I will be at Eloy most of march Jumping, Tunneling and Drinking,
Is Anyone keen to get some freefly jumps in and have a beer..Or two?
Cheers Hopey
Will you be Freeflying?
I have bought a set of Skins (sports recovery tights). Aswell as preventing chaff they also apparently assist in muscle recovery and keep you warm. They are expensive though. No experience with them yet will know by march!
I'm learning to freefly at Az from March 5th till April 1st might see you there?
Does anyone know what the cypress codes mean?
I was turning on my cypress 2 the other day it counted down to about 6 i think then (3333) flashed
and it turned off. I turned it back on and it was fine.
Have done 4 jumps since then and had no problems.