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Mikey, we lost you 4 years ago tomorrow, still missing your presence in my life, but thoughts of you still bring a smile to my face and make me laugh. Does anyone have any more Mikey stories to share? Blue Skies.
Hard to believe it's been 3 years, sometimes it still seems like yesterday. Still thinking about you and missing you buddy. Love, Burrowing Betty
Happy Birthday Mikey! I know it's not until tomorrow, but I remember how you loved to celebrate for at least the whole week, sometimes even the whole month. You would always remind me that it was okay to do fun things and not get the chores done because it was your birthday (or the day before your birthday, or the day after, or your birthday weekend, or your birthday week....) Of course you did the same for everyone else and instigated as much fun around you as possible, whether we were celebrating you, me, or any one of your friends and family. I remember a little surprise party we threw for you in DC where an acomplice helped keep you away from the house for the whole day and we had all our friends come over for a little fiesta complete with sombreros. There was a chocolate cake involved and some great pics of you going at the whole cake, just a man and his fork. Sweet Life - Of course a birthday was always an occasion to head to Sweet Life in Eugene for an assortment of desserts, way more than any of us could eat, but we had to try a bunch just to get an appropriate variety. Happy Birthday and I know you are enjoying some Sweet Life right now! Love, M
OOooohh, yeah! I'll be happy to give them a rub.
Yeah for progression of jumpers. Congrats Red Shoes, Rosie and Kara!!! Sorry I had to miss it. I hope to see all of you soon. Seattle is still really sucking. blue skies and hugs, Fleeps
Okay, here's the scoop. Mike's ash dive will be this weekend on Sunday August 26 at Eugene Skydivers in Creswell, OR where he wanted it. This will be on the 1-year anniversary of his death, to the day. Everyone will meet at Eugene Skydivers hangar at 8:00/8:15 a.m. and we will have wheels up at 8:30 a.m. Spectators will caravan/carpool from the hangar to the landing field about 15 minutes from the airport. Please feel free to PM me or email me if you have questions or plan on attending and need directions. R.I.P. Mikey, no one has forgotten you or ever will. Blue Skies, Megan
I got my private pilot's license in high school and was considering flying for a career. I decided against it for several reasons, but it wouldn't have been impossible by any means. I got as far as instrument and commercial ground school. Now I just fly for fun whenever I have money left over from skydiving (HA HA HA). There are several tracks you can take to get there if you really want it. Military, 4 year degree (including ratings), schools that just get your your ratings (but at a rapid pace), down to your local FBO. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has a message board like this where you can get some good info, so join that group and start reading everything you can. I think you can even access a lot of good info on their website if you're not a member. There are several books about becoming a professional pilot and how to get there, how to get jobs, what kinds of jobs are available, etc. so check out your local bookstore or library. They have a lot of good resources. As for job prospects, many of the other posters are correct, you may end up finding it difficult to get a good paying job for quite a while. However, if it's really something you are passionate about and don't have a lot of expenses (old student debt), it will probably be a sacrifice you can deal with. I have a friend who started by flying skydivers (after he got his commercial) and from there went on to fly humanitarian aid missions in Darfur/Sudan, then flew in the Carribean, and is now flying in Greece. There are lots of options, you just have to be willing to work hard and keep your eyes open for good opportunities. GOOD LUCK!!! DON"T GIVE UP IF IT'S WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO DO!!!!! (Be realistic, but don't let the pessimists discourage you too much) blue skies, flygrrrl95
I remember your dad, he was a great guy! I'm sure it's still hard to be without him, I'm so sorry for your loss!!! blue skies, Megan (Burrowing Betty - back then)
I guess that's why it's call the PRACTICE of medicine and the PRACTICE of law, eh???
lawrocket, how long have you been practicing?
I loved that future interest stuff. It was like a little puzzle you could diagram. Life in being plus 21 years anyone??? Contingent remainder subject to condition precedent? Was that executory interest shifting or springing? I still haven't figured out why you needed to name them like that. It didn't seem to make too much difference in the outcome of a case, just a test to see if you could figure out what to call it. I don't think I could even do it now, I think I've forgotten everything I learned in law school. Oh well, that's what we have Deskbooks for right?
I haven't been much of a poster either and probably won't become one. I do lurk and read from time to time though. I'll definitely admit I was hesitant about admitting my lawyerlyness, but then again I'm proud to have made it to this point so I don't care too much when the "lawyers are scum" bit comes up. I'm glad to know you're out there. Skydivers seem to need a lot of free criminal defense advice and family law help as well.
But people don't usually "hate" doctors and nurses, like they claim to hate lawyers. However you're right about everyone wanting free stuff, no matter who its from.
Washington - our bar exam was all essay, so no MBE for me. Not sure if that's better or worse.
Good luck on the bar! I took this last winter bar. Totally sucked! 2 weeks left? Just do what the review course tells you to do, other than that, just don't go crazy. I know, easier said than done. IP law, sounds like you may be of some use to those Engineering/Science types.