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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. you dont get it, do you? Hamas won the elections to Parliment, not government. it took the lead in Gaza by force in a bloody que. but it doesnt make any difference, I dont care if Allah himself came down and made them the government. once they are in power and continue shooting and refuse to accept treaties signed Israel and the world recognize them, as a target... You can keep telling me and screaming that black is white but guess what black is black. I think you are to close to what going on to be rational. As I told you before you keep on changing your standard. You mentioned International law, but when it shows Israel in a bad light you say it doesn’t mean any thing. You even mentioned UN peacekeepers, which we both know Israel has denied their presence for years. You talk about civilian casualties, yet excuse the massive amount of deaths caused by Israelis and not just this war but in the past 60 years. You talk of justice yet fail to see the injustice in the treatment of the Palestinians. There is not a humane being that should be treated in that manner. What I find most frustrating is how easily so many like your self excuse the severely hard life Palestinians have and not understand that Israelis choke hold is the reason for all the violence. They have nothing to lose and every thing that they did have has been takin by Israel, and every one expects them to sit there and take it. It is when people have nothing to lose that they strap a bomb to themselves. I know many specially the few idiots (not diracted at you ) we have on here might think Muslims are just born waiting to blow up but history has seen a lot of suicidal warriors, and they were all created out of desperation. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. WOW I understand that we disagree and many have no clue what the facts are when it comes to history specily if you depand on US media but wasn’t HaMAS democratically elected and Israel, and the United Sates just decided that was not the result they wanted. Then basically have been starving the people with blockades? Should we at least attempt to stay in the realm of reality? That would be nice Oh yea cause Israelis have caused no Terror and have not killed any woman, and children now or in the past 60 years. These are the same people who killed man, woman, and child when they first took over and start building their homes on top of Palestinians villages. Oh yee all the people are indigenous that’s why the population has increased by 50%. You are extremely ignorant to think all Iranians are Jew haters or Jew Haters and Iranians are the same things, or that anyone who disagrees with Israeli policy hates Jews. It shows what we all know which is you have no clue when it comes to the Middle East and have no clue about history. Believe it or not there are plenty of Israelis who are of Persian decent. And Jews are not hunted down in Iran all their rights are preserved and they can worship freely. Why do you make statements that are not even based in this universe and pretend they are factual? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. AND When a government is democratically elected it should be recognized and not denied and blockaded as Hamas was. Oh and in a democracy the majority wins not who the Israelis or the Unites Sates wants. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. So good to see the Israelis never use Terror and violence. They use bombs and missals in such a nice way. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. The Dance by Garth Brooks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFmp9K8RTcc I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. Darius11


    I learn something new every day on DZ.com Thank you I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. She is hot but whats up with her chin? I can't keep thinking Jay Leno I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. First its not a card you actully have Jews only roads not all isrelis arab or jewish welcome but jews only roads. Can Hamas even afford uniforms? Or do they have to chose between weapons to fight with or uniforms? And what would happen if they did have uniforms? Israel would kill them all. Israel has assassinated officials, and ignored the democratically elected hamas what do you expect Hamas to do? Again it comes down to this. You and other Zionists believe they have some magical claim to the land, and me and some others think the people who were killed and run off their land have a right to their land, It seems you think Israel has the right to tell these people what to do and they should just roll over. I believe they are ones who should be doing the talking the people who were there before the huge expansions and the imported so called citizens. Those people were from all religions. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. Blind? You claim the people were there all the time, yet forget to mention that the population has increased severely because of imported people on stolen land. You claim your self that both people have a claim yet show no problem with a formation of a country that openly practice segregation, and do you not see the inequality? Of they both have claim what’s your excuse for that? Are you really claiming that the Israeli army is too stupid to realize if they shoot a tank shell at a school children might die? Yet you keep on saying we don’t kill inocent people on purpose. Let me ask you this do the Israelis torture by mistake as well? You site international law when mentioning uniforms but cast international law aside when it shows Israel in a negative light. Hypocrisy anyone? The sad part is if the Israelis were Arabs and the Palestinians were Jews you and many others would change your tune and change sides and I wouldn’t that’s the difference. Now keep on changing every standard and keep on wiggling to make your self seem right. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. Again perspective. Guerrilla warfare was viewed just as we view “ Terrorists” now it was considered incredibly cowardly, and dishonorable. Also America is a bit bigger then Gaza, put all of America on a small island and they will have no choice but to fight from homes as they have no room. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. We had a supper power at the time help us they have no one. The super power has sided with the British this time and I don’t know how well we would have done with out any big help. Who knows I agree that it’s not helping, but what Israel is doing is not helping either. As mentioned before what happened a year ago in Lebanon only made Hezbollah stronger. Violence is not the answer for either side. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. A good comparison for Hamas is our revolutionary solders. They were viewed as dishonorable because back then gorilla warfare was considered dishonorable, but it was the only way our revolutionary solders could compete and fight against the British. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. Other Arab nations could also let all those "refugees" move out. They won't let them, even those that want to. I don’t know how you determine justice in your mind, but I don’t hold people responsible based on race. Just as I don’t expect every African American to go to Africa and help out, or expect every American of European dissent to be responsible for any problems the Europeans might have. So just because someone is Arab it doesn’t mean they have some responsibility to all Arabs. In my mind the people who commit the injustice are responsible. In the past 8 years all Israel has done is expand settlements, and I know Ori claims that all the people were there but the population has increased by 45-50% in less then a decade(imported people on stolen land). I don’t get why this is a hard concept for people specially Americans grasp. Someone who has takin your home, and killed your people decides hey ill give you a room to live in, and I will control every thing that goes out or in of that room, oh and if you want money you can only clean my toilet. It is as simple as that at the root. Many of you are saying hay that’s a great deal because of incredibly one sided or simply false memory. It seems you have forgotten who used to live there not to long a go. Ori is right that there were Jews in that mix too however there were Jews, Muslims, And Christians in that mix before Israel was formed in to a Jewish state. Now that Jewish state has done nothing but Oppress the weak, and Israel has shown no respect for International law (which some excuse when it is convenient). Also how hard is it to understand Hamas’s methods? Do they have a capable army like Israel? No There option is to Fight any way they can, or give up their home land and stop fighting for what was theirs 60 years ago. I know I wouldn’t just turn and run if I was wronged. I don’t expect them to either. I don’t think any of us would act that differently even if some think they are so much better they simply have not suffered as much or placed in A situation where all they have is suffering caused by who they see as the intruder. What’s crazy is if Perspective was different and all the US politicians and the Media was not in the tank for Israel; Hamas would be viewed as they are by many as freedom fighters who will not give up no matter what the cost. They would be viewed as heroes by most of you. The inocent life would be excused by most of you as well, just as you excuse Israel and our own troops when they kill. On a side note; I think the best coverage so far has been done by the Daily show. John Actually made fun of how in the tank the Media and the politicians are for Israel. The good news is many have learned to make up their own mind, and not trust the Media. The bad news is offcourse that some think it is the gospal I truly believe that soon we will stop all aid to Israel I can only hope. I feel like my tax dollars are going to the Nazi party and there is nothing I can do about it. In case you want to watch http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=213380&title=strip-maul funny and sad. 3:45 is a good point I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. So only the rules that support your side matter? I shouldn’t even post more then one word Hypocrisy seems to take care of most of them. Want me to go down thge list of rules violated by Isreil? And as for the UN the US has Vetoed every time the UN has tried put a sanction or some sort of resolution that Israel didn’t like. And I do agree that the majority of people stand against Israeli action the difference is I believe they are right for doing so. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. Whos rules Ori? Isreils? Or International law? You don’t like it when the UN tries to bring peacekeepers. When we mention how many UN resolution Israel has violated all of a sudden none of rules matter. Stop changing your standards for right and wrong just so you can say Israel is right. Set your standard then look at the facts and judge honestly. If all the Effects from this war are negatives for all then why do you try to justify it? I agree nothing good will come from this. Hamas will be stronger and will have more willing recruits understandably so. It is a stupid move on so many parts. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. So dropping a bomb in a crowded street knowing that inocent lives will be killed should be considered an act of terrorism. You see the unfortunate thing for you is you will spin and wiggle and change what you just stated. Because for some reason its ok when the Israelis kill people even with there better equipment and much more advanced army. But if an Arab does it he is a “Terrorist” Hypocrisy. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. Don't make BS statments then. Simple as that. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. Here is what you do. You take a step back and remember that we are all humane. That most are not born with the intention to die as a matter of fact it is the most unnatural thing you can do. So ask your self what could drive a man, woman, or child to decide that they would sacrifice their life to fight an enemy? Try to think how much desperation, and suffering much you endure to reach that conclusion. You can believe what you want. I have been to a bunch of places and have had the pleasure of living in totally different cultures. We all want the same things Safety, a chance to grow, a chance to live, and the same for our children. When those are takin away and there is one group you hold responsible for all your and your peoples pain that’s when people do fuck up shit. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. Read Idrankwhats post I have written on this subject so much. I am not trying to be dick but honestly just read what the Palestinian have to put up with every single day. When there is no war. Just do a quick search and read. That’s what I find so frustrating the lack of acknowledgment of their suffering not right now when there is war but every single day. I also love it when people try to separate and make the Palestinian actions seem nuts while many would act in a much more violent manner if they were in the Palestinians place. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. Wow can you predict the lottery numbers for me too? You seem to no sooooooooo much nosterdomas. Before any Jew only roads were built there were people of all races and religion including Christians living in the area. Once the Israelis got their stolen land and the big sticks from the US to inforce we have Jew only roads. Great to see people have learned from the mistakes of the past. You keep on fighting for them no matter what the facts are. We have seen how the west and Israel reacts to Democratic elected officials that they don’t want and they can’t control. Most of the time they call them terrorist. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. Really? So there not a single person not to mention a group) of people who just want to get rid of all the Palestinians and take all the land? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  22. What I was talking about was the highly intelligent comment made that apparently some one was sure that most Arabs Hate Jews. I find that to be retarded statement for many reasons the obvious how did that person read every arab mind? The other was too point out that the Palestinians hate the Israelis because of their actions, and if they were not Jews but Black the Palestinians would be saying racists remarks about blacks. Not because they were born with hatred for black people but because their expreince has been only negative. Like I said that’s just a gem. If you really believe that there is no point in me even trying to mention every fuck up thing Israel does on a daily bases. It seems in your eyes the Palestinians have nothing to complain about or even be angry about. Unprovoked. After this war is over. I bet you think that the parents of the dead children, and all the people who lost loved ones are unprovoked as well right? They’re just crazy I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. I agree and am very aware that the US media is one sided. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  24. Yea because in all democracies we have Jews only roads, and segregation. You know some due process would be nice as well. Unfortunately for a lot of the Jewish population in the USA that’s all it is about so the facts don’t matter. As I have said before I don’t understand someone sacrificing humanity for a sense of camaraderie. Before I am a citizen of a country or belong to a religion I am a humane being. Some gems from Falxori Yes there is nothing to see here move right along. Yes yes they are born crazy they just like blowing them selves up. Keep on moving nothing to see here. We are inocent as snow. Israel had the chance to accept the Palestinian democratically elected officials as well, yet because they didn’t get who they wanted (makes a lot of sense) they decided they weren’t going to recognize them. But off course Israel is guilt free they do no wrong. From chuckakers When did you take your survey? I wish I were so sure to know what more then a billion people are thinking at all times. Your Special aren’t you? The reasons the Israelis are hated is they built homes on top of others, destroyed lives and have been killing and oppressing the Palestinians for more then 60 years. If they were black they would be called the N word, if they were Brown they would be called the SN word. Its easy to hate people who have takin your land and continue to kill man, woman, and child. Sorry just came back and read this thread. And some of the things said are just out of the realm of reality. All this will do is give more people a legitimate reason to hate Israel and recruit more people for Hamas. We saw how successful the operation in Lebanon were. They simply made Hezabolah a more powerful entity and took a lot of inocent lives. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  25. It sucks when democratic elections do not go the way Israel, and the US wanted. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain