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Everything posted by Darius11

  1. Unfortunately Bah bah bah is becoming the standard US language, at least that’s my fear. What happened to the free thinkers? Oh yea they’re all traitors. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  2. Don’t forget to include the Christians who start wars because god is talking to them, and the ones who said we deserved it because we treat gay people like humans. I don’t think anyone can think it is justified or that we deserve 9-11. I think we have done a lot of bad things killed many people who we should not have killed. I think our foreign policy is ridicules and Imperialistic. However I don’t think some poor dude/or dudet on his way to go to work deserved to be murdered. But I also feel the same way about some poor Brown person who lives in a country half the people in the US can’t even point out on a map. I truly believe in do on to others, as you want done to you. I think it is a simple philosophy. We have brought death so there are people who want to bring death to us. Lets stop bringing death. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  3. If you want to measure whose hand are bloodier no one even gets remotely close to the peace loving Christians. If you want to understand why we are hated it is easy to assume it is because we are free, but the more rational answer is our actions. How many hundreds of thousands have we killed just in Iraq? Off course you might excuse that we are liberating them however I would like my liberation from this planet to be my choice. If you study history no one NO ONE has started more wars then us in the past 100 years. I know some assume we are always justified for the killing we do but believe it or not that’s not the case. Last I checked one person doesn’t have the right to decide to sacrifice someone else’s life for the good of others. Again if hypocrisy is not your thing then you should judge us as you judge the evil Muslims. That’s one thing I didn’t get what if obama is Muslim? Do we not have freedom of religion in this country or is this right another one that can be stripped as soon as we get scared? I believe any one who thinks Muslims are dangerous because of the numbers they have killed is simply blind to solid in arguable facts. All you have to do is count how many wars we have started and how many inocent lives we have takin. I think all the tan people should be paranoid of you white “peace loving Christians” who tend to destroy a country once every 10 years or so that is usually filled with brown people who pose no threat to you directly. Please read some history. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  4. I think the people who are responsible for this are the ones who claim to be patriots and are sure of what being a patriot means. Being a patriot has nothing to do with waving the flag, yellow ribbons, or where your hand is during the national anthem but about caring for the people of this country. Patriotism is not blind faith or at least should not be. Times change, the demands of the nation will change. There is no better definition of a patriot other then one who will scarifies for the good of the country, and the good of the country usually means the good of its people. Over the last few years patriotism has become like a fanatic religion which like many religions lead many down the wrong path to war. Whenever patriotism becomes blind to truths then I believe it is no longer caring about the country and its people. It becomes an article of faith, which is susceptible to all the things that happen when something becomes more symbolism then actual action or knowledge based on facts. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  5. Honestly dude you fucked up and know it, no one got hurt, and you will get passed this. Not as bad as it can be. Next time take a cab. Good luck with the court and don’t forget lawyers can do wonders. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  6. What you are saying goose against what this country was founded on. You are also assuming that the government is always right or is always doing the right thing. The laws of personal freedoms and privacy are set not to just protect us from others but also the government it self. In a democracy no one should be above the law. I am sure many criminals try top rationalizes their actions however braking the law is braking the law. Again some companies refused to brake the law, some didn’t. They had a choice and they made the decision to make money on government contracts and violate our rights. There is no excuse for that. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  7. I don’t get it, They’re trying to say because the government asked them to violate our rights and brake the law the companies should not be punished. Aren’t the laws to protect are personal freedoms just for situations like this? If the law can be bent at the will of the government then it is no longer a democracy. Lets not forget that not all companies asked agreed some actually showed some Balls and did the right thing. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  8. Mike I can’t deny that there are shit heads on the right and left. I wouldn’t want to deny it because it is true. We have hypocrites on both sides, and most politicians are scum. I guess I am stuck in the middle I agree with some views on both sides and not all views. I guess if Cheney was the puppet master I still would blame GWB. Not because I hate the guy but because it is his responsibility to make or try to make the right decision. If he allowed himself to be manipulated then it is still his weakness that we all suffer for. I guess I wish we didn’t have labels or groups that we felt like we need to protect or stand by. I believe we would all benefit if we worked together and didn’t feel like every criticism (true ones) is an attack on who we are or what we stand for. I am knew here (to being a citizen of a democratic country) was it always like this Rep. Vs. Dems? (sorry thats a knew thread i guess) We all live in the same place. I guess I don’t get it and Mike I know its not just you or the people who lean to the right. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  9. Hi Mike Honestly man you can’t even answer the question that was asked. It is a simple question and the answer is obvious yet you still can’t seem to accept that the person in charge is the person in charge therefor the person in charge is held responsible. That is not a difficult concept to grasp, and I know you get it but why is there a denial? It seems many (not just the right) suffer from too much loyalty to groups and no loyalty to facts and the obvious truth. I don’t know but I was under the impression that we all live here together and if someone is fucking up this country there actions hurt all of us regardless of party affiliation. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  10. The world would be a better place if decisions were made based on facts. If we lived in a rational and logical world hemp would be embraced, but unfortunately we arrest millions of our citizens every year for using, growing, and distributing it. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  11. What scares me is this. Most of the people I know seem smart and care about the future at least enough to do research and make up there own mind. However as a government for the people by the people we are responsible for or I should say more responsible then a dictatorship would be for the actions of our government. So what’s the excuse? I have viewed this country as a moral high ground for most of my life, now it seems we have just lost our way. Should we torture even if did work? Lets forget that most say the information received is unreliable. Do we still have a soul? What if grinding up a terrorist infant child in a blender would or might save some American lives? Is that ok to? I personally would like to keep the moral high ground or at least try to keep it. Because I still hope we are better then them or at least can try to be. The best way to lead is by example. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  12. My personal opinion is that I would love truth. Stop with flag waving and the whole general feeling that we are so much better then the people we kill. Or that we have better morals we need to get over our selves. For me being honest would mean the most. As for doing something the things that need to be done will never be done because most Americans have no clue on how the world views their actions, and unfortunately when you are always sure that your right you never get the chance to be wrong and learn. What needs to be done: We need to stop invading other countries and telling them to change their way of life to ours. It would be good to remember that historically we are the new kids on the block. We need to shut down the hundreds of military bases we have all over the world. We need to have a long list of apologies to all the countries we have bullied and all the lives we have taken. We need to pu on trial and punish the people who have broken these laws to the full extent. The more we protect them the more we look like one of them. Really. Sorry to be harsh but it is hard to say good smart Americans when more then half the country can’t point to the country they want to have a war with on the map. The problem is most Americans are clueless to history, geography, or even politics. Most care more about American Idol or boobies. This is not just being stupid, this is being irresponsible. The worst part is the uninformed tend to be loudest group in American politics. How can you even say smart: when more then half of the presidential candidates on one of the two parties we get to choose from don’t even believe in evolution. Is the earth flat? WTF I am sorry but the main issue is that most are dumb and have no clue how dumb. They also have this fantasy way of looking at our selves as the white knights of freedom who kill only the bad guys and save the day. We are not even close. Unfortunately the smart people we do have; have to deal with idiots and give there no fact base way of thinking the time of day and actually try to explain and debate with these fools. I don’t think anything we do will make a difference in the long run. We can give aid and some Hungary kids will think we are great or build a power plant that we bombed just a few years ago. All of those things will change some minds helping always makes you liked. So that would be the way to go. But to me I am just realizing that we are a lot more like a pack of lions then people. We kill intruders, we invade when out interest is threatened and we kill whatever and whomever. That’s just the way of the world very unfortunate. There is no do on to other as you want done to you. It is all about power. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  13. I think our claim to have some sort of moral high ground over other countries or that we answer to higher code has been doubted for a long time now. This is just another example that we do what we want and have no respect for what we claim to believe in. All goes out the window when it is our interest that is threatened. We are not the liberators and bringers of freedom. We are the alpha dog who is a hypocrite much like the rest of the world. I don’t think there is anything we can do. Trust is something that once broken can never be repaired. I know we tend to look at just this administration but every administration has had the same principle of non-principle. The only reason we seem to focus on this administration is they have fucked up more then most. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  14. RIP. I read his book and watched him every sunday. I really cant belive this. He was one of the good guys. Tomorrow will not be the same. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  15. I might react to this as unbelievable. I would replay to that Email and might ask “hey dean --Insert name-- it looks like someone might have gotten a hold of your PC. I received an Email and underline the profanity and say I assume this was not you. I would take that approach just to make him understand that he is so over the line that you can’t even believe he is this unprofessional. If he says that is him and the email is to you I believe you know what to do just don’t do it in writing. Incase you need to collect unemployment you might need that email to prove your point. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  16. “shoot my mouth off” ??????? Touchy touchy!! Maybe you misunderstood. They had decided THEY WANT TO INVADE IRAQ that is more then a plan. The decision was made and then the facts were played with and any thing that would not result in a war or support going to war would not be looked at or worst not shown to anyone else. They miss-lead their own people. Notice all the books coming out? Oh yea off course there all disgruntled employees now. They lied to every one to execute a plan their plan. Do you understand the difference between having a contingency plan as all governments do and making a decision to mislead the nation so you can start a war? Do you see the difference or not? So when I shoot my mouth off I actually use ration and haven’t forgotten the bullshit that was handed to us. I don’t seem to understand why people, the same people who were so sure any one against the war is a traitor can’t seem to get REALITY. No one was more betrayed then the people who supported the war you were all used cause it is easy to use people who think a yellow ribbon means you’re an American and not having one means you’re a terrorist. They played everyone and fucked all of us. Oh yea I think there is few groups that were more betrayed then anyone else. Our Troops their families, and the Iraqi people. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  17. Yes! but right now do you believe that alternatives are available to the general public? I have not seen much. Right now if I decide not to drive I am walking. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  18. I think what the biggest problem with the oil companies is that they are like a monopoly. The price is controlled so there is no real competition. You can drive everywhere in the state and see a difference of .10C or so. Which is a very small percentage when gas is at 4.00 a gallon. The other reason I think oil companies are like a monopoly is this. What’s the alternative? Do you have another reasonable choice for transportation? The answer is no; unless you live in NYC or one of the other big cities with a public transportation system that works. In this country gas is not a luxury it is a necessity you simply can not survive in the system without personal transportation. Have you ever tried to use public transportation in a small town (which is what America is mostly made up off)? A 20 min. drive can take more then a few hours not to mention there schedules are unreliable. So when a product becomes a necessity should it not be regulated? Or should the companies who control it be able to make as much profit as they want? I am not against people making money but when I have no other viable choice other then to use their product or not survive, it is a monopoly and I have to pay what ever they want. I am sure the oil companies know this. Lets not forget the oil companies are the reason monopoly laws were made in the first place. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  19. I don’t know. I don’t remember any serious plans to go to war with Iraq. I am sure there was tension there has always been tension just like we have right now with Iran. However when more and more evidence is shown that the plan to go to war with Iraq was thought of first and then the reasons for it were drawn up. That is dishonest with intent. Also who made the discussion to go to war? I was not in The White House but the man in charge when the decision was made was GWB. He also seemed he was al for the decision. That’s why they are to blame. For misleading with intent (wanting to go to war with Iraq) and making the decision. I honestly don’t get why it is so hard to believe that the people who made the decision would be the people held responsible. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  20. I like this thread and all but just wanted to say dude your avatar is going to give me nightmares. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  21. Darius11

    XBOX 360

    They are not having as much problems now that they are failing less and less it should take just about the 15 days. I sent one and had it back within 10 business days just last month. Just curios did he do a back flip when he got the gift. I would have.
  22. I think what is very important to remember is the information that was given to the others was false and manipulated. We were told over and over again that the treat was immanent by this administration. Now it looks like they only focused on the information that would lead to war and ignored anything that did not follow their plan to start the war. In this case the people who manipulated the information was this administration. The people who look to have started a false war are the people in this administration. That’s why they are to blame. If I run to you and lie “that your house is on fire” you will call the fire department. The person at fault is me who lied specially because I knew what your reaction would be. They used the sympathy and fear the people had and told us over and over again that not only is the threat immanent but it might even be nuclear. I don't know if people have short memories or selective ones, but we were all used republicans, democrats, and independent we were ALL lied too. If I was a Bush supporter or a war supporter who believed in the Iraq war 5 years ago I would be more pissed then the people who argued it from the start. Basically this administration used fear, and peoples since of patriotism to start a war. I think we should all be pissed and want justice for the hundreds of thousands of people who have been killed. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  23. First I am not a Bush basher even if I do bash him it is not because of a loyalty I have to the democrats but I see him as a major fuck up. I do understand your question and I hold all the war supporters responsible. I hold all the people who minimized the UN inspectors responsible. I hold all the people who made questioning the approach to the war feel like treason responsible. BUT The person in charge is in charge for a reason. Now I understand that any leader can make mistakes however when it is shown that the information was withheld or manipulated it shows intent. I don’t know if the information was filtered to the others as it does look like only what would serve the purpose of war was shown or concentrated on. Every one has some responsibility however just like any other group or organization the leader who made the decisions is the one held responsible and that is in cases where no one was misled or manipulated. I think if before people just thought GWB was stupid or made a mistake now it looks like we were all played and lied too. I think that’s what makes the big difference. That our leader lied to us and that lie ended up hurting the country and our people. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
  24. So is a terrorist "someone who uses force and fear to push his/her beliefs and viwes on others"? Hey that sounds good. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain