reason Israel was made. So the Jews would have a homeland. You seem to really try hard not to get that when you kick people of their land, and do all the things that have been done to the Palestinians they might have a reason for anger. OBL is not from Afghanistan, or Pakistan. He believes that all the people who do not believe and do as he does are infidels. HUGE difference which I believe is not convenient for you to see. It is ridiculous to think the Palestinians have no legitimate reason to be angry, or to compare them to Al-quadia. One is fighting for their land, freedom, dignity, and againts oppression. The other is a violent group that wants all to convert to their way or die. Yep same thing I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. Though as Syria found out, Israel is still willing to destroy facilities. Of course, it's a much easier target than Iran. When there are no repercussions for braking countless international laws, they will continue to do as they wish, and that’s why I believe we need to cut all aid to Israel. We should not support any one who does not want to play by the rules. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. Because he was Jewish? Or because of political issues? The reason I ask is we still have friends who are Jewish and live free in Iran. Well that’s your assumption and I am sure of a few others, but you are simply not logical on the issue. We were not comparing your family and OBL. We were talking about what drives a Palestinian suicide bomber, and a member of Al-Qaeda. I think anyone can logically look at Al-Qaeda and see that they want you to convert or die. They view every one who is not one of them as infidels. The Palestinians have history with the Israelis, The Israelis moved on their land and their homes. Now I understand that many Jews including your family have been trough a lot, but you actually making my point for me here. You are trying to use the excuses of the horrors Jews have been trough in the past to justify the horrors they inflict on others. Do you really not see a difference? If your that angry about the past move to Germany and seek revenge. Honestly Ori if you can not see the difference between OBL, and Hamas then that’s your vision that has become cloudy. You mentioning pervious family problems that have nothing to do with the Palestinians is a good sign that you are losing your grip on logic. According to my logic, if you find a German guy who in WWII killed someone you love and kill him. I can understand that more then if you killed someone who has done nothing to you other then suffer by your hand. Sorry you don’t get it, or want to get it. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. Well if the suicide bomber was removed from his home, put in too a camp where the very people who took his home hold all the keys, if he has seen his family members murdered or has had close family murdered by the IDF as most kids in Gaza do, or if his house was bulldozed without any due process by the same people who kicked him out in the first place, and had seen the same for all his life done to him and all his people i would say every one of those reasons is enough to bread hate that can be understood. Is the action a good one no, killing Innocent people never is. But is their a difference between someone who has all those reasons, and a person who want me to convert or die? For me there is a big difference, and i am sorry if you don't see it. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090327/ap_on_re_as/as_pakistan Just for the ones who always seem to miss it. Muslims killed by al-Qaida scum. There is nothing good that comes out of the death Innocent people. Lets at least use this as another example of the separation that exists between devote Muslims, and crazy fuck that every culture religion, and race has. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. shred? yea ok every one is making shit up!the Christians, Muslims, Israelis, and the international community. Its just the IDF that tells the truth. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. I still do them when needed. It has saved my ass more then once, and it is always better to get back up and dust your self off then not be able to get back up at all. As for the forward speed, even in that case it has saved me from getting hurt. As they say "The shit works" so why not learn it. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. It also illustrates that being armed with a gun and and trained in its use is not a sure defense against an armed criminal, contrary to popular opinion around here. I don’t think any one has ever stated that there is any thing that would be a sure 100 %defense, but it is better then being unarmed. Also when the good guys have the guns the killing will eventually stop, people don’t get lined up and executed by the tens. When you have a gun, and are properly trained you stand a better chance at staying alive against a fuck head like that then you do holding pen. There will always be bad guys, and they will always get weapons no matter what the laws are, just look at the UK. Laws prohibiting law-abiding citizens for purchasing a gun just makes the good people less safe, and gives the bad guys the edge. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. Agreed Agreed again. All religions do have some very stupid things in them. Islam does preach that all people are created equal, one of the reasons it is very popular with the African American community. Just a point I in no way am trying to say one is better then the other. To each his own. Again how many times have we seen a “claim” of IDF not folwing a rules of war. It’s not just this time it has been happening for a very long time multiple times. Yet you excuse or attmped to excuse them all. You seem to not ever see that YES the IDF actions and the Israeli cruelty is directly related to the hate, rockets, and suicide bombs you mention. I don’t know how you judge worst and better. I wouldn’t want to be a Palestinians who has to deal with Israeli neighbors, who show no respect and kill my children. Or would want to be in Darfur where my wife is raped and hacked to death in front of me Also you don’t live in the US all the shit that happens in Palestine is put trough a filter here. The Jews are always right and the Muslims are always the crazy fuck who just loves dying. It gets old when the pendulum is pushed to one side and kept there for all of my life time. That’s an odd statement considering that most the news that we do get actually comes from Israeli news sources. The area is so closed of to any other media. I often wonder if the Israeli news agencies reports are so incriminating and god knows they have some bias, how horrifying is the unedited truth? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. Yep Agreed 100% and the ? were removed by me. That is the answer. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. But it so easy........................... I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. And that’s all? Nothing justifying hate, or anger just some guy preaching? Yes I have. As seen in this thread and the related topics posted some will protect their side even when the solders committing the acts have admitted to murder. And As another poster put it he thinks the IDF should use any means necessary. I simply don’t agree, and have learned from history that might simply does not make right. As for hate in the texts, I am sure any group of people who have had their homes stolen, their children killed, and treated as sub humans would have some sort of hate towards the people responsible doesn't that seem logical? I also don’t think hate is only in the Arabic language it is obvious from the IDF repeated violations that it is thought very will in Hebrew as well. When the bases of a religion is we are the chosen people, I can see how and why so many so called solders didn’t hesitated to kill mothers and their children. AFter all they were not the "Chosen people" just arabs There are many poor people in the world true, however there aren’t that many that have been yanked from their homes, and treated like the Palestinians for more then 60 years, and to top it all the world has ignored their cries for the most part. Do you know people born in Gaza do not even have a nationality? They can not even get a passport to leave? So religion is always a part of it (as it is for most who go to face death)it was even for the Japanese, however desperation is always the key. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. You seem to be obsessed with dicks, and who gets laid and how often. I have noticed you seem to excuse a lot what you don’t agree with as people not getting laid enough. To grossly over simplify a problem that has occurred over decades is a sign of not using ones head. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  22. Darius11


    Agreed, The problem I think is most of us me included. When I think of my dream life the exceptions I have are ridiculous. I often go back and forth. I want it all, and then at times I think I will be happy with a lot less. Maybe it is just humane nature, and that’s why there is no simple answer or method. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. Do you really think that all is well every one is happy. Then one day a man with a beard shows up and says go kill your self and people just say yes? So there is nothing wrong, no motivation just the mullah saying go die? Good to see as always you have done a full research and didn’t have another knee-jerk post. WOW you are so wise, i think that must be why i am the only person who even took 1 min to replay to you. Keep up the great work. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain