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Everything posted by Phillbo

  1. Phillbo


    Ask your Instructor ... I mean Doctor.
  2. It could be a good thing for the Tandem business at Skydive Arizona.
  3. Is that anything like an anal probe
  4. Last year was an unusual winter in Az... Much colder than the norm.
  5. Phillbo

    Big Mac
  6. I'm just glad that my 7am meeting will move to 8 am on Monday.
  7. come to Scottsdale, the flying weather is perfect.
  8. Phillbo


    Left over Beer Butt Chicken
  9. Sign up here and post your problem in the forum. Be prepared to be told to stop buying crap from the pool store.. Bleach , Baking Soda and Acid is all you need to maintain a pool once you get it balanced. Mine is salt water so i don't even need bleach
  10. Poppers rock .. I made a batch last weekend !! STuff 'em with mushrooms and cream cheese and wrap in bacon
  11. The cash is treated the same as the card. If it is not removed from the slot in a reasonable time, it will be sucked back in and the transaction credited to your account. There was a scam running for a while where people were requesting the max amount and when the money was dispensed they would peel the upper and lower bill back , grab the inner bills and pull them out, wait a couple secs and the money would be sucked back in and credited. Then they would repeat the same transaction to make it appear like they did not get cash the first time.
  12. Put it in the dishwasher...but DO NOT use any soap. That may damage it
  13. I see fires south of the border .. Is Rosarito burning ?
  14. Did you figger that out by chance? not by chance, just realized that almost all the right answers were the top one.... also you don't have to click 'next', just hit your enter key... makes it quicker.
  15. just select the top answer every time and you can go on forever.
  16. You can get the Melantonin at Trader Joe's as well..
  17. In Scottsdale, Az the homes at the upper end of the market are still strong (million plus) but the mid range stuff is backing off a bit in price and sitting for a while. When I made my step up in the market 4 years ago, houses were selling in hours, not days. I found on that had fallen out of escrow and snapped it up before it went back on the market at a reduced price. I also locked in a 30year fixed at 5.125% so I plan to sit tight for a while and watch the bounce off the bottom and the return of a good market.
  18. fuggin' reply button is gonna get my in box flooded with pics of some ugly mofo with a hairy ass Please.... some fine chicas need to save me !!!
  19. I think you're all smokin' hot... stop the silly talk.. and send pics