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Everything posted by mailin

  1. Jeanne, I'm so sorry to hear that you are hurting and for all of us who personally knew anyone who has died while skydiving. I wish there was something we could do to bring them back, but I would hope they knew that this was a possibility? That they could die skydiving and leave us crying? I hope no one starts skydiving with the disillusion that this can't happen to them. One thing that was stressed to me was (and I think Ron quotes this often) 'you can do everything right and still die' I did take your advice though: Thats why I stopped jumping. I can no longer bear the thought of my husband and toddler standing at my grave/memorial crying and me not being able to help them. Especially when my decision to sky dive did not truly include them. Don't cry for your friends who died knowing this could happen - they, and especially T, were doing what they loved and if it was going to happen I hope that was how they would have wanted it - doing something they loved. Arianna Frances
  2. mailin

    Red Sox

    It was REALLY cold at Fenway last night, but what a great game One of my coworkers has tickets for game 6 at fenway... but I don't think he'll have the chance to go Arianna Frances
  3. mailin

    Red Sox

    ...guess who has tix to tonights game?... Arianna Frances
  4. Hey Cora, I've had way too many laptops over the years... IBM, Toshiba, Compaq and now Dell as well as 2 Dell Desktops. The IBM and Toshiba are piece of junk, the compaq was nearly as bad and the Dells are awesome. I actually had a Dell guy come to my house to replace nearly EVERYTHING in it when it would freeze booting up. Turned out to be the external keyboard and mouse I was using... but they didn't take back the new harddrive, memory or power adapter I can't say enough good things about Dell. You can buy Dells with XP. As a software person I'd recommend staying away from Vista until the first service pack. The biggest problem seems to be peripherals... I'm still having problems with various externals on my Vista machine... I actual run a virtual machine inside of my vista machine that has XP on it so I can use some of my externals stuff... I wish I had XP but the 'puter died and my work stuck me with Vista And Bolas... have you ever actually tried to run an OS through a Virtual machine before? I have several peripherals at work as well as some programs I write that I have to run through Virtual Machines and they're as SLOW as shit... I hate VMWare... and I can say that cause my hubby works for EMC now I saw my friend Lenore, who just graduated from Ross last May, last weekend and mentioned you were going and she offered her beach chair/umbrella for sale - best spot near campus she said Sounds rough! Arianna Frances
  5. mailin

    Life Insurance

    I don't skydive anymore because of this issue - couldn't get enough coverage for an appropriate cost. Keep in mind that a regular high yield savings account or mutual fund does SO much better than a whole life policy - the rate of return on your money is so low. Term life is a good alternative but as you age it can be harder to get that insurance for a decent price. Also - for such a small amount what are you needing it for? Generally people get Life Insurance to cover expenses for family left behind. Does anyone depend on your income? If not then why have it? If you do then the general rule is 8 to 10 times your yearly salary. If you make $40k per year that means a $400,000 policy - which will run about $50/month. The younger you get it, for the longer the term, the cheaper it is. If you work you do have social security benefits that could pay out to family to cover your funeral expenses or other small incidentals. Jen Arianna Frances
  6. I've been trying all day to download this... must be going well for them. My radio station just played the whole thing and I'm excited to download it now... Didn't know Jamiroquai was coming out with a new album... I'm all over that one! Jen Arianna Frances
  7. I think they like them... I only got to talk to them when I was drunk off my ass on Bourbon Street so I can't say I remember the conversations too much. They did say the residents were hard on them... I think I remember one of them saying they got a more well rounded education in New Orleans but that was because it was more hands on. Jen Arianna Frances
  8. Congrats Cora! I have two friends from college who are doing internships (in New Orleans) after finishing up at Ross. They miss the nice weather! Best of luck to you - you TOTALLY deserve it! Jen Arianna Frances
  9. awww! Congrats!! Arianna Frances
  10. I just sold my gear... same reason: less risks and more time with family. Being a parent has some super sucky responsibility attached to it I hope you feel better soon and get to go home! Jen Arianna Frances
  11. Perfect! Should have looked at the cypres site first... Thanks for the help! Arianna Frances
  12. Its already sat for two years and as long as we have young kids I won't jump without insurance and we plan on adding to our family in the future. It'll be at least 15 years before I skydive again and in the mean time the money is better used to pay off my car or to be invested... Arianna Frances
  13. I'm selling my gear I've been turned down by 7 different companies to get life insurance (not just because I wanted skydiving covered) and don't feel comfortable skydiving with a young child without that coverage... so I'm selling my gear, all manufactured within last 4 years. None of it has been used for 2 years now. Wings container – 130 jumps? (78 by me) Sabre2 190 - 130 jumps? (78 by me) PDR 176 - 0 jumps Cypres2 AAD Parasport Evo Freefly helmet in black (very few jumps, maybe 10) Purple flex z's (very few jumps, maybe 10) Packing tool too, if I can find it, since that container is a bitch to pack (the 190 is the largest that will fit in it). I thought $4k would be reasonable but others have said $4500 would be a steal too. I paid $4500 for the container/190/176/AAD when I bought it. Those that have more experience with this - what do you think? Its all in really good shape. I'm crushed that I have to sell it Jen Arianna Frances
  14. mailin

    Kia Sedona?

    Stay far away from KIAs. We've owned two and they weasled out of paying for a new break system (at 20k miles) by saying it was normal wear and tear. The first 3 months of the other KIAs life was spent in the shop after some faulty sensor made it shut down at idle. Neither time did KIA do the right thing and pay for it. Shitty vehicles, shitty customer service and by proxy, shitty warranty. Its not worth any money you would save... buy quality and you will thank yourself. We have Honda and Toyotas now and couldn't be happier. Jen Arianna Frances
  15. What is 'dead'? If its what I'm lead to believe from this thread then I've been there countless times, in controlled situations, and have no recollection of them or even worry about it anymore (they continue to happen and will for the rest of my life). If its your time, its your time, IMO. Jen Arianna Frances
  16. Hey, it won't matter where you live if you get that new website that automates almost everything you do Arianna Frances
  17. Ditto. All my company (software development) buys are Dells and we've had very good luck - the Compaq (aka. HP) that was my personally machine was a total junk box. We just replaced it with a Dell. Although my hubby has a mac at work and loves it for the graphics work he does, for the money and limited software, its not worth it; IMO. Jen Arianna Frances
  18. I did the same thing at about 20 jumps, only I crashed on the runway (or the only piece of Sebastian's runway that was there at the time). Still hurts 3 years later Hurt like a bitch when I was pregnant and my hips started to expand from it. I wanted an epidural from week 24 on Sorry, wish I had better experience for you. The donut suggestion is very good. Jen Arianna Frances
  19. I really can't believe I'm reading this thread, still. I really can't believe that its JP we're all remembering... it just doesn't seem real/right. Goddammit... I hope he's finally having the fun he deserves up there... Jen Arianna Frances
  20. This is very sad for me to hear of. I wish there was something I could have done. If anyone has an address where I can send a card/pictures please PM me and let me know. JP held a special place in my heart and now it hurts. Jen Arianna Frances
  21. Very nice! Aren't manuals great? I love mine. Its not anywhere near as sexy though - its a 2006 toyota corolla Jen Arianna Frances
  22. LOL....I swear in that pic you can see him thinking, that you got him all these cool new cat beds now if you would only stop putting your "kitten" in them. All 3 of your babys are so cute, you have a very beautiful family.. Here is a transport video from the breed rescue group I support. Thanks - I'm a very lucky girl. My family rocks TiSan is still a large highlight of adding to our family. We can't imagine life without him. Yes, rescue animals have baggage, but the way I look at it is that they are even more appreciative of life with new pawpaw and meowmy because they know how bad iit can be. He's a work and progress and I wouldn't have it any other way For anyone interested in siamese, this is the rescue I work with. And for anyone else in RI, I'm their only RI volunteer and am always looking for more! Jen Arianna Frances