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JoeWeber last won the day on December 8 2024

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    Cypres 2

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  1. This is what happens when you join the party late: you know nothing about the other attendees and would have been wise to keep your counsel. You didn't. So you had a quadruple bypass, that's a big deal. Are you lean and mean or just another fat old retired cop?
  2. You will never understand because folks like you are the problem. Try this, as an example give up your unneeded arsenal and tell people your did. Not here, but when you have a few jumps and are invited to hang at the real DZ bonfire (as I suggested previously) where you can then use your street cred to have the bully pulpit you sought here. But you won't because you believe more guns will solve the more gun problem. And that is the problem.
  3. JoeWeber

    So Long

    You are up to three jumps and pack jobs.
  4. JoeWeber

    So Long

    You are hilarious. You've persistently pretended that we were a bunch of misguided idiots not worth your time but now that the bell tolls you have been posting prolifically, if angrily and obtusely, before your time here ends too. Good for you that now not a single one of we pathetic libtardians will be asking for your never to be provided "overwhelming evidence" for God or anything else. Enjoy the silence.
  5. Just because you stumble face forward into a pile of horseshit doesn't mean there’s a nice pony nearby.
  6. Cross the line and you'll want to burn me, or stone me, or whatever is the currently popular Christian solution to social problems. I have Christian friends who are nothing like the mean, hateful, Christians here. I don't believe what they believe but I know they're good people at heart. Some of you folks, not at all.
  7. But it doesn't exist overwhelmingly. So there!
  8. Less guns. No concealed carry. Car guns in the trunk. The elimination of cops who think gun jokes with their employers are funny and who want everyone to have all of the guns they want in the glove box, under the seat and between their legs.
  9. As a one jump wonder you are forgiven for being ignorant of skydiving terminology. And you are shocked? Please don’t be, instead please know that cops making jokes with a traffic stop driver about not pulling his gun is flat detestable, outside of your corner of west world that is.
  10. The point is that this is neither or I think it fantastic that folks with a starting jump want to get more involved in skydiving but that is not what you are doing and is also why there is a bonfire thread. Seems to me that you just dropped in from nowhere in the sites final minutes to give us like 35 last minute posts about how we need stingers and fighter jets to protect ourselves from a tyrannical phantom government. Of course that is shop worn bullshit. And, be it my opinion, I absolutely think gun nut cops are a bad choice.
  11. Mr. Hissone, Sir, you are a one jump wonder taking a chance at 15 minutes of fame on a soon to be dead skydiving blog. Show some respect, please. I haven't countered you because you do naught but spout the same I want my guns because I want my guns bullshit that comes non-stop from your sort. You were a 30 year cop but so what? Well, one so what is the comment you made where, when in a traffic stop where the citizen said they have a gun, your canned response was you keep yours where it is and I will too with mine (sic). I suppose that's because in By God South Carolina where everyone has a gun it's funny. In the real world it's sick. You are not only seriously wrong on the issues and statistics, you are also the absolutely wrong person to have been a cop. Please go back to your right wing cop blogs, you aren't getting any takers here at the Speakers Corner hospice.
  12. Ron Brother, like it was imagined in the Greek Icarus myth, the NASA Parker Solar Probe just touched our Suns outer atmosphere, the Corona, traveling at 430,000 miles per hour and surviving temperatures of 982 degrees Celsius. If your Bible predicted things like this you'd have a case to make. But it doesn't, just as it doesn't predict in detail all of the rest of things that happened after a supposed virgin gave birth to a dark skinned illegal immigrant 2000 years ago. I hope your beliefs serve you well until you go to the same annihilation as the rest of us hominids but please know that no matter how many times you post such nonsense, or how hallowed the day is to so many, it is still nonsense. I hope you are happy these days, no matter. Joe
  13. Oh, you won't be rid of me that easily. Bill, thank you kindly for all of the knowledge and wisdom you've shared here, and, too often in my case, extreme forbearance. Truly, it is the irony of my life that someone who has such a difficult time following simple rules would end up being a DZO in charge of making others follow simple rules, but there it is. I think now is the time to say goodbye to so many of you, along with a huge thank you for all of the interesting conversations, thoughts and mostly, the opportunities to question my own held views. That is truly a valuable gift and one worth acknowledging on this, the eve before the day of gift giving. If anything I've had to say here had any more than comedic value to anyone, be assured that in exchange I most certainly received the better end of the trade. I wish everyone here without exception the happiest of holidays and that safety and good fortune are your rewards to come. Thanks for the good times, Joe
  14. A fantasy laid onto a fantasy. You truly have no depth.