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    Oulu, Finland
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  1. As a semi-whuffo of couple of jumps, I can agree to this. It seems to be a natural response, you can see the same thing if people are jumping legs first from somewhere high, say to a swimming pool - they tread the air. I have personally noticed this with myself, especially when my last jump(S/L w/ under the wing exit) went poorly and I actually tumbled sideways off, I had to fight for my legs not to start kicking. I suspect it would be because being airborne is a new sensation and your brains don't know to handle it yet - with few more jumps, you apparently start to get the hang of it as the exiting from the plane becomes routine. I have also felt the dropping sensation when exiting, and as with kicking your legs, I assume it's something to do with being in a new situation, so you body is focused at every slight change of velocity, and with experience your brains start to learn that it's a "normal" situation and that you are perfectly fine. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  2. Besides, there's no place where you could buy sex for $20 a pop ___ "Ye Gods!"
  3. Hey man, I'm exactly in the same situation with 3 S/Ls, though on currently on a winter break. Anyways, my (Finnish) S/L program table says that the first hop'n'pop is after six successful S/Ls and each successful jump after that means more FF time, coming to 30 seconds on jump number 13 and finally 40 seconds on jump 20. I'd guess it teaches the solo basics bit better. I'm not in a hurry considering that if I continue the sport I'll be doing hundreds or thousands of jumps. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  4. Apparently she was trying to locate her sister who attended the event.. so out of frustration, I'd guess, she wasn't trying to attack Bush. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  5. I know this question! The answer is: Play him some Metallica. What did I win? ___ "Ye Gods!"
  6. Seems to me there are two categories here; the extreme sports that have a good chance getting you dead quickly, and then there's the stupid things that will probably ruin the rest of your life. Personally I hope I don't ever find myself doing either ___ "Ye Gods!"
  7. I live in a city of 125,000 people, and the nearest smaller DZ's are 70 miles north and 200 miles south.. And we are still jumping from single C182. I'd guess they only tease me because the jump season is about to end ___ "Ye Gods!"
  8. You know, it's not the headset but the loudness... I think you could try talk to your son about dropping the level. Usually with phones it's easy to listen to music louder than it's neccesary just out of a habit - when you drop the volume, it'll sound odd and quiet at first but after few minutes you can hear it just as well as before you lowered the volume. Just ask him to try it. Oh, but on the pressure thing. I personally like to chew bubblegum on the way up, it works just as if doing the yawning motion but you don't have to think about it. Besides for some reason it helps on the nervousness I get as a S/L student But on the ear issue, ear doctor will help you I'm sure. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  9. What you mean, can't? There's perfectly good time between the takeoff and the exit.. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  10. I think I personally will wait for NASA to haul one of those big-ass space elevator cables to the orbit. Then you can both surf and skydive from.. well, from as high as you want! ___ "Ye Gods!"
  11. If you are bit short on cash, perhaps you could consider taking a Static Line course? Yes, it's a slow start and the first dozen jumps are from low altitudes, but after the US$400 basic course (which takes couple days) you pay only for the jumptickets which are something like US$15-20 per jump. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  12. I think it would be about the time to demand for UN Peacekeeper Forces patrolling the border between the Israeli and the Palestinians. Seems like there's no other way for peace. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  13. Yeah, my home DZ is at Oulu Airport ( ), just 15mins away from where I live, it was the first jump of my static line course from a C-182.. On freezing, it's not about how cold the air is, but what you wear! Just some warm gloves(cross-country skiing gloves are nice) and a windproof jumpsuit for climbing under the wing and you're fine. It's just that the Cessna goes to the winter storage for couple of months, it would just be too expensive to rent a heated hangar and such from the airport when there's only couple dozen jumpers.. But I have time to make half a dozen jumps before that! ___ "Ye Gods!"
  14. I'm no swimmer - well, I did couple years of free diving few years back - but I try to swim a mile once or twice a week just to keep in somekind of shape. It's just time: breast strokes and back strokes are very economical form of swimming, you might want to use those. The beauty of swimming is that you can go as slowly as you want .. unless there's a time limit of course Counting strokes helps the time go bit faster. Actually nowadays I get bored from swimming the 25-yard pool back and forth, luckily one of the local pools has 50-yard pool so I can do my miles. ___ "Ye Gods!"
  15. Raikkonen was second in drivers points, only two points from Schumacher.. Not bad from a young guy driving his third season in F1 ___ "Ye Gods!"