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  1. Franko


    So, does most of you not have any special base insurance?! Or do you?
  2. Do one know what he is accused of and what conseqences will come?
  3. Franko

    special toggles

    Hello! I read something about special toggles used in BASE. Something like "line release toggles" (to deal a line over) and too "big grabb toggles". I doesnt know much about BASE now but for me it seem making sense. What do you guys think about these stuff? You recommend any? Why (not)? What one are the best? Is a combination of "line release" and "big grabb" there? Thanx
  4. Franko

    time to pull?

    hello i m very new and has a question: how do expereinced base-jumpers know when to pull? do them count? do them see it? only i know by skydiving it is al most imposible to see it. is this different in base because the jumper closer to earth? thank you franko