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Everything posted by ripper0289

  1. I really misinterpreted the title of this post, Tuna, man in the little boat... Sorry, just my gutter mind
  2. If someone commits the ultimate crime, they should pay the ultimate price.
  3.,,FOOD_9936_8157,00.html Real fruitcake can be Good Eats.
  4. chemtrails. I also think that rods are real.
  5. As long as you take just enough to get rid of the pain, you should be ok. The way it was explained to me in nursing school is that if you take more than is necessary, then addiction becomes a distinct possibility.
  6. Ok all, I have a question. I live in Pennsylvania and the winter is rolling through here. I jump from Skydive PA, I'm still an AFF student, and my question is this: If I make a roadtrip to a DZ, do you think that they'll let me jump at my level? Will I have to do some kind of proof jump? Edit: I have my USPA membership card.
  7. I went ahead and bought a Z1 helmet after my first jump, so unless I sell it (unlikely), I'm stuck with the Skytronic, I knew when I bought it that I wouldn't have an audible for a long time, but I went ahead and got the helmet with the Skytronic option. I really hope I like it
  8. ripper0289

    More choices

    Unless our definitions of sport are really different, I thought that the choice was sex or meeting Dubya. Hell, I'd even choose meeting Clinton, not every day an ex-Squid gets to meet the Commander in Chief.
  9. Centripetal, centrifigal, feh, it's all just fancy names for inertia. " A centrifugal force is a force on an object that tends to move it away from a center of rotation and always results from the inertia of the object. Inertia is the property of an object proportional to mass that opposes acceleration. A centripetal force is a force on an object that tends to move it toward a center of rotation and can be a result of gravitation, electricity, or any other naturally occurring force."
  10. ripper0289

    More choices

    Sorry, I gotta go with meeting Dubya.
  11. Addiction is an illness, just like diabetes or cancer or heart disease. It can be treated like a disease and it can be fatal like a disease, but addiction isn't something that makes you any less of a person.
  12. I haven't been able to figure that one out for the life of me, but now that I know the title of the song, well, kazaa lite++ here I come, Thanks mucho!
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excuse my ignorance (still a rookie). Don't ever think that you can't ask questions in this sport. This sport relies on the passing on of information about fine detail. There are no dumb questions, the only dumb thing is when someone hurts themselves because they don't ask. No matter how many jumps I have I will always ask questions and I learn from people who have less jumps than myself. *** One thing I've found out about skydivers is that they're kinda like amatuer astronomers, the good ones really like answering questions and being able to share their experiences. Now that winter's here and I probably won't see my DZ for a while (cough, ROAD TRIP cough), I've been asking my questions here. I certainly appreciate everyones input.
  14. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disagree. I might like her if she bought me a complete rig, paid for my AFF, and maybe threw in a few hundred jumps (I'd never say no to a sugar momma), but other than that, she doesn't really do anything for me. I can't remember the name of the song, but I remember a lyric to the effect of "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine".
  15. The only "definite" plan I have is for my container, I really want a Mirage G4. I'm gonna hafta save quite a few pennies for that, so hopefully I can find a decent used main, I'm thinking somewhere around 190 sq.ft. And with this damnable winter, it looks like I won't be able to spend a whole bunch of money on the rest of my AFF for a while (then again, there's always road trips )
  16. Excellent choice. Also, pretty much anything by R.A. Salvatore, Drizzt Do'Urden is one of my favorite protagonists of all time.
  17. Where's the "I don't care, I'll be watching wrestling" button? WWE~boo ya
  18. I couldn't agree more. I only know one person (personally) that can wear the wings of Army Airborne, and it's not me.
  19. If ad aware doesn't remove it, you may either have a virus, which is bad but kinda easily fixable, go to, they should have an online virus scan(free), or you may have had your registry changed, which is bad and a pain in the ass to fix. I had my registry corrupted, I had to reformat my hard drive to finally get rid of it. Good Luck.
  20. I think I'm close to understanding what women want. It's a theory I have been working on since I turned 21: They want everything, and they want it delivered. j/k, I love all yinz ladies
  21. Tonight on MSNBC at 9 PM EST: National Geographic Ultimate Explorer Women Smokejumpers 60 mins. Lisa Ling chronicles the lives of female “smokejumpers”---firefighters who undergo intense physical and technical training to battle wildfires in the American West. I watched (and recorded ) the skydiving show on Discovery Wings~it rocked. Skydive chicks are teh coolest.
  22. Cool Video! And yeah, the shot from the ground showing everyone tracking away was worth the download.
  23. 1: I did my first jump because I'm terrified of heights, I wanted to test myself, face my fears and overcome them~now I'm addicted and can't wait for the next time I can look down 13500 ft and jump. 2: N/A~but I promised my roommate he can have my computer if anything untoward should happen. You're gonna love it!
  24. Billvon, I think you're not catching the meaning of what he was saying, IMHO, he is stating that he shouldn't be prosucuted as a drug dealer, he has plenty of money and doesn't need to sell drugs. I'm about as big a fan of Rush as anyone, but I gotta say, if he broke the law, he should recieve whatever punishment the court deems appropriate.