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  1. Actually, I think I will make one more tandem. For the VERY simple reason the first 3 to 4 seconds of my first one was - let's say a blurrrrrrrrrr.. wonder why??? Then start my Student activites with AFF or static line... which way would you suggest??/
  2. Why I waited until I was almost 47 years old to experience this is beyond me !!!!! Saturday was my first tandem progressive jump and wow !!!!!(And that will NOT be my last jump).. Never experienced anything even close to that Rush.. Still don't think I've come down from that High!!! Skydive Headland (Alabama) was a great group of guys and girls.. made the experience perfectly non-stressful and super enjoyable.. Jumped at 10,500ft and got to experience FreeFall (Hell No, Flying!!!!!) to 4,500ft.. Perfectly blue skies, very little haze. as if you could see for ever.. Under canopy was great also, assisted in guiding our chute down. Another great experience with the turns and moves we made on the way down... After Stepping back onto Earth, and I do mean stepping...and After my yell of excitement... It was easy to look up and think of the quote that I have read from experienced skydivers !!! "That is why birds sing" If you didn't pick up on it ??? I did have a somewhat enjoyable time Saturday !! later gary
  3. I will be making my first tandem progression jump this Saturday. 47 years old, and have been listening to my father talk about his 82nd Airborne days long enough.. Can not stand it any longer.. Excitement for certain.. 116 hours and counting !