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Everything posted by ripper0289

  1. Two words: Dirty Sanchez.
  2. Number 2, definitely. And I'd go with all black, colors will fade and you'd only have to get them shaded again. See if the artist can do the whole thing with an outline brush, it will hurt like hell, but will keep its definition longer. I'd like to put a pic of my nursing tattoo up, I've got a big R and N under a caudeceus thing, done all in black, it's six years old and still looks sharp.
  3. I'm sooo jealous, both of the weather and the landing! Congratulations are in order!
  4. ripper0289

    Lamb Stew

    Tell me, Clarise, have the lambs stopped screaming?
  5. What would I like to see happen? Execution via transfusion of pig's blood. What I hope will happen? Trial in an Islamic court in a liberated Iraq.
  6. I just want to say thank you to all the members of the Armed Forces, and congratulations on a job well done. I am proud to call my self a sailor, even though I got out to join civilian life, my brothers and sisters have made me proud today.
  7. I wish I would have thought about the Bonehead before I went ahead and bought my Z-1, really stinks not being able to wear my glasses, but other than that, I love my helmet. Now I only need to find a good artist to airbrush it.
  8. Stay safe, do a HALO jump, and of course, get good enough to be a professional skydiver and ditch my current job
  9. I only have six jumps so far, five from a KingAir 99, one from a C-182, I loved the Cessna jump, something about standing out there was just too cool not to love.
  10. Closed timelike curves. Get two cosmic strings rotating around each other and they could warp space-time enough to allow travel backward through time. Purely hypothetical, of course, but damn cool nonetheless.
  11. I love all animals. Especially with mashed potatos and gravy. The billboard, however, is kinda clever.
  12. I'm the next best thing to a newbie, I'm an AFF, and I, too, am drunk. Good on ya, mate.
  13. I know Kung Fu (Morpheus says) Show me. Edit to add: I've never been to a boogie, so I'd probably be too geeked at meeting a bunch of cool people to want to fight ( and trying to talk to the skydiving girls ) Second edit to add: Tyler Durden says "Use soap"
  14. Mathematics are the language of the Universe. I wish more people would realize that there can be (gasp) beauty in mathematics. Seeing this was very refreshing, thanks, Quade.
  15. I can't take credit for this one, I pulled it off of, but I'll post it in order to ingratiate myself with the badger community
  16. It's not me, so I don't know if it counts, but this is my fave pic so far. Greg, the kick ass photographer from Skydive PA landing. I like it because the background is just a bit blurred, he shows up nicely, nice view of his flare.
  17. ripper0289


    My first g/f in the Navy was a welder, she was also a ballerina. Yum.
  18. That had to be the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Where do I get a badger shirt?!? Also cool.
  20. Set up a community in MSN, ala my community, I know I need more skydiving stuff on it, but I'm working on it
  21. Sorry if this gives me away as a total noob, but what is Badger Badger?
  22. T-shirt? Hell ya I'd buy a few!
  23. I always wondered how much help playing realistic flight simulators would help in a hypothetical, there's a giant fireball approaching and the only way out is a helicopter situation. I've never flown a helo, I've never even been in one, but what they hey, I'll have a go at it (Can you imagine that waiver, never flown, here's the stick, please don't crash my bird)
  24. Mass produced fruitcakes, nasty stuff, I agree. Homemade fruitcakes, though, are relatively easy to make, taste really, really good, and did I mention that to "preserve" them, you get to spray brandy on them every few days? Give fruitcake a chance