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Everything posted by Firemage

  1. My thoughts are with you, get well soon
  2. LOL I use firemage cos 1) my first name is very distinctive and would prefer spam mail not to go to home email! and 2) It describes my interests pretty well - fantasy/sci fi stuff eg. movies, books etc My not online nickname is made up from pronouncing a bit of my first name incorrectly - juice/deuce however you want to spell it.
  3. I resemble that remark! Also, CSR is Colonial Sugar Refiners if you're here.
  4. LOL! I think either you or me buying each other a beer is pretty impossible looking at our locations! Still, being serious for a sec, does height or weight of the passenger make a difference on how you exit?
  5. I disagree. For some girls it makes ALL the difference....Crazy hormones! Honestly? All the girls I know go crazy for sex just before their periods, yes me too.
  6. During the hook-up I get on my knees and have the passenger sit on my lap You couldn't buy me a beer first?
  7. Hi elpeludo Just to let you know what recently happened in Melb, Australia. Triple M (radio station) had a number of people go and do naked skydiving a couple of weeks ago :) I think they got some freebie stuff for it. You're definitely not alone if you do it. Good luck! :D
  8. Hangover's don't hurt unless you mix drinks! Sheesh! I thought everyone knew that. Currently looking up places to go and do jumps, weather's picking up ..heh..
  9. And the GI Joe got stuck...
  10. HEHEHEHE, don't think I haven't thought of that! For a boy who rides like a devil on a motorbike you'd think he would be a bit more adventurous!
  11. Hi guys/gals/all I'm yet another newbie... I'm from Australia. And all you Aussies - aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi Sorry! Anyway. I'm a newbie who hasn't started skydiving yet but it's something I've wanted to do forever! I'm currently saving for a course and checking out all the different places that I can go in Melbourne or Victoria. At this stage it'll be a tandem, I'll see how I go after that and see if I can talk my hubby into letting me take it further! Anyway, stay safe and see you all later.