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    Eden North
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  1. In the vein of MoodySkyDiver I just call my car "my car" or if it's a particularly good day "my baby" Maybe when I finish lowering it and changing it up a bit I'll come up with a good name ;) 2003 Nissan SER Spec V.
  2. I got my nostril pierced on Saturday actually.....my piercer recommended cleaning 2x day with sea salt water and that's IT. No rotating, nothing.....everything else I see says to rotate the jewellery but he recommended just leaving it alone *shrug*..... not sure what the best course would be, what worked the best for you? I'm paranoid about infection.... Don't have pics here (I'm at work) but will post later on when I get home.
  3. Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes :). Sorry, I can't remember who mentioned it, but the Canadian/Alaskan invasions was mentioned to me, I don't think I'll have the $$$ to go this year, as tempting as it is. Probably consider it next year, for sure :). I took my first (and hopefully last ) IAD today - there are some good and bad things about my first IAD :) Took the course, not nervous at all, very busy on the DZ today so didn't get up until around 4:30 after all was said and done. Very surprised how heavy the parachute was (tandem last weekend, didn't need to carry it ;). Went to exit the plane, I was quite scared by this point , got the first leg, both arms out holding the prop, second leg out on the wheel but put my foot in at a funny angle and had trouble dislodging it to let go. While I was concentrating on my stupid foot, my hands slipped on the prop. Thought about trying to correct position for a minute before deciding it was futile as my hands were continuing to slip, and just deciding to go. Arched, chute up, looked up and had a few lovely line twists . Bad - my exit could have been much more graceful. Good - recovered composure enough to have a great arch, took care of the line twists, and actually landed on my feet for two steps before falling . This was a much different experience than my tandem!! LOL. I thought for sure they would have said I needed another IAD due to my exit, but I was rated good, and I've been cleared to start AFF. While I was thinking about waiting until spring, the instructor said that my arch was great and I could start right away. Anyone have experience with both, and what do you think is better? I didn't like no freefall so I'm really tempted just to start on AFF and get a couple in and maybe just take a refresher before I start again next year.
  4. Thanks so much! I'm a happy girl today - I rescheduled my jump course and IAD to this Sunday, so I'll get this one and at least one more in before end of season :)
  5. Hi!! I'm a newbie too, took my first tandem last weekend, already booked my training and first IAD for October 19th (although would love to change it to this weekend - it seems so far away!) - plan to go for my AFF next summer. So far, my only regret was that I waited until the end of the season to jump - I had to be convinced and now I really wish I had started earlier and had the whole summer. Living here in Alberta it gets cold early and my DZ closes for the season October 31. Now I have to wait 9 MONTHS to start again