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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. I agree with you. There is so much wrong with not only the bail out but the way I am afraid the bail out will happen. I find it extremely frustrating that there is such a huge wave that’s anti united health cared for every citizen yet I don’t feel the same out rage for our tax dollars helping out CEOs. I just don’t get it anymore. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. You were the creepy guy following me around Target?! Wow i have to start shopping there.
  3. I know that feeling. Imagine the bad Karma a virus writer must have with so many people cussing them. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. You know for someone who has already even before the facts or regardless of facts is so For Plain you have presented ZERO facts for your position. All I ever see you post is “You fear her”, or “ wow your so afraid of her” Other then that BS do you actually have a reason to like her other then our fear? Or had you already made the decision to blindly support whoever McCaine picks before even knowing? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. Honestly I have not heard one honest intelligent response to any of these questions. I am waiting for someone to say hey Clinton got a blow job. Why can’t anyone adress the legitimate issues that are brought up about Sarah Palin? All I hear is Liberal this and two sentence remark that have nothing to do with all the REAL issues she brings to the table, not to mention the obvious hypocrisy of it all. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. Agian he is not runing for office. This is getting old. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. Only seeing the world in absolutes and never changing which means never learning is a true sign of ignorance, nothing to be proud of. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. You think? maybe. The Ghoran being song by a professional is some of the best music in the world in my opinion. That's my opinion not as a Muslim but as a musician it is simply beautiful. Faith is very personal. I know many Christians who consider them selves christian yet they do not follow every thing they are told. So i am sure there are some Muslims who say no to western music but as a person you have to be smart enough to know what is being said out of ignorance and what makes sense for you. To each person that is a personal decision. The reason i did not answer him is because his question is already answered. If i have lyrics that i like and i am a Muslim then obviously i don't have a problem with it, and any one who does can suck my big hairy camel cock. I also have lost patience mainly because it seems we are attacked constantly about our faith. I don't feel the need to try to explain every thing to people who already assume they know all. Maybe it was a genuine question, i guess the best answer is read it, live it and make up your own mind. I am no prophet I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. No I love it when someone thinks they know about Islam because they watched an episode of 24. Wanna tell me my faith again? I love SLAYER too I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. I know I don't, and with that I am going home. Thank you all for the debate and remaining civil. Peace I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. Bill the need for sex can not be compared with any other need. It is simply in our DNA. I understand it is controllable, however abstinence is not about controlling it, it is about denying it. I guess I am lost my friend, I really didn’t think we need to teach people that they don’t have to have sex. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. No I guess its not, but I guess I see just as unrealistic. A major point that I think I am missing is what is your definition. Is it do not have sex ever? Do not have sex until you married? Do not have sex until you are ready? I agree with teaching people not to have sex until they are ready ( no brainer, if you weren’t ready and someone had sex with you thats rape) but what is being ready? When is someone ready? When is someone guaranteed to have no suffering emotionally? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. and you think Like I told Rush I am very rationally afraid of her having any thing to do with running this country I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. Is avoiding sex for your life or until your married a realistic goal? I don’t think it is. I think education is the only option. People who do not want to have sex for what they believe are free not to have sex. I personally agree with you but I also understand that age of when someone is ready for sex is also based on what your culture is. I am all for education. Yes but is it realistic to assume couples will not have sex. That’s my point. Maybe someone who has had abstinence education can help all of us out. When you are thought abstinence when do they say it is ok to have sex? Do they cover condoms, or is it thought with a religious tone? What does it cover? I love swooping Bill, but it is not as strong as the need for sex. So even me who loves swooping will not be doing it for along time because I have not been current. It sucks but not even in the saem ball park as not having sex. Sex especially in the teen years (and most of our life) consumes what you do what you talk about a lot of your time is spent thinking about sex. The desire to have sex is much stronger then the desire to swoop. I bet most of us didn’t even know what swooping was until we started sky diving, but sex that’s simply nature at work. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. She was not prepared for a national televised interview for the 2nd highest job in the land. That’s not very smart. For me the jury Came back with a verdict when I found out she doesn’t agree with abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I am not saying I know when life begins but I do know that no one knows. I believe that’s a woman’s choice. The only people I have seen that argue against abortion in such sever cases are religious nuts. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. To me it is impossible to make anyone be abstinent unless they choose to for their own belief. Not doing something is always an option what needs to be thought? I guess that’s what I don’t get. Abstinence means abstaining from something in this case sex. It means don’t have sex. There is no rule that told me to have sex I wanted to. I have lived in a country where they try to enforce abstinence on the youth with guns and it still doesn’t work. I guess IMO it seems like spending energy and money on trying to find a way to lick your elbow. I just don’t get it. I understand someone not wanting to have sex until they get married thats fine, I don’t get what needs to be thought about that in school. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. You believe in no sex until marriage? What is too young? How do you prevent young people from having sex? Trust me I come from a country where they use guns to try and stop it, it doesn't work, and the reason it does not work is because it goes against nature. No one person can push a religious idea on to others in this country. You are welcome to practice what you wish but you can not enforce it on others. Sex education is not telling the kids to go out and start having sex, it does what a school should do teach the facts. How to properly use a condom? What your sexual organs do, what to expect when you hit puberty, etc. You are 100% wrong unless you choose to be a monk or a nun. All normal people will eventually have sex in their life and education is their best weapon. If you could control every one including the person you will have sex with in the future, yes abstinence is the safest (also unrealistic) approach, however it is impossible to do so therefore makes the whole idea obsolete. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. Wow then I should be the VP or a highly paid reporter because I knew what it meant. I did not need the media to tell me to be horrified that a potential VP has no clue what it is. She was Clueless, and she tried to play it off like she knew what it was. Thats just one on of the issuies what about all the other ones? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. I guess you’re all right if people get offended then they get offended I am just being honest. Thank you I needed some reassuring.
  20. Bill when is one person saying someone is doing a good job the same as saying She is a good VP candidate? My coworker does a great job as well. I guess we have different definitions of competent. I’ll give you the reasoning for my comment. Why I call her unintelligent and ill add uninformed. Did you see her interview? Have you heard her speak? She has zero substance and did not know what most of us in SC know (The Bush Doctrine). Religious psycho. The only reason you would teach abstinence is for your religious beliefs. Sex, safe sex believe it or not is not a bad thing. Only religious people think its bad and must be hidden. What evidence and intelligence suggest is that we want people to be safe and practice safe sex. I think she has the best example in her home that abstinence will not work education does. So she is basing her thought process on a religious idea which she has every right to do, however she has no right to even attempted to force her views on other citizens. As stated before it does not get anymore un-American then that. Her argument for foreign policy experience is that’s she lives close to Russia. Does that even need explaining of why it is a stupid reason? She is already ready to go to another war, not learning from the past stupid, not learning from the very recent past very stupid. Maybe your right she is smart if she is then she is saying all the things the idiots love to holler at. If that’s the case then she is pandering and manipulating I think that even makes it worst. I am sorry but I can not pretend that being a GILF who knows how to shoot is a qualification. This is coming from a guy who was considering Mccaine and had always thought of him highly, after this BS pick and the latest crap and flip-flopping I have lost all respect for his whole camp. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. I live alone and have kind of a privet apartment no neighbors that are close. People always want to come over even though I am not a bachelor it is a bachelor pad. The problem is as I am getting older especially in the past 2 or 3 years I have become more and more of a loner. I have always been fine alone I don’t really get lonely, but used to like company as well. Lately company annoys me and it’s not my friends their great, it’s nothing that they do, it is just the presence of someone else around that makes me not as comfortable as I would be if I was alone. I have tried the straight approach and that has worked. I had a friend who used to stop by with out calling (I hate that) so I calmly told him my issue and he took it very well and understood. Now he calls How do you tell people over and over that you don’t want to hang out without hurting their feelings? I care about my friends I really do and would be there to help out if they ever needed me; I just like being alone. Same goes for my family they always want to visit and I never do. Some times I feel really guilty, because I love these people and I always want them to be happy and healthy however I want to be alone. Anyone else go through any thing like this? How do you ask for space lots of space with out hurting people’s feelings? I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  22. I agree. I am all for guns in the hands of responsible citizens but this is kind of dumb. When the power goes out I don’t load my guns put on my night vision and wait for the aliens to attack. I get a flashlight. Edit to add: After my wise as remark I just thought I should ask this. What happened when the lights when out? Maybe I simply don’t understand the environment and all hell brakes lose any time the power goes out. I have never had that happen but like I said maybe I am just not filmier with the environment he lives in. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. I wonder if people even read your post. I think we all understand that an executive can hire and fire people, however a public executive can not fire someone for having a gay book in a public library, or should not fire someone because her sister hates them. She has contradicted her self. Flip flop, flip flop much like Mccaine has been doing as of late. What it’s ok when a republican does it? I just heard that her husband will not testify as she had promised on the trooper scandal. She is not even in office yet and were going to get the “I don’t recall” answer to every thing. 8 years of that is enough. It’s not one issue with her its many and she fails in every way. The blind and Unpatriotic are selling their country out for the party line. How fucking disgusting. I love the one-word replays it reminds of when a child puts his/her fingers in their ear and screams la la la la la. Just too not hear what they don’t want to hear. No one was even talking about her before she was nominated NO ONE said wow she would be great. It was political choice based on the worst aspects of politics. She is unintelligent, religious psycho who has abused her power to enforce her personal religious views on others. It does not get any more Un-American then that. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  24. I think you missing a huge point. The BIG difference in Islam is that Science is encouraged, as we do not look at the big bang theory or the complexities of life as an attack on our faith. Most that I have encountered believe it just shows Gods greatness. That’s why all sciences are thought in Iran an Islamic republic. That’s just simply false. Islam even in the very beginning was pro science and many of the big brake troughs of the past were achieved by Muslim scientist. Many European scientist escape to Baghdad so they could practice their science without persecution. Islam has always been a supporter of science. That is historical fact here is some opinion I think the biggest problem we have is the lack of separation of masque and state. Also oil was the biggest pitfall for the whole region. If for example Iran did not have oil there would not be so much international influence on the country. We would not have puppet government after puppet government to keep the people dumb and cooperative. The last 200 years have been horrible mainly because of western influence. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  25. If the company is privet then your point is not valid If it was public then you would be right. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain