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  1. disrespect...but you may want to doubt the reliability, experience and/or knowledge of your source. I don't want to single you out...this goes for everyone else as well...but I thought better of you than passing RUMORS. I may be wrong...but to the best of my knowledge...only 6 BASE jumpers actually watched it happen...myself being one of them...if there was another...they were not on the bridge...maybe there was one at the lookout? All of the jumpers at the top when it happened are close friends, who traveled to Perrine with Jason...and are all in agreement that it was NOT a low pull. If your source says otherwise...ask them where they were...and I know, without doubt...that myself and 5 others, had a much better view, not to mention, a chance to review the video before turning it over to the police. Please be carefull of what you may place your own reliability in question. I can say with 100% certainty "it was NOT an over delay".......can you?
  2. MDK

    Twin Falls Clarification

    I was with Jason Corcoran last Thur. at Perrine. I would like to clear up one thing. It was NOT a low pull. I was NOT a low pull. Jason was using a 42 inch, ZP pilot chute with a 9' bridle. It was a 2.7-3 second delay. I am positve that the pilot chute was out within 3 seconds. Remember...before you make a statement about something you did not see with your own two are relying on the media and rumors for your info...stop and think before you speak or pass judgement. For those of you attending Bridge aware that close personal friends of Jason will be never know who will be standing next to you. Blue skies Jason...thanks for all the great times!