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Everything posted by KMonster
Peter! I never did get a chance to talk to you about your PC in tow, I got phone-jacked. I can't tell you how glad I am everything turned out alright. Don't jump those black death rubber bands anymore! Of course, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that one Katie.
A BASE number can be issued to you when you make one jump from each of the four objects. You can PM Russel about helping him, he would know how better than anyone.
Hehe, yes I have taken over Dexter's Softcock (really he's nice enough to lend it to me seeing as how the NPS has my container and my new Perigee Pro is in the process of being made). It's an awesome rig. It's easy to close, opens clean, looks sharp and has been a pleasure to jump. Katie.
I agree that where you live and which FJC you take (if from a manufacturer) have a significant influence on your initial decision as to what container to buy. It doesn't have to do with which is best though.... c'mon guys... it's the PERIGEE PRO!!!
Katie "Katiemonster" Hansen Age: 19 Height and weight: 5'7" 135lbs Birthplace: Portland, OR Marital status: Unmarried but not single Occupation: Student, server Hobbies: BASE jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, snowboarding, reading, music, beer. Harness and container: Softcock by Bounceproof Rigging Parachute: Black Jack 240 by Consolidated Rigging Home dropzone: Blueskies Skydiving in Bremerton, WA Records or awards: First rollover/ double PCA three way 9/04 Pet peeves: Drama What is your favorite quote?: "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life...to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then get the whole and genuine meanness of it...or if it were sublime, to know it by experience." Thoreau What is your philosophy on life?: Do what you want to do, it's your life and you only get to live once, never stop dreaming, seize opportunities. What is something most people don’t know about you?: I looooove cookies. Who has inspired you in BASE jumping?: Chad, Dwain, Russel, Pete. What is your most memorable BASE jumping moment?: Jumping in a crazy thunder and lightening storm with SBCMac. It rained on us so hard, I have never felt more like a part of the elements instead of just an observer in awe. Describe Katie Hansen in five words or less: Dreamer, passionate, tenacious, active, student I BASE jump because… I love it.
If you PM me I will give you the phone number of the guy who makes them.
Gear checks depend on who I'm with. I always gear check myself prior to donning my rig. If I'm with someone I know will do a quality check, then I will let them if they offer. If I'm particularly scared then perhaps I will ask them just for extra reassurance. If I don't know the people I'm with very well, I just stick to self reliance. Pete: I did call you, you didn't answer but I laugh my ass off everytime I hear your voicemail... Katie. Peter, I could just see you at the visitor center asking some poor whuffo to gear check you, that would probably scare them more than help you.
Russel, That was a lot of fun watching you freefall off the jungle gym. Tom was right, that was certainly a feat of backyard engineering. Nice delay! Katie.
Hey Tom, How about "'Teh' double fist over of doom?" Dexter and I just drove to norcal and had lots of time on the road to think of silly names. Katie. I think Stefan wins quote of the weekend too, "I was just watching all this stuff unfold and was like, 'ugh'!!" as he sidefloated video of us.
Absolutely. Tom, I don't know what to say man. Thanks for your hospitality, thanks for the beer , and thank you for the amazing/really scary/way rad jump.
JT, You are selfish and disrespectful. Also, you are dishonest. The following is a quote from you while you were trying to cover your sorry-ass after the last time you were caught trying to burn our precious object. JT, you are not a polite and respectful ambassador to the sport. You disgrace the BASE community by being unethical and flagrantly disobeying very simple rules. I would be interested to hear your definition of "good person." In all seriousness, what could possibly make you think that jumping with a surf board was a good idea, especially with boats beneath the bridge? Meghan: Thanks for keeping us updated. I appreciate how much you support the BASE community, you are an asset to have at the Perrine. Katie.
I'm at a loss of words... Rest in peace, brother. Katie.
That's what I was thinking, you worded it well. I am interested in what Miles and Shane have to say. If you guys want to pull some illegal stuff, do it off a site that's already illegal. Don't mess one of our few precious legal sites up. Show a little respect for your fellow BASE jumpers and don't be selfish. Think next time before you let all the media and ego go to your heads. You are no better than any other BASE jumpers and we respect the rules so everyone can still jump, please show the same courtesy. I thought part of being a community was helping eachother, not dicking over everyone else to make yourselves look "cool" to the whuffos driving by in cars. It was obvious that what you were doing was wrong and I'm sure you knew it, you may make poor decisions, but you're not stupid. Next time show better judgement, you guys know better. Katie.
More than that, they're so light weight!
Yo Johnny! Mine were delivered today, I was sporting em around the house for awhile. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that. I can hardly wait to brake them in tonight... Katie.
Sum1, I was contemplating whether or not to purchase these pricey HanWags (or as we call them, the "Woo Tang" boots) when I read your post and called Jimmy to place my order. All I've heard is awesome things about them and how worth it they are. Thanks for the post. Katie.
Congratulations! I'm stoked for both of you. Brit, it was nice to meet you in TF. Katie.
So what if it's only Wednesday, have a beer with me
KMonster replied to WrongWay's topic in The Bonfire
Out of BEER!!!??? What happened to that case I bought you? Somebody has been having fun... -
I don't like the idea of paying someone else to pack for you. Even if it is only at certain events, or sites, it is only a matter of time before it expands. A clear line needs to be drawn to avoid any grey area as to where/when it is "okay." If a line is drawn at never, then every person who believes they are capable of BASE jumping, will learn how to pack for themselves -- BASE is not just the exit, but learning everything that goes before it too. I know someone personally who only jumps legal sites at this point due to his job. If someone was available to pack for him, he would never have to learn how to do it himself.
My father thinks everyone that BASE jumps is a drop out who likes to "make funny faces and cool hand signs." I tried explaining to him that BASE equipment doesn't advance by having a bunch of retards cut and sew fabric together. It takes innovative thinkers and engineering. Some BASE jumpers actually do have degrees and are employed, contrary to what he might believe. (He shows the common - and inaccurate, view of the BASE society). It made me curious as to what type of jobs BASE jumpers have when they are not off BASE jumping. Hence, the poll...any input would be much appreciated, I'm just trying to get a sample of people out there, thank you.
Hey Craig, I'll be there the weekend of 4/3-4/4. It will be fun jumping with you again! I'll be going with another jumper too. Katie.
Fault the Police by Corporate Avenger, awesome song.
Hehe, you are not the only one to be lured into the trap of buying this crappy game because it says "skydive" on it...You're among friends.
I finally got a job! Say hello to the newest window cleaning technician at J&R cleaning services. Crappy, yes, but it could lead to some interesting oppertunities...
I agree with the regular beer in a can so as not to waste good beer, but Miller High Life? Everyone is going to puke, that stuff is nasty! Should be funny to watch though.