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Everything posted by skyd

  1. skyd


    Hi, >Great canopy really. I can even pack it too! Seems small for the quoted footage though. Parachute de France has a different method of measuring the area. I compared my Electra 150 to a Sabre 150 and 135, and it's comparable to the 135 Sabre. I think PD takes the average of topskin and bottomskin (probably inflated) and PdF mesures topskin uninflated. skydaemon
  2. skyd


    Hi all, This weekend I've got 8 jumps on my new Electra 150 (total of 11 jumps on it). When you leave the nose hanging open, just roll the tail a little, you get a shorter snivel without loosing to much altitude (~700 ft). The heading can easily be controlled with rear risers. Doing 360 degree toggle turns you can burn up altitude (compared to the 190 Merit I was jumping before). When I first tested front riser behaviour up high, I was a bit uncomfortable because the chute was breathing (pumping spanwise), but after my rigger/instructor had tested the chute, he told me this was nothing unusual (just unused for me). Toggle lines are not to short, we checked this out. So I tried some front riser turns, front riser speed ups (I dont know how to call it when you pull the two front risers down symetrically) and it behaved fine. On landing it likes to surf but still stays forgiving when flaring too soon and you must land close to the stall point. BTW my exit weight is 172 lb. electra in two words: fun & safety blue sky skydaemon
  3. skyd


    Hi BPO, I've just got my Electra 150, weather permitted me only one jump now. It opens softly, long snivel (I was used to the Merit), very responsive on toggles, stable at stalling point and forgiving landings. Too soon to say anything about frontriser feeling. When I've got a couple of jumps, I will give a follow up. The Sabre 150 I demo'd required too much of toggle pressure, and was not very responsive. BTW: I'm loading it at 1.13 Blue sky