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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Chicago
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    Formation Skydiving

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  1. hey all, I'm new to the site, but have enough jumps to get my A license (jus havent taken a packing class yet). Anyway, I was wondering if there was some sort of car pool list for cities so it doesn't cost so much to get out to the DZ. Is there anything like that around? Rich
  2. how can you tell if a canopy is made from F111 or Z-P?
  3. hey all, I'm new to the sport (just got my A license a few weeks ago) and was looking to get my own gear and am completely overwhelmed. I weigh 210 and have been jumping with a Hornet 230 at my dropzone for the past few jumps with pretty good results. I was thinking that I should get something between a 210 and 230, but wasn't sure if 210 was pushing it too far. I am looking to do both free flying and relative work, and will probably downsize after next year onceI get a few hundred jumps in, so don't need anything that is going to last. Here is what I have seen so far: 1. Raider 220 w/ Dolphin container 2. PD 230 w/ Dolphin (D-4) container 3. PD 230 w/ Dolphin (D-6) container 4. Vector V9. 235 Falcon249 Raven III reserve. Cypres AAD (thats all it says) 5. Falcon 215, Vector V-5 ½ 6. PD 210, vector 2 I've read some things on here about gear in general, but have no clue when it comes to what brands are good in general or good for specific ttypes of flying. Thanks for all the help. Rich