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Everything posted by ramon

  1. Dave and Spizzarko are right, get a re-line. Ask the person doing it to not "sew" your brake lines but to tie a knot so that you can let the brake lines out a little if you need to. Then if under your canopy in full flight up high if you look at your brake lines with no toggle pressure there should be a bow (i.e. they should not be pulling tension on the tail in a full forward flight). If you pull double fronts to simulate getting drive in higher winds and look up at your canopy it should not buffet...if they do let the brake lines out like 1 inch. Properly trimmed your canopy should allow a smooth double front. After you find a sweet spot where your canopy is not buffeting, you can get a rigger to sew your lines if you wish. On some canopies you may have to let it out 2 inches (if the canopy gets tension in the tail when you do this, but does not buffet that is fine). Experienced swoopers often let ther break lines out much further as they not only wish their canopy to not buffet, but to reatain an efficient shape when they perform front riser turns. Not only do they not want their canopy to buffet but they want it not to pull down the tail (adds drag). This is good for small canopies swooping but maybe not ideal for a typical jumper. I have a VX where the brakes are let out about 5 inches, the canopy does not buffet or even deform when I pull doulbe fronts...but that is for swooping. And I have to flare past my hips to get a full flare. I also have a PD vengeance and when I pull double fronts my tail is deflected, but I have no buffeting, so I leave it (this is my "need a safe parachute" canopy). It is easy to get a full flare on this one and it flies perfectly. If this does not help talk to a rigger (prefferably one that is up on newer canopies). ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  2. Tagle came out of nowhere and got 4th at freestyle and 5th at Wildwood. He is good ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  3. Way to go Jason. Lots of hard work and study there.... ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  4. They are extremely similar in construction minus the air locks. I have jumped both, however I jumped the vengenace loaded many times at 1.6 wl and once at 1.8 (max placarded w/l). I have jumped the katana a few times loaded at 2.0. The katana opened similarly but with out the off heading surge that I have experienced and many reported on the vengeance. both dive very hard but at 1.8 the vengenace will pull out of double fronts on a dive, albeit it is a much longer dive than a stilleto and similar to an FX. The katana (107 loaded at 2.0) stayed in double fronts forever after a very hard dive, until speed bled off, and so is more forgiving in a turn initiated too high. I thought the katana performed like a tweaked out vengenace with out the bad tendencies of the vengeance. both are good however the katana is pretty expensive and it is easy to get a cheap used vengeance. You can probably get a slightly better swoop out of a katana since it is easier to reach top speed, either canopy is limited by their non cross braced inefficiences. I liked both very much, have a vengeance as my back up canopy, but would prefer a katana if given the choice ramon. "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  5. Thanks Yo! Special thanks to Todd Spillers at Aggieland for getting a Skyvan..w00t!! Anomaly(Spaceland) and Vibe (Skydive Dallas) kicked total ass. Texas had (3 freefly teams, freestyle (us), and a sky surf)..Wow! That was fun , Don't know if I want to do it again, but it was cool. Ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  6. thanks for a great boogie Todd. Will be back next year, fun jumping instead of training. Ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  7. w00t w00t w00t See Ya'll tonight. Ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  8. 270s can be difficult to dial in if you are trying to reach max speed and be accurate (i.e. swoop in traffic or over a target). I would go back to 180s until you have your accuracy and turn altitude dialed in so that it is second nature. P.S. at about 1000 jumps I started to go to 270s (loaded at 2.1) when I was qualifying for the PST. Jim Slaton told me to stick with 180s that he had won quite a few compeitions with 180s. I have only in the last 200 jumps begun using 270s. ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  9. w00t w00t w00t. party time. "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  10. Whos going to Perris? I think Anomaly, the Gravity Rats, Houston Breakfast Club (us) and Team Vibe are going from Texas. anyone want to drink some beer? ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  11. I got a lot out of these posts and the PMs. You guys are very helpful. I think Im going to get excited about skydiving again (after nationals anyway) thanks ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  12. All racers except Levin's suck for freeflying. Actually I've only seen Levin's riser cover open once. He takes very good care of it and keeps his velcro clean. If you can't have Levin's rig get a Javelin........ NOT well their great for swooping if their not articulated... ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  13. cool video of the pressureized suit from Brento (34 seconds). ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  14. Yo Zaky. You a Kiwi now? maybe you could fly a classic while someone else was on a gti but you can track 2 miles in freefly pants and a tee shirt. hahaha Im going to see how the phoenix fly ones do at terminal and then either try one of those or get a GTi.. see-ya ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  15. Hey all. I have 0 wing suit jumps. A very nice girl at my DZ just got a classic that will fit me and she may let me try it out and there are a couple of folks with about 100 combined jumps to help me. I'm sort of bored right now and I suspect I will really like wingsuit flying. If I like it, is it normal to do say 12 jumps on a classic then buy a skyflyer3 or a matter or Phoenix fly (when available) or is it best to buy a mid range suit (GTI). Lurking here I do see some people that have say 20-30 total birdman jumps and have a skyflyer 3. I'm conditioned to think like its a high performance canopy even though it isn't. is the learning curve such that I can save my money and buy the best suit after a dozen jumps or so? Or does this require expert instruction from a coach? thanks all. Sorry about the noob question. Ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  16. My bad Sep 11-12th. No details..they do have a 350' swoop ditch though...it is loooooong. "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  17. try and be a little smoother on a rear riser swoop..you'll keep your speed up longer. when your up high stall that puppy on rears (at low speed and high speed) so you know where the stall point is. Looks like you're doing good Are you coming to Spaceland on Sep 10-11 for the swoop contest? ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  18. Man, sorry to hear that. are you going to Perris around Nationals time? ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  19. I have a few humdred jumps on a ven 135 loaded at about 1.65. I never had any hard openeings except from really horrible pack jobs. Im used to canopies that turn much worse on opening so to me the vengeance 's off heading openings are rather mild. If you like the way it flies you will like a katana and it opens a little better. I jumped one loaded at 2.0 it opened great (basically on heading) and it dove hard like a vengeance. You could also try a competition cobalt 120 it has a flatter glide than a vengeance but the riser pressure is lighter so you can hold it in a dive longer. ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  20. This doesn't really answer your question..but on the bridge day lemmings video someone throws a waded up extreme FX (neatly folded but still a wad) in to the air as they jump that was like 900 feet from the ground. they kicked out of line twists then landed in the water. My room mate has a video of a guy direct bagging some sort of cross brace canopy I think it is a VX (468 feet above the water). This fellow barely cleared his toggles and it was time to flare. The direct bagged canopy definitely opened better than the wad. Team Extreme direct bagged that VX 39 out the door of the otter. I am unsure whether the d-bag should be disconnected from the main and kept in the hands of the assistant or if they should just let the bridle get pulled out of their hands as the canopy pilot jumps and reaches line stretch. The base forums may have some good advice. "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  21. If you know who Glen Danzig is check this out http://satanjr.com/0704/ktfo.wmv or do a search on google on Glenn danzig fight. funniest thing I ever saw. I saw him in concert like 18 years ago and still like a couple of his songs. Mini Evil Elvis must have gotten a little dose or roid rage mixed with his Napoleon complex ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  22. I just heard via word of mouth. friends, blues skies, and white clouds... we're all with you..... ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  23. Thanks I'm no rigger and jumpshack's instructions were a little confusing. Good pics. Ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  24. Cool I wonder if it will be hard with 550 spectra...heh heh I read the instructions, somewhat confusing... There is a jump shack dealer in town I'll ask him if I see him ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.
  25. Has anyone looked at the finger trapped lines on a Jump Shack FireBolt? Apparently there are no stiches in any of the lines. The lines have a sort of complex double finger trap. it is supoosed to be very strong. Any opinions? thanks Ramon "Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.