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Everything posted by Swanee

  1. I jump a 1984 Parafoil converted to split slider although it has the grommet and reinforcing for the old reefing system on it. Make sure you've got the right size container. It's huge and heavy by today's standards---but it's absolutely solid as a rock to fly.
  2. Seem to have solved my line twist problem(touch wood) by leaving more line unstowed when stowing the lines on the bag. Worth considering as well.
  3. I have had the Performance Option done on my Safire--major improvement--highly recommended. Now that the whole lineset is coming up for replacement, I am considering what options I have (if any!)
  4. Who did the re-line for you? I wasn't aware it was possible, until I read this, to re-line a Safire 1 to Safire 2 specs.
  5. I should have mentioned The chord seemed virtually the same between the 149 and the 169 Swanee
  6. I have a Safire 1 169 and last weekend I compared actual size to a friend's Safire 2 149. The 169 had about a foot more span. Not a huge difference!
  7. Thanks for the advice, Hook. Much appreciated. I have contacted the manufacturer today, and have arranged for the issue to be dealt with properly Swanee
  8. My Pilot Chute has a 3-4 inch rip near the apex, which showed up in the regular post jump inspection. I was told that this was caused by a too short kill line, which has been subsequently lengthened. I used ripstop tape on both sides of the tear and inspect after every jump. Been looking fine for approx 50 jumps so far.
  9. I have to admit that, even after 200 jumps on it, I was never able toi "dial in" the landings (possibly since I' loaded it to the max). I got the mod done (www.jumpergirl.com) and it has transformed my landings. Highly recommended.
  10. I have now had the perfomance modifcation installed, and to say the canopy is tranformed is an understatement. I have done 200 jumps on a stock standard Safire and the flare (and landings) have dramatically improved as a result of the mod. Highly recommended.
  11. I've just measured the steering lines on my Safire1 169 They are all 40" I am soon to have the Safire Performance mod done (http://www.jumpergirl.com/safire.html) and am looking forward to a more powerful flare. I am currently loaded near the max of 1.6
  12. I have a Safire, white with blackberry ribs--at least it was white when it was new. It's starting to look very grey. Is it safe to wash this canopy---if so---how? Thanks in advance John Swanland Melbourne Australia
  13. Should I be pushing on the face or the sides to release the lens? (I'm worried about breaking it) I can rotate it back and forth slightly which gives me the impression that there are some plastic tabs holding it in.
  14. I got the right size Allen key and took out the two grub screws, so I now have the altimeter in 2 parts. How is the lens attached (and removed)? (BTW my Barigo is 20 years old, so may differ from current)
  15. You are loading it very lightly. I fly a Safire 169 at a wing loading of approx 1.5. I feel that at that loading I am really starting to enjoy it in the manner for which it was designed. (for experienced jumpers, that is) I now have 100+ jumps on it.
  16. I did about 6 jumps on a Sabre 170 before deciding on a Safire 169 loaded at about 1.5 (I'm a big boy) I didn't detect much difference as far as descent rate and speed went. I now have 95 jumps on the Safire and am learning how to land it. (I had a tendency to flare too high) I am convinced it is the right size for my weight and it will be a long long time (if ever) that I will consider downsizing. I'm still packing the Sabre 170 for a friend and, if anything, the Sabre 170 packs bigger than the Safire 169 (may have something to do with the Sabre having only about 20 jumps on it)
  17. Does anyone know if it is a totally new canopy, or something that can also be retrofitted to earlier Safires?
  18. Recently bought Paralert batteries here in Australia. Seems to be a standard type and quite cheap (requires 4 batteries) John Swanland E188
  19. Hi If you're looking for info about skybands, the email address is skybands@earthlink.net (Ralph Ponce) John Swanland E188 Melbourne Australia